About this titanforge removal, and screwing up the casual base

everything else will cap at its level, even mythic+
no more tf, corr items = raid or die 9or uninstal, like my case)


If that’s true then we’re going back to Vanilla game design of raiders destroying everyone.

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raid = pvp power
its whats gonna be, again
Lucky for me i a already hoked into Dstiny 2, i even have a huge raiding clan there, Borderlands 3 and some other stuff…so not a biggie
Is just raiders raging that other players got to see raids , content , and get ilevels from m+…so Blizzard decided tocater to topp 100
see how long will last

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Wait there’s no PvP system equal to this in works ?

Not everyone likes to PvP, just like not everyone likes to raid.

yeah, no more tf , so even if u run high end key u will get the same ilevel equal to hc, mythic raiders will reign supreme in pvp and in selling m+ runs
blizzard logic, lol
anyway im just here now to enjoy the show until my subs gone on 7th of november, no point in playing after that


Where is the evidence that only raid gear has corruption?


blue post (he is also literally spiting on casuals, so theres that …lol)

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I mean we have to remember that those mythic raiders are only 1% of players base, its not like 50% of players base,

and pvp is about skill, mythic raider could have high ilvl gear, but at the same time could be awful at pvp, not that you would encounter them often anyway

I don’t know why you included this part, mythic plus could be done easily with heroic level gear

you will ahve to se ethis next patch, how easily could b done with hc gear (15+"s), time will tell

Do you realise WF and TF is an unhealty system ?

The entiere rewards system is screw up actually and never feel so unrewarded.

When you get flooded by Gear with no real value, you will be most of time dissapointed until you get real Upgrade from it .

WF/TF have to go, you will never feel happy until you get Max ilv with excellent stats and sockets.

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Lol I never respond to threads like this, but this dude about to ragequit over PTR changes, something that will only be for ONE season, as Blizzard stated, I wish they carry out with this so far its looking like what we need in WoW no enormous ilv proc, but a benefit that YOU CAN REMOVE , this was your “last straw” Im sorry I never reply to these types of posts but lol

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thats like…your opinion, man
i respect that, even if i dont share it
you can believe whatever floats your boat :slight_smile:

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sorry if i coulnt find the source from that post where it says only raid gear has corruptions

it’s not mention in the first paragraph

“Items from Ny’alotha, Mythic Keystone dungeons in Season 4, BfA PvP Season 4, the Heroic Darkshore Warfront, and other new sources of loot that are updated with Season 4 will not be able to Warforge or Titanforge. Items from older content will retain an effective “ceiling” of item level 455, as they do today.”

can you quote the part for me where it explains that only raid gear could be corrupted ?


I love this change, it gives more player choice, I can handle this debuff I can handle this corruption then yes Ill accept my benefit, Oh nice stats an actual upgrade, but bad benefit waste if I leave it corrupted, oh nice I can cleanse the corruption, and keep the item.

We will never say omg I want the freehold trinket titanforged to 455 and socketed for example, because from what I understand ilv procs wont happen ! This is good


So whats wrong with this? You are doing HC content and get rewarded accordingly. You want something better? Push harder content.

m+ is not casual content you plep

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the casual LOL

actually the corruption gear is nice. fits the story, and theme. just some strange people who do the numbers game in +18 mythics can be annoyed. they could play sudoko instead if they like numbers so much and less the story stuff.

i couldnt care less how much rng they put in it. never farmed benedic gear, was useless stuff for the excel sheet meter in heroic/mythic 10.

Sweet, just enough time for you to hit 120.

It’s funny how you link the blue post, but apparently not read it :smile:

It explicitly says ALL NEW ITEMS WILL GET CORRUPTION - including M+, PvP and other “current” sources of gear.

But here you are, telling the opposite:

(as a reaction to question about whether it’s just raids or other activities too)

I think there would be so much less uproar and whining if people would JUST read :thinking: