About Ret Paladin

he say mickey mouse and baseball and cricket and both having balls, im trying to keep up but then i look at donald duck and only mickey wears pants


to be fair good ferals still do insane damage.

Listen I am a sleeper op player who doesn’t like organizing 3s sessions but when they release a mount that I like I will gladly be Glad right away dont worry Rakar.

Guys guys, why are you afraid of pinky bois so much.

In each lobby we had players with Shadowlands gLaDiAtoR mounts. Why is it mickey mouse rating, I killed dozens of multiglads and r1s throughout my night session.

Same answer to you, people had gLaDiAtOr mounts in our lobbies. Multiglads and r1s, how is it equal to 1.6? Wasn’t gLaDiAtOr 2.4.

Hallooooo where is tuning

Again, SL glad mounts dont really count. Especially season 1,2 and 4. Have you seen the stats on how many players there were, and how many got 2.4k? Mostly because a lot of them were pve’rs trying to get BIS gear and buying boosts.
I have stomped on SO many “glad” players with that SL mount. It is not a a badge of skill.

4 was really hard to get glad as the ladder had really poor activity no?

Kek, people seem to think u need time to counter ret, if that was the case wed surely see no rets in awc because ud be able to counter them. I mean how do u counter baseline wall and vengeance shield at 1m cd. Final verdict hitting harder than mortal strike and being from 20 yards. Not to mention, sac, bubble, spellwarding, sanc, judg dispell. Actually just goes to show 1500 peak players opinions. Im 3.1 on my ret 65% wr post nerfs. I literally only leveled this ret to see how good it actually is. My warrior is 3.4 with 7x more games played than my 3.1cr ret lol, kk i should definetly have better WR on my ret than my main for 10 years which i alrdy got glad on this season and r1 on both fury and arms in shuffle. Literally look me up and tell me this seems to be balanced. Btw i never touched ret in my life i have 0xp in 3s, and im 380cr in 2s lololololol. Anyways well see nerfs soon, back to the abyss u go.

Yes yes yes, ret will be nerfed and arms warriors will be nerfed with it!
As it should be.
Always nice to see reroller/fotm!

You are copy-pasting this in every thread.
So the first baby-crying wave worked out. You hope for another one?

People here know what pvp check is. They can look ur account, mr arms. With the amount of time you spend on this game, you can get 2700 with any class. For RSS it is not even a rating, since rets could reach it in 10.0.5 too (being garbage).

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Challenger in 2s challrnger in 3s flexxing w undeserved rss ratinf which is not even relevant flames others

Go to f off b****

And your 2.6 was 13 years ago and probably russian cheated so doesnt matter either now get lost.

who cars, as long as ret is dead im fine xxx toxic spec, with noob friendliness to the max. They needed to give u a bubble so u wouldnt die from ur own misstakes and a wall usable in stunns on 1m cd kekekekek so much skillzzz


I am not flexing with RSS rating, you dummy. I am literally saying that 2700 in RSS is nothing right now. Learn to read, boosted andy. Don’t forget to create a big post with being sorry that you bought services and was toxic to the community (and then, forget it and be rude again).
And if you are mad that people can play it rn, go raid blizoffice, so we play 3s only. Don’t forget to make them delete 2s too (nah, you won’t, it was a warrior bracket for ages).

Well, now ur intentions are clear, as expected. You don’t want a balance in this game, simply spreading hate. But the way RSS is designed, you can be crimson legend even with 1800, because you compete with players of the same spec. So even if you nerf ret by 90% damage reduction, there will be a playerbase.

Fotm rerollers will find something else. The circle goes on.

Oh, you mean arms warriors needs skills by using charge and pump dmg? mortal strike effect is so much skill im actually dying.

When u say “they needed to give u a bubble” it kinda makes me laugh at you xd
Shattering throooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow requires so much skills xd

Proves you dont want balance, but thats fine, you be you and we can all just be happy blizz has never hired you since you would do the worst job possible xd

“Arms not strongest? What u mean its not the strongest? Nerf everything else, my spec has to be the strongest!” is most likely what would happen in the office :joy:

I mean u do u. I just think it would be boring for even rets in this meta. Even playing my ret is just boring fiesta everygame. i still get 3x ret lobbies above 3k like 50% of the time that never happened with arms/assa or DH kek. Stop being delusional. No one likes going through wall/vengeance, loh/ bubble/magic bop/bop. also 20 yard range freedom sac, sanc. Judg dispell. Who actually enjoys this fiesta unless u got some rating for the first time in ur life. Its just bad for the game, id be fine if arms were b tier as long as rets were the same. Theres a difference between arms and ret, u dont sit roots arms does, u have 20 yard range so even if u sit a 3 sec root u can still do dmg and use heals/utillity. U have immunities to everything. u do more dmg, shorter defensives and offensives, i mean how can u even argue about this. Take intervene its 2 seconds in pvp, how much better is sac? 100x better ofc. We have warbanner that is 1 hit from dying at 1.5mcd u have sanc at 45 sec which cant even be removed it just always lands. Idk what ure tryna argue about when ret literally does more dmg and is better in everyway but ms. So cuz arms has MS its just flat out better, buddy thats not how the game works when 2x ret can literally just 1 shot healer second wings because he doesnt have anymore cds, ms doesnt even matter to that extent anymore.

You should change your “Elite” title to “Elite mental problems” if you think (imagine this creature thinking) that rets are fine. :person_facepalming: :person_facepalming: :person_facepalming:


Its not balanced its most op specc in solo shuffle.

When u are good u just are.

Man I always laugh when ppl use that arguement when I never said anything about rets not being overtuned. The best for the game would be every single class is balanced, not demand for a spec to be dead. That was the entire point, unless you would be happy with both warriors and rets being dead in PvP?

When you are unemployed, spend 8+ hours per day playing a video game like that guy, forum is the best place you can flex and think that your opinion is important. In fact, no one cares.

Blizzard 100500 times proving there won’t be any balance in this game. I wonder why do they hold too much on this sacred 3v3 setting. They could do some FFA for 8 players, payload 5v5/6v6, solo rated bgs, lots of stuff. There could be atleast some variety of high end pvp activities.

If ret is dead tomorrow, there will be another top of the foodchain. But atleast it feels renewed and not so clunky as it was. Most life-time rets won’t drop it, fotm rerollers will and thats good. I like being an underdog and outplaying braindeads playing op classes. When i was pushing elite in 10.0.5, i did many 5-1, 4-2 in a TRIPPLE caster lobbies, being shocked how bad these players were. Now, ofcourse, everyone has an excuse for losing to ret, but i hope not for so long. 10.1 is coming and i see the new king rising :wink: