About ganking

Assuming this guy isn’t trolling, how can one be so delusional to think both sides don’t gank? lmao

Also for OP, try Hellfire Peninsula, Jade Forest, Zangarmarsh.

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I vividly remember trying to raid Dazar alor and getting swarmed by guards.

Alliance don’t troll either, we leave that to you.

Hi? This is very far from my only character, and they’ve all been low lvl at some point - and all ganked plenty.

But this isn’t about Horde vs Alliance, it’s about ganking. I have no illusions about either side being innocent, and you’re very welcome to let me know where you think I should go to lecture Horde players.
(Tho ofc to avoid running into you and your friends, have me standing idle being mistaken for contemplating ganking and get justifiably killed would naturally not show for a few days.)
But for arguments sake; let’s say you’re correct and Alliance never gank. Then I won’t do anything. :slightly_smiling_face: I’m well aware of pets, aoe’s and demon hunters, I always stay back and make sure it wasn’t an accident before I engage and I never get involved in a fair fight. (Aside from one unfortunate instance where a player got caught by my aoe’s, after getting a bit too close when I was fighting someone who had casted Chaos Bolt on an afk player.)


/10 chars

Vale today , a lot of them I even /question one of them til I get her down to 20% when suddenly it became 8 vs 1 , but I am not complaining WM is on for a reason, their 20 or 30% bonus should be removed tho

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I hear the people leveling in Darkshire and Lakeshire are notorious for ganking, I’d pay them a visit.

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Ok and if i start ganking windwalker monks only is this known as wan…

Ok nevermind.

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13 rn. :slightly_smiling_face:

There’s no Alliance ganking there, that’s an Alliance zone! Disinformation!

… typical Horde :slight_smile:

Well im leveling my alt throught 20-50 area and if im being ganked by some 120 lvl who is just there to annoy people and basically one shot them,i let it go once,twice,even 3 times sometimes…im just lazy to log my main,but boy when it pisses me off i bring in the big guns…and ofc all the rest of the people he killed if they have mains that is :smiley: But seriously where is the fun in killing 100 levels below you???

I wouldn’t know. :woman_shrugging:t2:

Brigante my old friend! I would have thought better of you! Warmode is the life blood that drives my hunger for alliance souls! yes, they outnumber us! And if you kill them more than once then tend to show up in groups to hunt you down, but that is the spice of life, feel the cowards hunt you down, outmanouver them! slay them! feest on their tears as you plant the flag of Quel’thalas on their broken corpses…

And when you die, just respawn, its just a game :smiley:


Or, if you need help on Horde you’re always welcome to join the War Mode Community. :tipping_hand_woman:t2: :two_hearts:

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I hope that link is set to not expire.

I leveled a couple alliance characters for the first time since MoP and I couldn’t believe there were still horde players ganking people in lakeshire and darkshire 24/7 so I figured those lakeshire levelers must’ve done something heinous.

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It is, but thank you for your concern. :relaxed:

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When I see allaince with wm on I usually pass without touching them but they always trying to kill him after they realize I went like some yards away. What is wrong with you people ?



Whenever I level a Horde, it’s Alliance ganking me.

You know what happens when I level an Alliance toon? Not being ganked by Horde.


Well Alliance do gank but did you ever tried to level on darkshire ? :smiley: Legit same rogues 7/24 there. I even believe they have a community and work with shifts , someone probably giving them salary for camping at darkshire 7/24.

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