About this titanforge removal, and screwing up the casual base

its not as far im aware,i no post saying its only raid gear.
We can only tets raid gear at moment on ptr but that doesnt mean will be limited to only raid gear;

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Well said.

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If anything, many of those players need those titanforges more than anyone.

I’m wondering how the game survived for 12 years without titanforge

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the problem is always the same

without gear progression there is no point playing mmorpg.

FF14 will once again happily take all WoW refuges :slight_smile:

and give them exackly what they need - slow gradual gear progression outside of raiding.

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classic - pvp gear for pretending to play in bgs.
tbc - badges
wolk - jp
cata - vp
mop - vp/ vp upgrades
Wod - nothing initialy 5 mln people leaving game in 6 months - gear upgrades back in game - playerbase stabilised
legion - TF
Bfa - initialy TF - now they will once again loose milions of subs - just like in WoD.


Remove forging completely, add vendors with tokens.

This titanforging corruption forging crap has to go.


Remove titanforging and remove this upcoming bsd system. Simplicity is the key when it comes to gear. There’s other ways of making it fun and enjoyable than RNG upon RNG. The whole RNG should be only and be stopped at “will my item drop from this boss?” and that is it.


Yeah, people totally left WoD for a lack of badge vendor or titanforging…

Not for the complete unplayability in the first weeks resulting in Blizz adding a free month of sub as a compensation.

Not for the fact that casuals were left with a facebook minigame and LFR that dropped items of subpar quality.

Not for the fact that the only mid-expansion patch consisted of Twitter integration and a selfie camera as the only highlight.

People totally didn’t return for actual content being added, that is both world content and 5 man mythics and general Legion anticipation :smirk:

I should add that up to that point -5 man mythics being added- people had to raid or farm valor and whatnot for weeks to buy a single piece of what could be compared to raid gear, usually some minor slot too.

On topic - again, I must say that people apparently can’t read, or simply don’t comprehend what the new take on the systems actually adds.


Because you don’t get mythic raid gear from +20. Weekly chest is the only source. Oh and… if you don’t do given content you don’t get it rewards. There is zero need for mythic class gear if you aren’t doing any sort of mythic raiding or competitive M+.

Because mythic raids are for a fraction of the playerbase? I’m fine with HC and gear from +10/weekly… and I would like to see weekly M+ gearing to change/be gone.

I don’t want a mythic guild, I don’t want mythic raid progression. To time consuming and to demanding. Not fun for me.

Your greed and demand for free loot and blindly following ilvl indicate also you have no idea about high end content and gearing.

a) You get better gear in the weekly as you did
b) People do high M+ without mythic raiding
c) titanoforging is rare and assuming you can do high M+ after few hundred +10 runs for XForges is stupid
d) if you don’t do given content you don’t get it rewards. You aren’t entitled to mythic raid gear.

If you can’t stand not getting loot you don’t deserve then go play a single player game.

No, it will not.

This. Did you people read the blue post at all? Here is quote from start:

Items from Ny’alotha, Mythic Keystone dungeons in Season 4, BfA PvP Season 4, the Heroic Darkshore Warfront, and other new sources of loot that are updated with Season 4 will not be able to Warforge or Titanforge. Items from older content will retain an effective “ceiling” of item level 455, as they do today.

There will be a chance for these new items to be Corrupted by N’Zoth.

It does not say anywhere raid only. Quite opposite it lists lot of activities and includes any new source of loot. So basically stuff that comes in 8.3 will corrupt, not TF/WF.

So old stuff=capped TF/WF. New stuff=corrupted stuff.

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I’m with the crowd here that says read the actual post. It says quite clearly “… For season 4 gear…”.

Season gear is…
Updated WQ rewards
Updated emissary rewards
Updated mythic rewards
Current raid content.

So the only gear that won’t corrupt forge is last raid tiers. Which is barely anything. I mean if you wanna use EP to gear up in next season go for it. I’d question why when you’ll be able to get at least heroic EP level loot from emissaries, if not better, as well as at the very least normal level EP gear from running mythic 0s (again, probably higher if we take the 30 ilevels up trend we’ve seen, this would make mythic 0s drop 430, up to 460 for a 10).

So this system hardly requires you to “raid or die” for the best gear. It’ll be exactly the same as it was, a la mythics allow you to reliably gear up to heroic raid level, but mythic raids remain the best source of gear.

The one difference is the chest. Previously chests always warforged to 10 for 440.if WF/TF is gone, then it may be that gear from chests now no longer gets an ilevel boost, instead being a guaranteed corruption of whatever level mythic you ran highest. This means the distance between mythic raiding and highest mythics is slightly larger as mythic raids would award gear 15 ilevels higher than highest mythics. That’s assuming this is how it works, the chest may receive an ilevel boost anyway, and not corrupt. It may corrupt and get the boost, or just corrupt minus the level boost, we don’t know yet.

Point is if it is the ‘corrupt only’ scenario, its only an issue if you think you need the highest gear just because. I’d question why anyone needs to be able to access 475 gear reliably unless they’re actively mythic raiding for farm or running the very highest keys. In the same way 430 get currently is more than sufficient for running mythic 10-15, participating in heroic and mythic raid tier for progression.

I miss the days when a new patch came out and you could find out what your BiS was and where it dropped, make a list and set a goal of getting it.

Nowadays there’s no gear goal. Just a hope the right stuff drops. WoW has made me absolutely hate RNG and tbh I don’t care about gear anymore.


You can still do this. Its less than it has been in terms of planning.

Before, you would identify your bis when titan forged with socket. Bis gear was still bis gear, except you may have more than one (as several items with similar stats distributions could technically TF to 455 with socket).

Now, you do the same except you also plan which corrupt affixes you’d like. You can’t actively hunt them, sure, but given corruption has a ceiling, you only have to plan for what you’ll allow. E. G “I’d like to aim for the crit bonus and CD reduction affixes only”. It doesn’t matter what pieces they turn up on however, so you no longer have to “aim” for your entire gear to TF, only enough pieces to get the corruption stuff you want.

It’s not perfect but it’s actually less in terms of planning than prior. The extra layers of RNG will take it longer to achieve realistically. There’s also some flexibility based on corruption rolls as you may be able to switch up your preferred corruption setup based upon getting less corruption rolls than you anticipated. With the current system there’s no flexibility, if its not 455 socket it’s not “ultimate bis”. The only “certs” in corruption are the positive affix strength, but the corruption to get them is flexible as you work around the corruption thresholds (so someone with 15 corruption and 19 corruption both skip the void zone affix, the higher individual deals with slightly more slow).

I mean, also, you can outplay the negatives if you’ve achieved the best affixes at a higher corruption threshold than a mate of yours. You both have say the 6% crit bonus, but you incurred more corruption in getting it. At worst, you have to move out of a void zone once a minute and your mate doesn’t. So you can work around your bad luck. Currently if your mate got 455 socket and you got 450 no socket, his performance is in heat terms objectively better than yours full stop. No way to play around it.

Most of the corruption affixes can be played around with no to minimal disruption if you time your movement with instant casts etc. It’s only Creeping Death that has no counterplay and for that reason I think that’s the one most will avoid (except maybe some ranged dps, maybe a healer).

It didn’t matter, it still doesn’t matter and it will not matter one jot in the future.

Imagine that!!! You will get rewards according to the difficulty you do once again and not 440 item from an emissary!!! Quick!!! Grab the torches and pitchforks everyone!! :grin::grin:

Fixed for you :stuck_out_tongue:

I rather have say m+/raid/pvp/world content drop upgrade/enhancement tokens that are usable to upgrade items from the same content into 1 tier higher.

I got my second Azshara trinket from our HC alt run yesterday. I play a priest and that trinket is just very bad. Well guess what it did TF to 445. The previous one also 445 TF + socket was from the emissary weekly chest. The worse part was we had people on their mains who could have benefited for mythic progress, guess what? Can’t trade.

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There really isn’t much to do without titanforging because Blizzard insists on giving you literally all the ****ing gear within 4 weeks. They covered that mistake up with another mistake, which is titanforging.

It would be nice if we didn’t get gear that fast and also didn’t have titanforging. There used to be a wonderful simplicity to gearing. Getting pretty sick of always having to sim everything, and now to solve that Blizzard are going to be ****ing me around with random items proccing “titanforges” that then proc random effects and randomly kill me.


Calm down Blizzard. Please.

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