About this titanforge removal, and screwing up the casual base

Then you read something into my words which I didn’t say. I never said ‘majority’ nor claimed they were. I used the literal words: ‘large group of players’ and that’s true.

But honestly I find your way of thinking a bit strange. You’re basically saying that since I’m not part of the group I’m talking about I don’t know what I’m talking about, right? You can be knowledgeable about things even when you don’t do them yourself. So your line of thinking is lost on me.

It would be strange to do heroic for the loot when I started this M+ season with a +12 key :rofl: If I wanted loot I should farm M+10’s… not going to happen. I just push :slight_smile:

I also do not have the all +10 in time achievement. Apparently I helped someone on a +7 KR which is my highest in time on that dungeon. The 17 sec out of time on a +14 does not count for those achievements :stuck_out_tongue: (lets not talk about the over 1 hour run on the +16 :angel: )

There’s little point trying to debate with him/her when raiding is mentioned. If their house was broken into they’d probably blame raiders.


Alright a play with words, ok then a large group of players do it for progression as well. You referred to this group as some being the lesser?

I think one shouldn’t assume things that is all. All I said was from my personally experience I know the some you refer to as raiding for progression and know nobody that does it for loot. But you talk as you know all the large group of people that does it for loot. Which is opinion based. No matter how smart you are is an opinion assumption.

I don’t doubt your knowledge I just don’t agree with people who assume things. That is all. You find a lot of people who assume things in this forum, who should actually at least experience it first before making judgement.

Because he wants to be rewarded for doing nothing. Honestly it’s that kind of attitude that’s ruining this game so let’s be happy that people like this are leaving.

This thread is like Vietnam all over again

~fortunate son intensifies

The end of this post is especially poignant, given the amount of “ommmmg I’m unsubbing it’s awful” based upon an upcoming game mechanic we don’t have complete info about, may change, and have not experienced or played with.

Some people just love to get hysterical these days because why approach things with a level head and healthy skepticism when you can cynically wail about it like a primadonna.

Titanforging was bad because it added RNG to a purely positive gain.

Corruption as far as i understand keeps some level of RNG but

    1. Limits it to raid gear, meaning you have to do the actual PvE endgame to be affected by it
    1. It comes with Positives AND Negatives, just like the game should be when it comes to gearing

So what it does, is put the emphasis and importance of raiding back into the game, i.e M+ isn’t as good as raiding, wich it shouldnt have been in the first place, and the RNG isnt purely beneficial making you have to actually think about your gear.

The best thing they could do is just do away with this entirely but it’s a very promising start to removing the casino gearing systems we’ve had up until today

It applies to all s4 gear (updated WQs, emissaries, new warfront, mythic and raid).

Still, if it replaces WF/TF then there’s a chance the mythic weekly chest will force a corrupt instead of plus 10 minimum wf, which means that weekly chests will no longer grant just below muthoc raiding in terms of ilevel. We can’t say for sure though, they may still make the chest bump the ilevel up, do both (corrupt and ilevel bump) or just corrupt. Point is we don’t know the ins and outs yet. Until we do, it’s gonna be premature to say how it will affect raiding and gearing in general.

No, not ‘a play with words’. You claimed I said something which I didn’t. :man_shrugging:t3:

No. That’s again you reading stuff into my words that weren’t there.
Sure, I was putting the emphasis somewhere, I did that because he was making it sound as if any and all players ‘only play for the challenge’, which is far from the truth.

I agree. As you assumed I said things which I didn’t. Twice.
I didn’t ‘assume’ a large group of players does raids for the loot, I KNOW they do. Big difference.

Let’s say we have a very different experience then.

Nope. It’s a fact. Not my opinion because I couldn’t care less why people raid. I only care about why I personally don’t raid. :man_shrugging:t3:

Then please; start with yourself first.
Because as you’ve proven in the previous posts; you assume too.


Read this and tell me what you meant. I think 99% of people will think what I thought.

Replying maybe for some. meaning the lesser?

DEFINITELY isn’t true for a large group of players. Does that not mean the majority? if the previous is the lesser?

If i assumed wrong I apologies for my lack of english understanding. I am terrible sorry for assuming otherwise. I do not know what you meant to say my bad.

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This might come as a surprise but we’re not your friends, we’re not your family. We simply dont care. Laters

Totally agree.

Sorry, but raiding isn’t the peak of this game.

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Lets make a small experiment. Take a random raid member from your raid and tell them that from now on, they are not getting any gear, because they are already geared enough. Then look at their reaction and tell us more about “people are raiding for challenge and fun, not for gear”

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Sorry, why?

Because you said so?


Honestly; anyone with half a brain and who has read the context could very clearly see what is meant. He literally said: “People go raiding because they want to raid. Not because of the higher gear.”
That’s very clearly stated as a definitive. I just claimed that there is a DEFINITELY a very large group of players who DO raid for the loot.

Even you said in one of your replies:

So that makes my statement right, according to your own words. I’d say normal and LFR raiding people is quite a large group of players, isn’t it? :thinking::blush:

It’s no problem, I think we cleared it up.
I never meant the majority raids for loot. That MIGHT be true, but I don’t know that so I won’t make such claims. :blush:

As long as there is a reward that helps you progress and make it easier to down the next boss. then it will work. You still need a sense of progression. Don’t give us loot but give us stuff to increase stats will also work.

How do you improve your dps for the next harder boss? Or to make your reclears easier, not wiping for 100 times on the boss again after you cleared him already.

Raiding for progress, not for the loot. as long as you are making progress, meaning you should get rewarded with power increases to progress. Doesn’t need to be loot, if there was skill levels that were gained from boss kills it might work as well. Or unlocking more awesome abilities. etc. You need to feel stronger with each boss clear. since raids boss difficiulties increases with each boss kill.

Ok I get you. Big misunderstanding.

I personally think though, that people who raid for loot would’ve already jumped to classic or to another game. since you can easily get to high ilvl within a month.

If you not playing to challenge higher difficulties of dungeons or raids. The game is pretty much over, unless you enjoy achievements or farming mounts or pets.

There really isn’t much WoW has to offer outside of harder content.

it is getting blown out of proportion. First of all I responded on people doing emissaries and warfronts who lose TF. And that they are not going to raid because in the raid is the higher gear. People raid because they want to raid. People who are not raiding and lose TF are not switching to raiding.

You want to take away loot from people who do progression raiding, what they like for the challenge and fun with their guild and friends. Nobody said they do
not want the loot for being able to down the next boss.

4th time I have to explain my statement because people quote just 1 sentence. sigh


Well, that’s subjective. I don’t do mythic content, pvp or raids and I have plenty to do. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

But… Legion was better in this respect.

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