A thread which should be unnecessary: OOCers

ok ive put the normal game on download so hopefully tommorrow i can play :slight_smile:thnx


Yeah it’s absolutely big, we talking 130+ members.
Here is the forum thread for PCU itself.


You’ll likely find the MRP or TRP add on’s to be useful if you’re going to have a punt at RPing, They’re pretty memory light, so shouldn’t cause any problems. They’re not compulsory by any means,but allow you to flesh out your character a bit more,plus (with the best will in the world) it tends to be a sign that someone is an RP’er or interested in learning the ropes.


you do addons by the twitch app? i need to install that too, thnx :slight_smile:
is this the only group on the real game or is there others?

People are confrontational because after months or even years of disruption to a hobby they enjoy people tend to get bored of reposting the same friendly measured responses

You’re reading it right now, so you tell me


lol i get it
you posted that thing megnarosh linked, are you their leader then? of the group?

There are others, but I don’t think any can rival in size, activity, and quality.

This is the big man, yes.

There’s others too. Honestly once you have the normal game, try and see what fits you best. Most rp’ers are happy to take a new player under their wing.

im only 15 i dont think my mum would be happy calling someone on the internt big man lol haha

Depends on what you are looking for.

a rp guild :slight_smile: since hydrax has none :frowning:

There are many different types.
Military, adventure, civilians, high/low fantasy etc.

does any do guard guild? i like army simulator like Arma2

Something’s not quite right …


Ooh boy…

are guard guilds bad? lol

Quite ironic of you to look for AD as your new home when you were literally given a :boot: by everyone outside of your griefing guild on hydra

They tend to be short-lived or corrupt. There are exceptions, but it is most certainly a risky choice. Military or civilian would be a good place to start. Maybe remain guildless for a while just to get to know the world and people first before deciding.

Dont do Guard Guilds, m’kay?

this is my dads guild. he played a warrior an did 60 onyxia i think. but he didnt want to play so i deleted his character and made him mage then dads friend put me in his guild

and ok skrauhg and sindri i will not do that haha