A Worthy Ally quests bug

Yep same thing is happening here too - hopefully resolved soon :grin:

This issue has persisted from atleast this weekā€™s reset as Iā€™ve been trying to earn a little reputation for both factions after discovering that it didnā€™t work for the Dream Wardens on Wednesday 07/08. Issue persisted as of Saturday 10/08.

From a data-engineer perspective probably some change related to warbands might have caused some variable in a string to change it not counting for the quest

i have the same problem

Same here as wellā€¦

Same happening for me on 3 characters.
Rep not added, my Drac is at 525/1500 from last week, but doing the researchers added nothing.

Also having the same problem! Hopefully get sorted next reset.

same problem here.

Its all cool and fun that ā€œThe Team talks about this alot!ā€ ā€¦but its already sunday ā€¦can we get the fix going anytime soon? most of us sent the weeklies in order to get this done just to find out that it is bugged and since those weeklies gives the most rep ā€¦now even if it get fixed you gonna do this rep q by doing world quests for 75 rep which isnt realy that fun and fast especialy at the end of the week. STIll bugged!


I guess the fix wonā€™t happen until next week


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I got the same problem with the dream warden quest

same for me

same for me

Update: This probably wonā€™t help most of you but might help a developer work out what is going wrong (assuming any of them are actually working on this!). Iā€™d decided just to get on with quests on my main and my alts despite the fact that rep wasnā€™t changing the quest status. I got to the point where I was missing less than a 100 rep for level 20 with the Loamm Niffen, handed in a quest, got level 20 and then noticed that my Worthy Ally status was now at 212/1500 . I assume that the 212 is the residual rep from the quest I handed in after subtracting whatever was needed to get to lvl 20. I may try additional quests now to see if they count but then again I may not as Iā€™ve done all the easy rep quests/activities. I may also see if the same happens with the Dreamwardens as my warband is rep lvl 19 them.


And the answer is that yes the same happens with the Dreamwardens.

We do not have any specific update at this point unfortunately, but can confirm that the issue is not forgotten!

That is correct.
We have noticed as well that rep for those two quests is counted properly for characters that have them maxed, thus allowing quest completion. Sadly however this is not a workaround that a lot of players have access to as reaching rank 20 takes a bit of time :frowning:

It is really aggravating, that couple of weeks before WW launch, after which you wonā€™t have time to farm these, you are getting missed out of on a lot of gear and reputation, as Iā€™m missing out on this quest on all my 13 charsā€¦ Thatā€™s a lot of reputation and gear, specially transmog.

I just wanted to add to this post because itā€™s being seen by blizzard that I too have the issue that the rep gained is not being counted towards the achievement.

Still not fixed. Small indie company issue.

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I need it for Power Unified quest and still not counting :\

Still not working in EU side.