Account sharing

Hey ma gnomes,

So, there is this one mage on my server who is 6 levels higher than anyone else, and the gap is increasing every day.

She has never logged out from the game since the first minute of launch. To make sure of this, I asked some guildies to keep track of her while I was sleeping at night, and they told me that she was always online in the same zone the whole time.

She changes the zone once every 10 levels or so, but haven’t seen her go to anywhere else from what I could see.

Maybe she is a literal god in real life and can do just fine without sleeping for a week, but I highly doubt that. Thus I suspect she is either botting or account sharing with someone else.

Tried to report her but I actually couldn’t manage to do it, as I can’t open a ticket and I am forced to right-click her portrait to report thanks to Blizzard. And obviously I can’t do that since she is in high level zones already.

Is account sharing against the EULA/in-game rules and is it actually possible to get her punished?
Anyone knows what can I do about this matter?


“ree, someone plays more than me so they MUST BE account sharing”


yes, just make a ticket and if you cant do that ingame then make a ticket here:

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right click her name

Maybe it doesn’t work, but normally you can report people based on that in chat or on a zone listing (/who )

I dont get it, whats wrong with playin on a single character with your roommate?


Thanks but when I try to report through that page I guess I actually need to send them an email.

Well done. We should take care of our game.

thanks to how blizzard tried to automate everything you will have to click a option that allows you to make a web ticket and then explain to them the real reason why you make a ticket and that you cant right click their name.

for things like this i always use report a player > scams > press web ticket.

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Blizzard’s loosing money, that’s wrong. wink wink

it sure can be harmfull, but in EVE we used to put alarms.

Maybe he has an alarm each 25minutes so he doesnt get booted from game ? and he still sleeps a few hours here and there ?

Not very healthy but i think possible …

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I pulled off a 16 hour gaming session yesterday and I am by no means a god.

But playing non-stop from the moment Classic launched and all the way up until now? That sounds a little fishy.

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Yeah there are some people who power level pretty tryhard but this boy never sleeps and he is quite far ahead already.

I am not sure yet but my suspicion is growing. Will probably wait another day and see if he doesn’t sleep again before making a fat report.

The game has been out for 60 hours so its not a week yet so it could be possible to play this amount of time. However we are relying on 3rd hand information and have no way to verify if the person has been online the whole time. It could be they have grabbed cat naps now and again which has not been picked up by guildies who I imagine are more concerned about levelling than frequently checking /who every 15 mins.

Yeah, I mean in general if I suspect someone of cheating I usually report them.
If they are not breaking the rules, then no harm done, Blizzard is not going to ban them without checking for proof that they are breaking the rules.

Btw you can whisper the person and then right click their name in the chat window and see what kind of reporting options pop up.

blizzard doesn’t use player information in the decision for punishment tho, they got other ways to find out like checking the IP and system used at different times.

Guys, why it is bad if I’m leveling with my wife so she can play while I’m sleeping or at work? I mean, I leave work at 5 pm, at 6 pm I can change her so she can sleep till 3 am or so, then she go play, I go sleep and work…it’s just a possible scenario. And why it is illegal?

Cos it’s against their terms of use. TOS.

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becuase its against the eula that you agree upon when you start playing, its to keep the game fair.

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Well I guess it is possible, and therefore I didn’t jump to any conclusions.

But considering that she is only levelling in the same zone, she is probably grinding mobs, and it seems fishy to me that someone can do something that repetitive for 60 hours straight.

Also she is not losing any performance as could as I can observe. There is a group of 5 players who farm dungeons behind her and she is increasing the lvl difference every 2 hours.

I am aware of that but just flagging up that because someone has chosen to play a lot of hours at launch so far does not mean cheating. Majority of guilds I have been in there have been times when no one has been online so I was simply questioning the accuracy that the person has not logged once in 60 hours. There is a streamer at level 40 odds so what level is this person currently at?