A tip to the Alliance, and why you should let Horde win AV games

Horde can win in 7 minutes.

Yes, you sacrifice a few AV marks and some reputation, but even on a loss you guys get almost the same honor, if not even more, sometimes.

Play smart, not hard

sorry bro we are alliance once we filter out the lazy ones and bots, what is left is those that would rather die trying to make sure you wait an extra 30 seconds, even if it is just to irritate you.

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problem is horde has so many mentally challenged players who defend south or around tower point in the beginning. Then as I die and spawn back all the way in my base I will just def and go for turtle since thats what horde wanted :slight_smile:

Imagine to play a game not actually to play the game.

LoL alliance player saying horde players are mentals? We can win the game in 7 minute you slow pokes like 15-20 youre the mentaly chalenged around here. And like you said instead of making the game short or shorter lets make the game 40minits or longer for you and the rest of the players in your team. Alliance and theyre turtle game. Bravo. I applaud you.

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well, if you had the reading comprehension of a 15 year old you could have deduced from my post that it is indeed the horde who force the turtle games, not alliance.

  1. horde defends south/tower point/ganks ally at mid in start

  2. ally spawns back in their base and starts defending