Account wide essences

How is anticasual? Casual do not have time to grind reps all day. That 3 daily per day gate is exactly what helps casual player to not fall behind other players what can farm 24/7.

And weekly cap is no different from daily cap. You will still progress as fast as Blizzard wants.

someone who plays everyday is not a casual

Haha yes he is. I am casual and i play every day. Just do some daily q, naz, invasions than i log off. I dont do any raiding and dungeons at all.

casual= doesnt play frequently/a lot.

also you see. you dont want to raid or dungeon. we dont want t o do dailyquest. so dont force someone either way. just enjoy what you do =) peace

i play lot but dont want farm same essens over and over again dont tink any point post it blizz never going to players play and pay less ofc waste time

No casual = mindset. It have nothing to do with how much time you spent in game.

Casual = i dont care about minmaxing, i dont care about challenge, i dont care what class i play or if its most broken class or spec, i dont care what talents are best, i dont care what essences are bis.

every single hunter, they buffed it af in 8.3 itā€™s not thrash anymore

And it should be because Verdill, also of the EU forums told so?

I provided a game design argument above. Iā€™ve said Iā€™d happily see a currency system to make it more alt friendly but also make sense from that POV.

Yep. That doesnā€™t mean more needs to be. Thereā€™s got to be a cut off, right?

Hard disagree main vs alt is a cultural concept. Itā€™s a logistical fact. If I want to learn six instruments itā€™s harder then learning one. If I want to play 6 games, itā€™s harder to stay competitive in all 6 (Iā€™m currently playing 3 around my work schedule and itā€™s making me fairly meh tier at all 3)

I feel like a broke record, but I totally get not wanting to repeat grinds youā€™ve already done. But if thatā€™s the case, would you say once you max 1 character to level 120 all the other characters you ever make should be that level? If you say yes they should, fair enough. Thatā€™s your view.

But I donā€™t think from a gameplay stand point thatā€™s a good idea. I donā€™t think getting handed essences is either for the exact same reasons. If you do think it is, weā€™ll have to agree to disagree. If you agree we shouldnā€™t be insta 120, but disagree essences shouldnā€™t be accountbound, you probably agree with my currency idea.

There are actually ppl defending this timegated grinding bs LUL.
Where were you all when they released warfronts and our whole dungeon grinding we did first week to be able to raid becomes useless?
Throughout the whole bfa start to finish we had catch up mechanics everywhere and even some of them actually damaged actual progression of mains. There is no reason for them to not do it.
While they are at it they should just make this damn neck account bound too which they should have made it during 8.0. They even admitted it by making shadowlands anima system account bound lol.

However, the current system is every time you want to start a new instrument your instructor insists you have to spend 3 weeks learning how to re-read musical notation for no good reason whatsoever, even though you already know how to do it. It wonā€™t make you any better at picking up the violin. The mastery is in how you translate the notation into skill on the instrument. Repeating essence grinds has no effect on how well Iā€™ll pick up a DK.

Once I get a max level character, I can then start sending my alts XP boosts through potions and heirlooms to speed the process up. I also have multiple methods of achieving the levelling process (questing in different zones everytime, levelling through PvP, timewalking dungeons, korrakā€™s revenge etc). No two levelling experiences are the same. No equivalent exists for essences and it is exactlly the same process every time. And itā€™s too much on top of all the other systems at max levels.

If they are not going to be BoA, then they ALL need to be nerfed into the dust like VoP was. At the moment they are far too slow on rolling out substantial nerfs. Revered is too high a rep for what they have done already too.

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Itā€™s not a matter of how much stuff we get on alts but rather whether something makes sense to be given on alts when we already worked hard to unlock it on one of our characters.
Like reputation which should be account-wide long time ago because it takes weeks or even months to unlock one rep and itā€™s irrational to do the same thing again on different char. Same goes for essences, they take a lot of time and there is no reason to not make them acc wide.
The only reason why Blizzard forces us into those grinds is they want to keep us game as long as its possible so we spend more money on the game.

I donā€™t agree with this. I feel character-based rep is one of the RPG-y features WoW maintains from ye olden days and would rather it be kept in the game. Itā€™s one of the few content-related things keeping your charactersā€™ achievements and progress unique.

HOWEVER, I could support the idea of wanting the rewards from your reputation grind account-wide. Tabards are already, as are mounts and pets.
But if you want to farm paragon, that should be focused on your main.

I say all this from the viewpoint of actually preferring account-wide essences (Iā€™m massively demotivated from playing alts atm) but still preferring to maintain a semblance of character-based world design to avoid the game turning into a loot-grinder a-RPG.

I fully agree the current system is flawed and needs to replaced with a currency system or other alternative. I just disagree with the idea that BOA is the way to go.

And I agree a new way to obtain them is needed to solve this.

Thing is, do you think itā€™s worth it for the token squad working on 8.3 fixes to design an entirely new system of essence acquisition before Shadowlands comes out? You know, an expansion launch that completely benches Essences.

Iā€™ll be surprised if the 8.3 squad do actually design the system you propose, but I feel itā€™s more reasonable to expect them to actually make essences boa sometime before Shadowlands launch. Maybe not yet as weā€™re still in the ā€œearlyā€ weeks of 8.3, and many people are working on their mainsā€™ progression.

It is the question blizzard is interested in keeping people subbed for the next 8 months without having a reasonable option to try out other chars. In my guild there are a good amount already unsubbed and waiting for shadowlands because of essences, corruption and azerite pieces.

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I mean the design is easy. Assign each essence a value based on current time to get it. Easy to check with the data.

Have each rank of the essence purchasable for X tokens that make them take about as many tokens as it took to beat the boss.

Take content that already rewards essence juice (like vision chests or M+ bosses) and make it so when they run out of essence juice due to you getting the Rank where it stops dropping it starts dropping tokens instead.

Add vendor with all outdated essences. Done. Itā€™ll take someone like 2 hours to implement at most, essences donā€™t drop from that many things and the code to turn drops on and off already exists.

Thatā€™s it on paper. But then you have to take design cohesion, lead game design approval, (customer) support for this new system and evaluating which content should and should not drop these items into account. If game balance is of any concern to Blizzard - which itā€™s implied it is - theyā€™d have to counter loopholes and grinding methods as well.

The design sounds good on paper and I have nothing against it. But while game design is no rocket science, it still requires some consideration before implementing new systems that change the dynamics of the game, especially if you were to hotfix it in and implement it with little testing. Two hours would be an unrealistic window of development time for something like this.

Again, Iā€™m not against your idea. Being able to unlock essences through repetitions of current content would be neat, even if the time-gating that still exists would put a dampener in the actual fun of it. But I wouldnā€™t hold my breath that Blizzard, whose main focus lie with Shadowlands right now, would take the time to design, implement and test a new alt-progression system for an expansion that will soon be obsolete.

Im confused, didnt u tell me it was impossible to play alts in the past? U said alts were just there to gather mats and craft stuff. But then i prove you wrong, showing it was easier back then. all you can say is that i wasnt a casual. wasnt this about that alts and mains couldnt be the same?

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so you wanna tell me you dont care about anything?

but that people play the way you like to play.

troll confirmed

yes just ignore, hes an old timer that probs just play classic all day complaining that people play different. WoW has changed, times change.

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