About this titanforge removal, and screwing up the casual base

Achievements or mount / pet farms / tmog?

I can’t really see anything else unless you roleplay :grin:

I don’t really care about achievements unless they give some reward I want.
Some mount and pet and transmog farming, sure, but I enjoy world content. I still do.

I mean, I’m not playing 12 hours a day like in the old days, but I have my playtime every day and it’s enjoyable.

So for a player that enjoys world content does ilvl matter for you?

Like TF and this new corruption system shouldn’t really impact you?

Of course it does.
Easier mobs = fun. To me anyway.
Feeling powerful = fun. To me.
Getting upgrades = fun. To me.

TF was a cool bonus surprise when it happened. I liked that.
Corruption has ruined that. The ‘surprise’ is now a negative that I will have to go and cleanse. That’s turning loot into a negative experience for me.
So yes, it very much impacts me; my fun surprise is gone and instead loot is now negative.

I’ll admit I am a little curious about what you do ingame, I would like to stress that I do not mean that in any derogatory way. Farming mounts/mogs etc I do sometimes, but that’s kinda limited by lockouts. I’ve played with an aim to raiding for the better part of the last 15 years, never been into pvp, so leaves me wondering what things I could be missing and overlooking.

Also partly due to struggling myself to find stuff to do, not that there isn’t content but it’s finding reason to do so.

Here is your attention.

Please nothing of value will be lost.

I get that and yes there definitely is less worthwhile stuff to do than in Legion for example. I’m mostly spending my ingame time nowadays farming gold on my main (sometimes something comes up like the bee mount did some time ago) and doing Voldunai WQs on my horde alt to get exalted so I can unlock Vulpera in 8.3.

That’s certainly fair, dealing with a lack of appealing content by preparing for content that could be appealing.

Just don’t bother, many players in WoW can be replaced by bots and the difference dps wise or social wise won’t be noticed.

Things like this, I can’t understand it how people can justify it? This either means: Boosted, got lucky with TF or doing only easy activies for gear (weekly 500 conquest cap). It’s what i say often these are people who just want the gear but not improve their theirselves or get better.

Them finaly locking the IL will also make the pugging easier once again. If HC drops 460, and you need/want more people? 440/445+ min is a good recruiting range and 455+ instant invite. The amount of pugs that would fail shot through the roof since we got TF. Why? People though said person knew what should be done, but turns out they were just lucky in LFR with forging or the like.

That’s actually an interesting point.

TF is screwing over the pug raiding community, both the ones who put the work in, and the ones who luck put into the ‘wrong’ category, ie harder difficulty than they’d be comfortable in.

Equally, the ones who do not go into raid, and TF just means they’ve got an easier time doing their wq or story quests, rep farm or whatever. Their TF does not impact the pug raiding side, or m+ or just pugging in general. For them I actually have 0 issue with TF, and I honestly surprise myself saying that. Issues, I think, stem from someone who has the insane TF and does terrible dps that another 4/9+ people then have to compensate for or they’ll wipe/waste time etc.

I don’t have any kind of solution though, that won’t screw over one group or another.

Honestly i do not mind this change, i for one have been a strong advocate that difficult content should give higher rewards. However it is arguable wether the Mythic Raid is the “hardest” content available in BFA and therefore should have the highest rewards. I will put some context on this, and apologize in advance for the probably long post.

I have been playing as a Mythic Raider for many years and have obtained quite a few Cutting Edges during my time raiding, starting with EN in early Legion all the way to Uldir in BFA, however lately i started a shift-work which prevents me from being able to raid consistently. I still play the game quite a lot, i just simply dont have the ability to play for example from 9 to 12 every wednesday anymore. In my gametime, i mostly push relatively high keys with friends (mostly 20’s and 21’s) and play arena competitively (over 2400 cr this season in 2v2). I think that objectively puts me in a relatively high bracket as far as player skill is concerned, on par to standard mythic raiders to say the least. Yet having achievements such as these in the new patch will reward worst gear than say, what someone would get for killing the first 3 bosses of EP, and it is kinda wrong. I am all for removing titanforging, but if they do so they need to create an alternate path for gearing players who are SKILLED but simply do not have the time or circumstances to raid. I literally facerolled the first 3 Mythic bosses of EP yesterday in a pug group without voice or coordination, so please don’t come and tell me that is the hardest content available, because it’s not even funny as a joke. I think that the completely randomic titanforge we had so far is wrong, but i also think players who successfully time extremely high keys should be entitled to have the best gear in the game, which can currently be obtained by people who have enough time to faceroll the first 3-4 bosses of whatever raid is currently out.

I didn’t know that only casuals get TF gear … lol.

Funny how casual players such as myself never had issues gearing before titanforging was a thing.
It’s a shame it’s being replaced with a new system and not just being abolished entirely.

Absolutely not true.

I very rarely get a group for Mythic+ and don’t raid beyond LFR so apparently I’m a “casual”.

For weeks now at least half of my daily play time has been repeating stuff for hopes of a warforged upgrade. eg. doing the Mechagon daily to keep making the random ring/trinket about every 5 days (you can see I now have 2 x 425 rings from doing that) and repeating emissaries where I normally wouldn’t bother if there was no upgrade chance.

So removing just Titanforging wouldn’t make much difference to me, but removing the +5/10 Warforged chance is basically removing half the game for me at a time like this when we’re waiting for new content to appear so just filling time repeating stuff.

And just FYI the “small random upgrade chance” has been a part of RPG’s since the start of table top D&D even… I played D&D for well over 10 years right through the 80’s and 90’s and there was often a small chance of upgraded loot.

eg. a boss loot table could be something like this from rolling a D20 (20 sided dice)…
1-16: Ring +1
17-19: Ring +2
20: Ring +3

The thrill of that occasionally better than average loot was considered FUN back then and for some people still is today I guess. :slight_smile:

And yeah, this new system sounds like an extremely poor replacement if they remove WF/TF.

Or has been said many times, just give us back a currency vendor and let us spam heroics or whatever (Mechanar, anyone? :slight_smile: ) content and progress our characters in some “casual” way, even if very slowly. Or how about making Professions great again for the “casual” player?

In the thread you linked it clearly states that every source that is updated for Season 4 (PvP, M+, Raids, Heroic Warfront and since they tend to raise the ilvl in world content it will apply for that as well) can become corrupted. It is not just raiding gear.

I am also confused as to why a lot of people are so focused on ilvl itself. So far it looks like quite a few of these new affixes gear can get will make them powerful beyond normal ilvl terms, so a 430 item with a “+10% crit damage” affix will be way stronger than a 445 one with a different one like extra versatility from all sources. There is a reason why mythic raiders who want to be as effective as possible wear multiple Benthic gear pieces which cap at 425 ilvl.

As to your comment about guilds. What guild did you apply to and to what role? Mythic raiding? Heroic raiding? The guild I am in have two sides of the guild: one that raids mythic, and another who raids heroic and normal. Our application system allows you to join either as a progress raider, or as a social member who can join the heroic raids whenever you want to. Naturally if you apply for a mythic spot with 400 ilvl, we will kindly decline you, and instead offer you a social membership, where in our heroic runs you can tag along if you have the time and prove that you have what it takes to raid mythic.

What class you play can have an effect on a guild’s decision however. A lot of guilds out there are oversubbed on melee, so classes that sadly do not have any unique utility like survival hunters and feral druids have a harder time getting in. If these classes are willing to use their off-specs then that is a completely different situation. Most people from what I’ve seen do not make use of their off-specs, which is a shame.

Third thing: Having logs from different fights helps a ton in getting into guilds. Not because of the percentage they show however. In these logs we can check how you handle mechanics, if you know how to interrupt etc.

In either case if you want to do raiding on normal and heroic levels I recommend checking Failtrain out. It is a good community where guilds are also advertising there. Not many mythic guilds there, but getting comfortable with heroic and normal is, and in the end it is all about the fun factor. Even before I joined the guild I am in now I did many heroic raids with them, and had fun in them.

Most guilds, or the ones that use logs correctly do not just look at percentiles, they look if you use your defensives correctly, HS, HP pots etc etc.

On the other side of the story; mythic raid gear can not titanforge since mythic raid loot +10 ilvl is the max ilvl :wink:

If only world content wasn’t scaled by ilvl and balanced so that heroic+ raiders would have a “challenge” out there. But as it is, everyone just wants to get past that threshold when our characters finally start to feel like they are actually getting stronger instead of weaker with every level and gear upgrade. Progression in this game is terrible for everyone, casual or not. Gear already makes us weaker, be it because of the scaling or because you would lose haste with a new item (the most imbalanced secondary stat). Now you will actively be punished for equipping higher gear. What happened to the philosophy the we should be excited about drops? It seems that every other consideration has to come behind the ego of raiders and the need of blizzard devs to force us any way possible into the newest content for as much time as possible.

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