About this titanforge removal, and screwing up the casual base

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Bye, there are plenty more games out there for me to try


You guys are hyprocrites.

Then: “You have to be happy with what you get and not play or farm forging!”
Now: “I QUIT! How dare you take away my TF content?!”

If all that kept you ingame was hoping for a TF of a WQ, LFR, normal/hc dungeon or a warfront then good riddance. We are happy the IL inflation will finaly get reduced (we started this expac at 290-300 when dinging 120 and are ending at 475) you guys quit over it.


dont stress it so much, pal, im out, many more will follow
only mythic raiders will be left roaming, i guess that will be enough for to keep the development of the game afloat
why would anyone do high m+ if they will never reach mythic raid gear ilevels
why would anyone do anything other than mythic raids , even?
normal, hc raiders will forever be stuck on the threshold of “this is your ed of the road, pal, find a better mythic guild to progress or be happy with the hc gear you have”
Clearly, out of spit raiders wanted the TF removed, because they couldn’t fathom someone having a ilevel high yet never been killing a mythic boss
Most will be gone by first week, my sub expires on 7, no matter if they turn back on their tracks i will not resub, simply because they listened to the wrong category
Destiny 2 and shooters will eat my money from now on
GL in game, pal


tell your reasons of how TF is useful for you casuals ?


wait so now we will get gear based on the content we do & not luck, holy s*** its almost like the game is a RPG


Just answer this question:

You were the ones who constantly told that it doesn’t matter if it exist or not, then they finaly remove forging and suddenly it’s the casuals who will suffer. Afraid to not get a mythic quility items? I got a 395 BiS stat legs from my first warfront in 8.0 it complety destroyed an armor slot for the enterity of Uldir. Any leg piece would be useless till the next raid tier.

You guys don’t even wanna push content but oh boy if somebody talks negativly about WF/TF, I will repeat it. If the only reason you are in WoW is because of solo play hoping for TF we won’t miss you, wrong game. Play a SP RPG or DIII or any lootfarmer game that can be played entirely solo. Yes I consider queueing for LFR a solo activity since all it requires is 24 other non-talking people. What I saw from the dps in LFRs pre-Legion you can replace many with bots and people wouldn’t notice it.

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oh wow some plebs leaving hopefully the next step is removal of m+ so the game can get even more cleansed


The thing is that with the titanforge Blizzard allowed to the players to progress their character by doing the type of (PVE) content they enjoy doing (World & Random Group PVE, Small Group PVE (M+), Large Group PVE) instead of forcing everyone into raids to progress their character.

But with this removed we are going back to the raid or die philosophy.

Trading difficulty for time investment has been one of the cornerstones of RPGs since their inception. Not to mention that the reward for doing content on harder difficulties in a lot of other genres is merely the satisfaction of beating the challenge at hand. In that regard MMORPGs have been heavily over-rewarding “hard” content, especially raids - just to get enough warm bodies into that type of content, even if the players in question actually didn’t really like it.

With the titanforging we had the situation that the :
Doing hard content gave you powerful rewards very quickly, especially if done in well organized groups.
Doing easy content gave you powerful rewards very slowly and still “caped” out slightly lower.
Players which focused on the easy content did just barely (if at all) catch up by the time the next piece of content rolled around, the heroic raiders could with this system always look for something to gain from the content even once their guilds would clear the content, but now a lot of them will gear up fast and unsub once they clear the raid since the progression will there end for a lot of them.

That system was an improvement as it gave to each one of us the freedom to choose how we want to gear up our character(s), instead of trying to pidgeonhole everyone onto the same linear gearing path. It also did provide the alternatives, if the preferred option didn’t work out or if simply didn’t fit the schedule (e.g. the guild disband; can’t make it to the raid for a couple nights/weeks ).


You still can, there is M+. It was designed for the people who hated (progression) raiding. If you complete a dungeon easily, cleared with no sweat with 415s then there is no single reason this dungeon should be able to give 455 gear. For what? It’s basicly quarenteed already you won’t ever wipe. Yes you progress in gear but not in experience. Want better dungeon awards? Start M+! People should stop holding themselves back, I don’t like M+ so I don’t do them unless pushed and ‘carried’ by guildies for the weekly +10. There is no reason why eptting squirrels should be able to give you raid quality loot.

The intend of TF wasn’t to endlessy spam WQ/dungeons in hopes of a TF. And people can still spam M+ in 8.3 to gear. This time it just won’t forge. Nothing else changes. 1 of teh reasons I stopped pugs because I couldn’t trust anything anymore. IL meant nothing to indicate anymore and achievements could be faked. It would take too much time to see if you got a “I got lucky” or a player who would know what to do. Before TF I never had that problem. 9/10 times I invited on IL alone runs went perfectly. Remember M+ didn’t exist yet so a high IL meant you knew the content or most of it.

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This is wrong in so many ways…

You have many ways to gear up to heroic quality gear without doing any raid, rated pvp or m+

This won’t change without titanforging, as they’ll introduce the visions gear which too should cap around normal / heroic quality gear (at least that’s how it worked before they deleted the vendor last week)

As usual with titanforging the issue is blown out of proportion

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they didnt force everyone into raiding! how did they force ?

you can get gear now from every content you are interested in

if a group playing “world content” they they get gear from that, WQ, World bosses, and completing your emissaries

and those who play m+ can get their gear from that source as well

so is those who play pvp only, can get their gear from that source

the question is, if they are only interested of that type of content, than how is TF gear gonna be useful for them ?

not always the case, Im heroic only raider, and im not interested in TF not even the slightest, I’m ok with heroic gear, if i only do heroic than i should get heroic ilvl gear, same with those who do normal and lfr, for what they would need that TF gear for ? how would TF help them achieve ? if they only do that type of content

I disagree here, like i said im one of those heroic raiders, once i gear up my main, i play other alts, but the “a lot of them will unsub once they are geard up” is false, and you can’t be sure to even say that

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You say as if its same people claiming it.

For example myself - as I said in another thread - few days ago I would have not mind TF go or stay. That much I care about gear outside killing a new raid boss or doing a challenge (i.e. I did in past work for gear to do mage towers, or challenge modes etc).

But the new system sounds meh, and I have started to think TF was not THIS bad afterall to be replaced with something even worse. Blizzard has skill.

Also community means it is several people, so of course opinions differ. There has always been people pro and against one or other matter in game. Nothing hypocritical in people - different people having different opinions. oh, horror, oh horror - people on forums have an opinion.

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It are the same people, the ones who always jumped in how TF was the best because it didn’t matter. Ironically they are the ones going: “I quit!” upon hearing of it’s removal. And I never mentioned the new system because we still have 2-3 months of beta left and have to wait and see how they will tune it. But atleast it eliminates the IL problem.

Atleast the new forging is a risk vs reward system, the biggest flaw with benthic was simply there was no risk or consequence. With corruption you can get a very strong proc but you need to pay attention to your corruption. Benthic? Didn’t even lower the stats on items. The system isn’t perfect but we have to see how this will play out on beta.

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If you have seen exact same people act like this then I do owe an apology. Just I am myself a bit irritated of all the ‘corruption’ and I do not see gearing my tank very fun with it, or gearing anything fun with it and current PTR version which i have tried to familiarise myself a bit with does not work for me at all.

but TF shouldn’t be reason to quit. I mean TF itself came like 2nd half of MoP and casual and progressive gamers were doing just fine before it. I think people simply have forgotten how life was before.

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BiS list and goals… I miss those. TF and random socket killed all my motivation for gearing. Strangly enough I was oke with the single +6 thunder- and warforged of the 2nd half of MoP and WoD. Not happy with it but indifferent, also it was only 1 proc so even if you wanted it, it was way easier to farm.


the same here, I didn’t mind TF when its here and I wouldn’t mind its removal

but im shocked if how people really upset about its removal

and im also not a fan of this new corrupt gear as well, i hope the final changes makes it more appealing tbh, currently it sounds awful imo

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yeah that few ilevels was “doable” and part of me also misses that lure. But then we have here in modern days also situations where I have had so called bis item and not bis item, but that later becomes best just because it has 35 ilevels above my ‘better trinket’.

And now I am desperately trying to get a ‘proper trinket’ least on mythic raid level, so that the weird trinket wouldn’t be best because of its ilevel.

I… do not know … this makes gearing goals a bit too broad. Lures are needed in games like this. But if TF itself is a lure, then you do not have good river to toss that lure (and goal) in - you just swing at random. Not very cool from game-play POV. And current system has become weird in sense that I (me, casual veteran) do mythic raids for… transmog. And you’d think youd do mythic raids to get better gear to tackle next and more complex boss. No. You run more M+ because you get more loot per hour and thus chance for it to proc more than raid loot. And so you get better gear to fight the next boss you are progressing on.

My former main, who has not done any raids past year (which isn’t entirely true in sense she did go fetch the essence from EP, but she didn’t loot much epics so point remains) - has same ilevel as my mythic progressing character. The potential gear in bags my raid character has is over 450, but both have same ilevel equipped. One from m+, other from mythic raid and m+.


I mean i get that that the hardcore mythic raiding scene doesn’t like titanforging. Personally, i couldn’t care one way or the other, it doesn’t affect me at all. If they remove titanforging - fine, if they don’t - ok. It’s completly irrelevant unless you’re a hardcore top tier raider trying to min max everything.

Apparently the gear progression with this new system will cap at the heroic level gear for the m+ content, around m +10 level. So what will be the point of pushing the higher dungeons in difficulty than if only the mythic raid will offer highest level of gear and if the players will reach the gear cap with it fast ?

This new system might cause the death of the m + and together with that a drop from the game of the players which take that content as their preferred one over the raiding.

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Wait a second, is it confirmed that corruption will only apply to raid gear?