About the inability to post links

From what I understand it’s just on the new forums. Nothing carried over from the old.

Funny animated cat gifs?

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And the game suspensions too?

Edit: Celadina, some people would consider that Blasphemy and not just trolling.

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No i cant find the post atm but everyone started with a clean slate if you read through the whole topic its been said by numerous people .

I tend only to believe something like this if it’s posted by a Blue or somewhere on the Blizzard.com site officially.

I can’t post Blizzard.com as a site, only as preformatted text?

btw didn’t it used to be 15k posts read for level 3?

I believe so, but we’ll see for certain when the 100 days are up. The only thing we seemed to carry over was a minimal number of posts and that was it, and that’s only because of the topics migrated with us.


Carpet-bombing is a pretty effective warfare technique… with some minor side-effects.

But hey! Who cares about some people who don’t wanna troll or read 20k posts every 100 days, right? That’s just collateral damage I guess and it’s all worth if we can keep those pesky trolls away.

Earning rewards vs carpet bombing. Not quite a comparison I would ever have made :laughing:

I also think people misunderstand the requirements.

  • Visit the Forums on 50% of the last 100 Days

After a 100 day period you have to have visited the forum at least half of that time

  • Read 500 Topics created in the last 100 Days

Read 5 topics a day on the forum (presuming you visit daily)

Read 20,000 Posts created in the last 100 Days

Read 200 posts a day, this may sound like a lot but if you look at it in the context of those five topics a day they would only need to have 40 replies each. Some topics have more replies, some have less. I read more than five posts daily and I certainly read through more than 200 posts a day.

  • Like 30 Posts

The only person I know who might struggle with that is Dejarous who doesn’t like posts at all :laughing:

  • Reply to 10 different Topics

Not a great feat. Most people have clocked up more than 10 posts within the first week of moving here.

  • Don’t have more than 5 Spam/Offensive Flags
  • Don’t be suspended in any Blizzard Game or Forum

Don’t break the rules.

You don’t have to visit every day but it is a system to reward loyalty and good behaviour.


Just to put it in perspective picking on your profile Ájmage

In the 47 days you’ve visited you’ve viewed 1.1k topics, read 12.9k posts and given 33 likes, created 8 topics, made 405 posts.

So you’ve not had to do anything special. Just be a regular forum dweller like the rest of us :wink:


I have spent more time on this forum in the last couple of months than what I think is healthy. :slightly_smiling_face:

I shouldn’t be the one whose activity is the baseline for such a simple function as POSTING A LINK

But this is not the point. We are talking about the ability to post links on an official forum where we are all paying costumers. The access to this forum is already heavily restricted. Yet there is a mile long requirement list we need to conquer to be blessed with the trust to POST A LINK.

I mean I know that the world has gone mad but why are we treating this like the new norm? What’s next? Preemptive requirements to open a thread? Preemptive requirements to post?

I started this thread with a question. “Is this restriction really necessary?” Is it? When did the ability to post a freaking link became such a privilege that you have to earn it by checking out a 2-page long requirements list?

I see what your saying and I agree to a certain degree, however you miss out the fact that we can (at trust level 2) post links to trusted sites.

Anything beyond posting links to wowhead, blizzard sites and YouTube is unnecessary in some ways.

Although I did laugh that Amazon isn’t on the list of trusted sites even though that’s a trusted source of the WoW books.

It does however prevent a certain influx of “spam” links and perhaps links that could be posted to cause harm?

I do see your point fully but I also see blizzards side, even if I will never get that trust level to post any link.

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I hardly think 8 bullet points is 2 pages worth of requirements and two of those aren’t even something you have to do, just requires behaving.

The links on discourse behave differently to the old forums. Previously it would have just been a url. That’s not the case on discourse.

Do we really want a load of no trust level troll posters who will fill up huge numbers of posts with gifs, memes, whatever?

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“He who gives up freedom for safety deserves neither”

I know that for a degree I’m making a mountain out of a molehill.

It’s not like I wanna post links or anything. It’s this patronizing treatment I cannot stomach.

I think this is the first thread where I use this expression, but as a “paying customer” I really think this is a low-blow. This isn’t some kind of a free, public forum. I’m essentially paying for the access.

But this isn’t really about the money either. We never gave reason to Blizzard to doubt our intentions. Yet they consider us as potential troublemakers.

This should be the other way around. Everyone should be able to use such a simple function. And those who can’t behave should be stripped from their “right”.

But saying that we are untrustworthy until we prove otherwise is something I take pretty personally if you don’t mind.

I do see your point, I really do and like I said I agree to a certain degree.

I just also see it from the other side, we kind of have to protect the more naive and venerable who will click links without thinking from those who take advantage.

My daughter is an unfortunate example of the type of person who wouldn’t think twice about clicking a random link somewhere like these forums and either losing her WoW account or destroying her computer, even though she is generally very smart she also has no common sense. So preventing those links being put here is not all bad imo, even if I see what you are saying is valid too.


But what would you post ?

Its a wow forum and you can post already from youtube/wowhead/battlenet there is no other reason for other links unless for spam and offtopic which would require imho an offtopic sub forum so GD doesnt get clogged up.

I wanted to post a link to Amazon for someone in the Netherlands who was looking for a particular Warcraft novel but didn’t know that the German Amazon site would work for him even though the Netherlands don’t have an Amazon site of their own. Sometimes it’s handy but mostly it should just be WoW related sites.

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That is why i like you ,you think outside the box im just old and completely done in the head :stuck_out_tongue:

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I don’t really wanna post. I don’t care about gifs and funny memes.

This thread isn’t about me.

This thread just asks the question: why is it the baseline that everyone is untrustworthy?

When did this simple principle flip over? It used to be that you are innocent until proven guilty and you can do everything unless it’s forbidden.

Nowadays we have the complete opposite. You have to prove that you are not untrustworthy.

Seems unnatural to me.

Yet we governed by rules and regulations in nearly every aspect of life online and off. If people don’t want everything to descend into chaos there has to be structure and rules/regulations/terms/conditions etc.

I know you don’t like it and the links thing seriously annoyed me when I was trying to run our guild recruitment ad, which includes a link to our application form. At the time I wasn’t aware of the </> button system because tbh that works perfectly.

I prefer that every malicious trolling person is not being able to earn the same rights and access as a regular forum poster who has shown they are a member of this community. I like that people are rewarded for long term service which also decays over time. So if you’re no longer active you lose those perks.

I do understand you see it as untrustworthy rather than being a reward for regular posters. I guess it comes down to your outlook on life, whether you are a glass half full or glass half empty person :slight_smile:


I think you’re imputing too much intention to Blizzard on this issue.

This isn’t Blizzard’s forum. They’re just renting it from another company. The other company has standard systems, which include these Trust Levels. I’m sure they said to Blizzard: “Our systems are great! We have tried them in X environments, and they worked well!” And Blizzard said “Ok, let’s go with that, then.”

Nobody at Blizzard sat down in a committee and worried that users were going to corrupt the minds of the Internet (brain-blowing thought, that :slight_smile: ) with fiendish links and dastardly GIFs. They just outsourced the forums, and left the default settings on.