Account restricted

What if the sellers of that digital content wait until after you’ve started using the content before changing and/or removing some of that content?

Not trying to be smart or anything, I genuinely don’t know aha

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oh right, the game has become so casual that a new player can figure it out in less than a month.
And due to the company’s restrictions, there will only be an outflow of players and a constant return of funds for wasted time.


Section 7 iii of the End user Agreement:
" 1. If you are resident in a country in the European Economic Area: If any updates to the Platform result in a negative impact to your access or use of the Platform in a more than minor way, we will give you notice of such changes. If you don’t agree to the changes, you will be able to terminate your Agreement with us within 30 days from the date of any notice we provide, or 30 days from when the change comes into effect, whichever is later. You may also be able to receive a proportionate refund for any aspects of the Platform, including Games paid for but not received. Please visit for more information. If you do not object to the changes or terminate the Agreement within the stated time limit, we will take that as your acceptance of the changes. If you are resident in Germany, the terms in the sub-section ‘Patches and Updates’ in Section 13 will apply instead of Sections 1.B.i - 1.B.iii.

Where was our notice? Where was our chance to object to changes and cancel?

Section License Limitations :
Blizzard may suspend or terminate your license to use the Platform, or parts, components and/or single features thereof, as mentioned in Section 10.B hereunder if you do not comply with the Agreement, the Code of Conduct and other applicable terms mentioned in this Agreement, and/or if you violate, or assist others in violating, the specific license limitations set forth below. In case of such a license suspension or termination you will not be entitled to any compensation in regard to the respective suspended or terminated license, including but not limited to game subscriptions, in-game items, currencies and services, tokens, etc. You agree that you will not, in whole or in part or under any circumstances, do the following:

If the restriction is done based on this section, then they would need to notify each one affected by it with the violation they think the players has done,such as cheating, griefing etc. listed in the license agreement.


Problem is that these agreements are cleverly worded and often don’t have much standing and they can’t replace actual law. But to challenge them in court would cost us normal people more than we can afford to spend, so they know they can get away with it.

An example of clever wording;

negative impact to your access or use of the Platform in a more than minor way

What is a Minor way? Every person would see that differently, whats considered minor by one may not be by another.

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So you were aware of it then i assume why not make a post about it then as soon you getting reports about it im just amazed how badly this been handled. This is big part of the game and this made me quit playing for now i mean this should be the highest priority.


I was told, once you deactivated Selffound-mode, you could under no circumstances turn it on again. lies - all lieeees :smiley:

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I’m sick of everything that’s affecting SoD is also affecting Era servers.


We need clarity and a revoking of the restrictions otherwise it wont be possible to play the game properly, neither anybody will voluntarily pay for such a service.


I have made 5 tickets about this with no help.

I cannot trade on WoW CLASSIC ERA. I cannot use the AH on WoW CLASSIC ERA.



It shouldn’t be for anyone honestly. This just screws newcomers more than it screws bots. You know the reality. Tell me how many of those bots are using stolen credit cards to pay for their game time. Tell me what’s stopping them subbing for a month, leaving the account idle and then proceeding to play on it on the second month? Not like it’s their money they’re playing with.

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This is effecting Classic Era as well. Please resolve this

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This is great news, can you FIX THE ISSUE AS WELL FOR ME?!?!?
This is unplayable for me, and I PAID FULL PRICE FOR A WORKING GAME!

If it is fixed in 30 days, that is fine, reimburse me two months of game time.

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Its time to leave official server and go somwhere else.

Someone, who was this smart, to push this solution, will be fired. I personally would reimburse him for losses he (or even group of people) made for company.

30 days, thats funny, forget about raids, noone will take you there without consumes :grinning:

I bet people behind it makes way over six figures, but not smart enough…


And not even any update on if they already started fixing or when it’s going to be fixed.
it’s like this issue for Classic ERA servers was under the radar for 3 ENTIRE DAYS.

Great, so now I cannot trade with anyone for 2.5 month?
My current game time expires 16 May + next 30d till sub is consumed.
And I cannot even force Blizz to take my money now and unlock it faster…

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Hello again Yryadorne,

Any update on the Classic Era?

Please fix Classic Era… many of us cant trade or use AH on Firemaw EU Alliance

I have the same problem! Blizzard didnt react to my ticket yet. Also I didnt get any notification that I have been banned or sanctioned. This is really frustrating, as its been going on for over 48 hours…

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i dont understand, do you need used game time on your bnet account, or do you need used game time on WoW1 or WoW2 thingies, cuz my friends just started playing with me in this phase and they have old accounts, but created new “internal” account and they are locked aswell, very frustrating experience for them

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I really dont get how it could take so long if they now know this happens on ERA CLASSIC TOO

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