Hello Blizzard,
I know that i am not the only one asking for this, so why is this HUGE PROBLEM still not solved?
In 8.3 it is IMPOSSIBLE creat a alt character and get it to a decent state because we are forced to spend BILLIONS of hours just to farm essences, that’s just insanity. Please make the essences ACCOUNT-WIDE so i can enjoy this game at least a little bit.
I would love it to collect pokemons and do PVP, but i can’t because i’m forced to spend all my time getting those essences (AGAIN!!!), i’m just so freaking tired…
Please Blizzard?
Pick a char or two and stick to them, ppl having 10 chars is kinda meh.
Ruins the uniqueness of characters
how is a char unique because he does daily quests for a month?
Because if everyone has every char 120 fully geared etc, ppl just play what is OP.
It used to be ppl had a class and they played that class and spec only, maybe with an extra alt
No, u are wrong. Some people can spend 18 hours in-game and get 2 chars to a decent state, others can’t because of work, gf and family.
We can’t spend like billion hours just farming those freaking essences, that’s really WAY TOO MUCH.
Only thing in this thread that is OP is your white knighting. There are individuals who want to play every class and possibly every spec, because it widens their perspective and knowledge about the gameplay.
so we stop their character progression behind daily quests and not mounts,transmog or itemlvl? keke
funny enough that mounts,toys or mogs from same reputations are accbind while essences arent.
funny enough that its always token chars that post such crap so i just assume you are a troll.
You dont get fully geared by grinding reputations. We’re talking essences here.
Define “decent state”.
You can get a couple essences fairly easily.
BiS essences might require more effort and time, but that’s beyond decent in my opinion.
Why not just give everyone everything right away?
I farmed BiS essenced for my old main, and now i have to farm the EXACT same essences again, Blood of the Enemy for example, that’s like thousands of thousands of BG, and the biggest problem is, i’m Alliance, Alliance wins like 1 BG out of 20, how is that ducking fair? I’m so mad…
and blood of the enemy is actually one of the better essences to farm because you can decide on your own when and how long youwant to farm it.
alle these timgated essences are the worst in my opinion.
just make them accwide already. 
Because it is not a HUGE PROBLEM that you can’t get free BiS character power stuff on your fifth or seventh character for free. Your alts are meant to be behind in relation to your main. That’s the definition of having an alt and a main. The actual HUGE PROBLEM is that people that skipped a season or two and are coming back to the game now have to go back and do outdated content in order to be competitive for current content, and this wasn’t a thing in the game since TBC. Giving essences to alts does not solve the actual issue.
This is not factual.
This is not factual.
Neither is this. You don’t need essences to do pet battles. You also don’t need all the essences at Rank 3 to do PvP. Just having Crucible of Flame and whatever random minors you can be asked to get is okay for just playing some PvP on an alt. Unless you want to get Gladiator on every single class. In that case… well, maybe set some different expectations of yourself.
Gear isn’t account-wide. Can you do PvP without BiS gear? Don’t you have to spend BILLIONS OF HOURS to get BiS gear on your alt? Is that okay? If it’s okay to work on gear for your alts, why is it not okay that you have to work on essences for your alts?
My recommendation would be to take a breather and take it easy on your Capslock button, you are abusing it.
This is by far the dumbest statement ever. It always comes when someone runs out of arguments.
No idea how it someone elses problem how many characters i play. What is it to you? Does it in any way influence your gaming experience? No, it doesn’t.
Also the gear comparison is just bs. Essences are not gear. I don’t need to farm reputation for gear. I don’t need luck getting the right essences. Essence grind is the same repetetive thing over and over while gear is bound to RNG to get the good stuff.
Playing only one class isn’t for everyone. But for some reason the whiteknights and haters don’t get that into their thick skulls.
Bruh, i have no idea why they defend blizzards decision on not making essences account-wide, that was a CLEAR mistake
Do you want ti play alts or do you want to play multiple mains? Your main is not what.you chosse. Its what character you use to progress high end content. If you want alts to be able play at high end than that ia not an alt. Its another main.
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I say no do not like it do not do it.
I am that huge problme enjoy!
Said guy with over 10 120 level chars who would gain for having it account wide.
Still i am against it.
Only difference between alt and main are essencse i like how it is now.
I get what you mean … buuut
Exactly this
looking for rares for 2 hours a day for 250 of those vision thingies doesn’t really make my main more unique
Firstly 16 days secondly more than guy who has not .
By time you complain you woudl had it alreayd done.
But seems you are better at complaining instead of having stuff done.
Post from some low level horde char you post makes my faction look awfully disgusting filled with weaklings.
You main is unique becouse he have most progression done and alts do not. Stuff you suggest is just a other aprg element which is last thing this gsme needs. Mmos are not supostu be played by multiple chars at high end.