A underground community?

Hellow Argent Dawn!

I’ve got a question, and maybe it’s obvious, been spoken about it before (and I’m just blind and can’t find it) but;

Is there a (discord) community ACTIVE for shady/ criminal type of roleplay?
If discretion is key, I would like to get in contact with who ever oversees the operation!

I’d thank you in advance. :slight_smile:


how about a cult of shady people?

Join us :wink:

While I appreciate the offer.
I was more looking for an OOC kind of community. As mentioned before the criminal roleplay type of shady.

Nah, there’s only like Old Town dwellers who have been there for 10 years and change who like talkin’ like this’ innit’ and say they do crimes but only ever sit around taverns and hang out and talk about their 3+ TRP titles I guess.

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You mean like dwarves?

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Yázmin hosts the sort of community you’re after. There’s even an event tomorrow you might be interested in: https://www.argentarchives.org/node/276094


Yea, come by Rivals den!

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There is a small community of Smugglers trying to establish a community for fellow small time criminals! - Might be a place to look into. :male_detective:


With crime and shady RP there is always same problem:
If you want to do real shady, non-meta RP and be careful with your organization - you need group of fully dedicated players. Overwise, shady groups often have lack of RP magnitude, because they are too shady to others notice them, without using meta.

In my opinion, shady groups or cults is one of the hardest organizations to RP.
Its one thing to name your group shady and do nothing, sitting in one place, wearing hoods - and completely different level, when you have group of fully dedicated RP players, who do all this menacing stuff with TRP items/stashes, making connection with people and recruit tourists to do prepared job (which also part of dedication and planing)


I haven’t personally come across an active Discord community criminal Role-play during my journey to re-establish my guild on the server. However I will be trying to get something like this up and running or incorporated as part of the guild Discord once I get a few more members and we’re fully up and running.

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This is a lovely place to be!
Active too :smiling_face:

So I’ve heard, and I intent on being somewhere else with this type of roleplay. Away from Stormwind. But I’ll keep an eye out. Thanks for your reaction!

Not what I’m looking for, but thank you nevertheless.

I have joined this community and try to get my bearings as we speak! Thank you for this suggestion! :smiley:

I’m currently doing the same thing, so prepare for fun collaborations in the future then! :slight_smile:


There used to be one a few years back but I think the owner deleted it. If you find anything please let me know <3

The Smugglers one is super cool though. Enjoying that server.

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Loooool thats like the do ya wanna buy q car :wink: :wink: mindset love it.

Quick update:
As a few friends know me, when I get bored I do somethings-… :thinking:
So I started one of those communities mentioned above. :see_no_evil:

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