About "Have an account in good standing"

You know i really used to like you but you are going on ingore you are becoming a bore with your relentless picking faults . I just told you what happened to me and you still have to be OCD and correct give it a break man get a grip you pick fault with my posts all the time you think you are so smart .
Read again

I got arreseted
did no jail time
could not do jury service
that simple DEAL WITH IT .

No, that’s wrong, where does it say you were convicted or pleaded guilty?

Arrested is just the Police picking you up. If you got a suspended sentence, then you missed a major step out.

haha this community is so salty.

I just tell OP what I do. and there are 5 replys: You are not high rated, you have no proof and all those ppl who comment like that are LFR heros :smiley: I made tons of threads as “Vicii” best mage EU a few months ago, then you were nowhere to be found, but now on a new account the haters come forward, and question the best mage who ever touched this game.

Im Vicii, everyone who knows pvp know im the best frost Mage in EU and highest logs this mythic tier for frost.

Anyways I did not say what I do with my old account, but im not loosing money let me tell you that.

I dont care about pet mounts etc so for me a new account is all I need to own some scrubs in pvp like ppl here on the forum

As Lakdo explained the only people who can give you any definite answer are Blizzard and you are unlikely to get a question answered on the forums. You cold try the Customer Service forum, they may or may not be able to give you an answer as to whether or not your discretions are with you for life or whether they decay over time.

It is also worth bearing in mind the system is only giving assistance to new players up to level 20

Upon reaching level 20, new players will continue the journey ahead on their own and will no longer have access to the Newcomer Chat.

Quoted from

I personally think new players need help throughout their journey to max level and I have answered many questions in guild and on other sources. There is nothing stopping you from helping new players in your guild, communities, discords etc.

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LFR hero, give me advice please

Barking up a big fat oak tree. Did you look at the char I post on and make an uneducated guess? CUTE.

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