Account restricted

starting to doubt the integrity of blizzard at this point… Kinda close to contacting paypal and getting my money back cause I feel like I got scammed


Same thing happened to me.
Firstly I was told to change password.
I did.
Then i was told wo log out 12 hours.
I did.
Unluckily neither helped.
It seems BLZ need us to find out why and how.

I assume that the problem is that they originally didn’t even notice that this happens on Era as well and started observing the issue only when this topic became hot (5h ago).

observing, just roll back to how it was.
For a billion dollar company this shouldnt be so hard.
Thousand if not 10’s of thousands of players are affected.

Bot factories are probably mad over this lol

All the outrage about trading and ah, etc… MMOs can function completely fine without trading and such, it’s not even the ‘most’ core part of what makes an mmo social just look at aq or many other games that do this better, in my experience players are even more social there compared to current wow.

Worst part about this change is that they didn’t announce the change before making it. I mean if they’re gonna post about it anyways why not make an announcement before. Very bad of them announce it like this.

Anyway the change basically affects returning/new for 30 days and we get a ‘better’ sort of fix for bots than what we had before, (it is better). Instantly being able to trade and use ah in the first part of the game isn’t even that important unless you wanna minmaxx. You can still play with your friends, do you need to trade and do everything in the first month? Play the game without trading? I can see why people are mad about the change, especially about the way it was announced, and many responses seem to be “it’s the end of season of discovery” and “i pay a sub for this!? i quit” type of response when it’s just a restriction to trading ah, etc.

So trading ah, are just one aspect of this game you’re playing. Take a shower and touch grass. It’s not the end of your first playthrough because you can’t trade, ah for 30 days. Deal with it and you will be fine. I choose to direct the blame towards how the announcement was made rather than how ‘out of touch’ I think the change is, since that is objectively a bad way to announce it.


And how many players for 10 , 20 raid you would take without purchased consumes etc?

Unable using of AH and Trade blocks out ppl from consuming content they paid for.

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What do you mean by ‘fine without trading’? How do you suggest raiding without the option to buy consumables in Classic Era? I’m not even mentioning things like just buying regular bags. Or are you suggesting we learn tailoring for that?


Gather the consumables yourselves or wait the restriction out. The game imposes other restrictions on you, and you deal with those redtrictions in different ways, this is the same, just that the restriction is being made even more obvious and imposing than those already in the game.

Yeah, do the grind if you want the best bag and consumables.

You must be kidding. How can I gather things that are craftable? I’m not even taking into account the fact that while I have to do this, other players can just buy them.


Not everyone has only keyboard in their life.

There is a lot of stuff to do in outside world. Not knowing this restriction while paying is bad practice against customers.

I came here for fun but receive zero of it.

Bot farms should not be my problem, but problem of billion dollar company to find a solution. Believe me, there is a lot of resources for that.

Sounds like if they would decide to ban flying over to cities or use ships for continents you still would defend them.


Then wait the restriction out. A month in a big mmo is worth less time, at least if you’re casual. Most new/returning players are casuals no? Because they are starting out or havent played?

Omg, why the hell i need to pay for standstill month?

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Wait 2 months of 3 months long phase? Great idea dude


2 Months? How good is your reading?

Play the game without trading or ah? It’s not impossible like many seem to make it out to be.

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How good is yours? look at my post above, i have to wait 1.5 months for sub to start then another one for it to consume fully

It took me about 2 IRL days to hit 50 - 30 days is a huge amount of time in SoD tbh. Phases only last around 2-2.5 months.

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Do you really think that any adult would pay for a game to play with friends, but then wait AN ENTIRE MONTH for the opportunity to casually play? It seems to me you’re confused and are actually describing some hardcore process that forces you to wait a whole month just to be able to play a game peacefully.


Sure, like riding a car with no tires, or going to store just to watch when you are starving
