A Worthy Ally quests bug

The quests A Worthy Ally: Dream Wardens and A Worthy Ally: Loamm Niffen both stay stuck at 0/1500 despite getting rep with the respective factions while having these quests. At first I thought it was just me, but other people from my server also mentioned having the same bug. I haven’t had this problem before today.


Yep, I’m having the same issue on 2 characters so far … Basically took the weekly quests, did a bunch of events (including WB etc …), quest still show 0/1500.


Yep, same here


Ditto (Me too)


Same for me, just did the a WQ for Loam + the superbloom, both still show 0. I thought it was a visual bug, but the superbloom granted me 1500 reputation, and I can’t complete Worthy Ally: Dream Wardens.

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I experienced the same.

My shaman had Loamm, did the Researchers under fire. 0/1500 rep completed. Assumed the character was bugged, so switched to my priest. With that char, I did the Superbloom with the Dream Wardens quest active, but I earned no rep progression on her either. Immediately created a bug report, but those are obviously not answered.

Edit 1. 1st test:
I tried to complete the “Blooming Dreamseeds” weekly. I was awarded 0 rep; not only in the progression tab of the quest, unsure if it awarded rep in the reputation tab - It didn’t state so in chat, but that might be bugged or me having turned off rep notifications in that current chat window. Currently having the theory that the problem is due to warband rep.

Edit 2. 2nd testing:
I jumped onto a third character (druid), this is a non-warband character. Did a world quest, I was awarded the “Your Warband’s reputation with Dream Wardens increased by 75”, but it did NOT count towards any progression on A Worthy Ally: Dream Wardens.

same for me

Having this issue as well, hope it gets fixed soon!

Same issue here

Did around 5 quests, still stuck at 0/1500

Same for me :frowning:

Yeah, me too… Holding off on researchers under fire until this gets fixed.

Same for me, did suberbloom event, world quests, opened multiple rep tokens and still 0

Had the same issue this morning on two characters in Loamm, created a bug report and raised a ticket (got the usual “Blizzard couldn’t give a toss” response from the ticket). Had the same issue this evening with one alt in Emerald Dream.

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Same just happened to me with Dream Wardens, did all 3 seeds and superbloom and noticed my “Worthy Ally” quest was still at 0, abandoned it, picked it up again and used an old 2500 rep token I had in my bags, I got the rep but it still didn’t track for the quest so that’s still stuck at 0. Haven’t tried with Loamm Niffen yet… but this kinda sucks, was hoping to try grind dragonflight reps to max before War Within and losing these two soruces of rep is a big hit.


I’ve spent too much money on this bug-ridden crap over the last 20 years.

World of Warcraft is a brilliant game, but if they can’t fix game-breaking bugs and ridiculously pointless forced “statistics” (like “Abandoned Quests”… what’s the point of tracking that for everybody to see? It serves no purpose!) then I don’t think they warrant any more of my money.

It’s a shame, it’s a good game, but there are too many bugs… and let’s face it, half the player base are people who make a living out of “boosting” (selling in game goods or services) anyway… so much so that it’s now a “given” part of the game.

What started out in China (the good old “Chinese gold sellers”) now seems to be in Eastern Europe! (Why is Cyprus part of Europe? It’s miles away from Europe!)

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Same here, still 0/1500 across 2 characters and 2 reputations

Same here 2 chars both reputations

same for me

Same here unfortunately, issue persist since yesterday, and still present (just tested).

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Same for me … small indie company