Abusing layering

I know several high-end guilds abuse layering to farm stuff like black lotus, thorium ores, etc. Can we expect to wait a month and be able to buy an epic mount with 20 silk clothes due to inflation?


Couldn’t even care less what they are and aren’t doing tbh… Thanks for sharing though

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It will afect economy on the realms and it will be harder for people who will hit 60 later in time to make some gold and sustain demselfs. but im not surprised since its lizzard and the quality of everything they did until this point in classic is disapointing and unaceptable.
The bigger problem at the moment however is that people can not even get ingame and play becouse of the horrible Qs due to server low population capacity and lack of server over all.
communities like spain dont even have a single server of theyr own

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A simple SQL request and they will know who use the layering exploit or not.

And suddenly even the queue issue will be fixed.

SQL request?

It’s not really an exploit in the sense that it’s bannable. moO_UK is doing it right now on stream, and I’ll bet you a million dollar, Blizzard will just go “Oh well… It’s working as intended”

The only possible nerf is to cap the times you can layerhop, but that will affect legit players that just want to quest, run dungeons etc. as well.

How it is legit, if legit players don’t know how to do it?

Wtf, with those streamers they really do anything to get viewers.

Never said it was legit, but if they nerf layering, it will affect legit players.

I’s a simple database request.

Blizzard could check if someone could gather resources before a certain amount of time too frequently at the same location.

Since everything you are doing in the world is logged. Maybe some should expect a massive ban wave.

Imagine complaining about layering abuse. This was a thing known by blizzard and it will be a thing until phase two. Get used to it and move on. Do it or don’t it is up to you.

If anything I’m amazed by this. moO_UK is currently sitting with 6 accounts, all on different layers, inviting himself to party one after the other to check all the nodes in a zone 6 times.

It’s amazing! I love it!

Why would he get banned? It’s not bannable. There is nothing in the ToS or the EULA stating you aren’t allowed to abuse the layering mechanic.

Blizzard even stated in the Reddit Q&A they were aware players would abuse it.

Well you should read it again

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