So how is this new A³ different from or better than the old PCU? Back in mid-2022 I was an active and pro-active member in a PCU guild, Azure Dawn, and while most people in the PCU were pleasant to be around, there was an extremely active unpleasant clique near the core. Then one day the following thread happened:
A bunch of PCU members, many on alt accounts, absolutely laying into this Sígtryggr person for over two thousand comments. I don’t care how repulsive Sígtryggr is or isn’t, but the amount of cyberbullying in that thread was entirely unwarranted. This cyberbullying included an unacceptable amount of racism and racial slurs towards Sígtryggr, whom they allege has an Irish Traveller background.
When I asked the at-the-time GM of Azure Dawn to address this harassment, she was unable to get much of anything done. Worse, her co-GM was actively participating in this harassment under an alias, and she was unable to get him to stop harassing. When I made a stink of this situation on the PCU Discord (one short message, @everyone, very improper of me, I know), I got spammed with abuse, kicked and banned from the PCU, and had sexual harassment private-messaged to me.
It’s been two years, but holy hell, I’m not sure how a community can make a comeback from that amount of toxicity.
Did anything change? Would that behaviour be acceptable today? Am I still banned? Would anything be done to cull the toxicity if the same were to happen today, and Azure Dawn’s GM (or another GM; whatever) raised the matter again? Would I be banned again if I called out cyberbullying?
If you lot still have the same Discord server, my Discord name is bananananas. You can probably find the abuse I received in the archives. For transparency’s sake, this is also the character that was in Azure Dawn.
edit: Illynore remove your damned like. Unlike you, I am actually interested in answers to these questions.