AB and WSG

I don’t play premades. This is not a question about premades at all even if that’s the topic.

The issue here is when you start to demand changes to make the game more fair and fun based on arbitrary opinions and feelings because then we are taking a huge risk. A risk not worth taking.

If you can point to some exploit or a mechanic that is being abused to harass in an unreasonable way (like MC out of portals) then it’s reasonable to discuss minor adjustments that doesn’t’ affect gameplay (like disabling portals in bgs).

But when you ask for a completely new queue system that have never existed in this game with unknown consequences just so that a minority of the players can win more battlegrounds while playing alone, then it’s no longer reasonable.

So much this. Stop premades, what next? Stop level boosting? Remove world buffs? Make more guilds accept memespecs?

Classic is not Vanilla, people play it differently. Adapt.


Just a quick headsup before so I don’t get the usual “you just abuse playing premades all day, want easy wins” I don’t and haven’t pvp’d in 3 weeks and the last time I did (and pretty much since a month before AB came out) I went as a pug. I accepted my fate as a pug and just dealt with the losses. Yes, I have premaded both with guildies and with randoms, and it was in WSG. We still got absolutely curb stomped by any decent premade, but the games were a hell of a lot funner and meeting fellow “casual” premades resulted in close, fun, balanced games.

Here is the way things work in classic now, if you want to play good games, you put in the effort to join a premade even if it’s a “bad” one. Why? Because that’s the way the game is played now.

Honestly the majority of premades right now face other premades and 10% of the time face puggers. Against premades, especially people interested in max h/ph, the first fight means everything, whoever wins that generally goes on to get easy honor as the other team will either give up and let them win or /afk out.

I do not disagree that facing premades all the time as a pug is frustrating, of course it is, but you have the option to improve your own games just like the 90% of people have in your games and join a group. You are just not choosing to adapt, not even try the solutions offered by people here before asking for changes.

The majority of people I’ve encouraged to join premades if they’ve hated pugging have ended up making friends and… surprise surprise actually ENJOYED themselves and ended up going a few times a week with a premade (not even a full 10 for WSG or a full 15 for AB and they still get wrecked by good premades)

Instead of screaming incoherently about how it’s not fair, why not try to join/make a group and make the games more fair for yourself? I know people will have the usual excuses, admittedly it isn’t easy to do, you have to keep trying til it works! But once it does, you’ll improve your experience ten fold and have more people to queue with even if you don’t have a full premade.

I know a guy on the forums here has set up a discord to find premades for each server, it’s worth giving it a go and see if you have fun.
Here I did a quick search on the forums for a post with the info for you.

Good luck, and give it a try :slight_smile:


Is not even about winning anymore. Is about being able to at least have some fun.
Right now is get a good premade or be ready to sit in ghost all matches. It just sucks.

Losing matches not the problem, being farmed for honor from Premades is.

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No, you can also get into an okay premade as the poster above, and then fight.

What is fun and fair is irrelevant.

All that matters is to never implement a change in Classic that people ask for. Because if they ever add any change in that way, suddenly all changes will be valid.

Right now people complain and ask for one change. A separate queue for solo players. Imagine if they gave you that. Now the forum would be spammed by all kind of new demands for various changes pointing to your change.

They already does that when people use various small unrelated change as an argument to get their change.

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For someone who constantly yells “strawman” even when it doesn’t apply you sure do love your slippery slope argument.

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I can show you several times these guys used that specific argument if you want. They are right now using other unrelated changes as an argument to to add more changes.

Yes I am using the slippery slope argument because it’s valid. If Blizzard ever add one change just because people ask for it, they WILL use that change as an argument to add more changes. I know this, because they are already doing it.

The majority of premades are beatable. It´s just that most people, probably including you, kinda blow.

I feel almost the same.
Never played premade, until a month before. It is more fun, and less stressful than playing in a pug. But, the main issue remains. It is not so fun to farm pugs as a premade. It is efficient, but not so challenging. Except maybe, when trying to cap 5 nodes. It is not fun playing against premades with rank 11-13 players, who use expensive engineering items, either.
So, I believe that no one is having fun at the end. Rankers, casual premades, solo players, enjoy only fraction of their games. But pug players, suffer more. And they are not the minority. They just stopped playing BGs or play much less than initially wanted.
Remove solo queue option or implement more fair encounters.

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pugs are more fun than premades for me and for most the people on the forums complaining about this issue

it’s like normal games vs ranked in LoL

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Why are you doing bgs at 60 in the first place? If you’re not in a premade you’re too casual to get any useful gear anyways. Its better to make a 39 49 or 59 character to do bgs with and just use your 60 for WPVP and raiding. That’s what I do and life is much better.

Well ive been playing som premade… and when a premade goes up against a premade…its basically 1 fight… a long one at BS… once capped…the other team in (90% of the cases) Ghost it out… so yeah premade vs pug = 6min game easy honor, Premade vs Premade = 6min game 50% of “easy honor” … i dont know if that was Blizzards intentions… introducing 5 bases but only fight over 1… thats basiclly exploiting/wintrading.

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yes it should be. most of your games. keep losing and wining on foruns

You do realise doing premades isn’t a insta win? You still have to do some work :blush: I joined a av premade on av weekend, ever since then I’m in 2 server PvP discords and can pretty much jump in a premade when ever they are grouping. Moral is, make that slight effort and reap the rewards :grin:

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‘‘You can’t relive Vanilla’’ Yes you can.Stop being blizzard fanboy.

Welcome to classic. This is not a solo game. This will not be changed. People will not get punished formulating with friends.

Flagged for talking the truth as it is :slight_smile: nice community of closszikk

No, you can’t. Stop being an idiot.

The playerbase has changed drastically and the playerbase was what made Vanilla. If that isn’t obvious to you yet, you have a serious problem.

Its not only 1 side that makes the game vanilla .Me being an idiot i dont know.But you, reply to every post and trying to convice people the same thing all over is something special.I was playing vanilla before J allen brack was copy paste the dungeons in tbc and consider to be great.Sorry for ruin your president.But vanilla wasnt only the playerbase no matter how many times you say it i will be here to counter it.