Accountwide essences pls

Im gonna join you. Ive given up i just do dailies and im out. Not gonna bother playing anymore

Essences killed the fun of playing Alts for this expansion (:


I play warcraft, how can I have friends ? :frowning:


Thread bump!

Just a polite reminder that forcing us to do same tedious content over and over agian could be seen as a reason to unsubscribe, so do try and keep the game reasonable :slight_smile:


I just quit playing ill wait till shadowlands. This is killing my motivation to play. I cant stand playing my demon hunter all the time. Im an altoholic i love playing and learning new things. This has not been my xpac at all. I play for a month every new patch and then quit. WOW is a mobile game right now. Log in do dailies repeating the same ones every now and then. Get garrison missions and emissaries. I miss the days where i could just log in and do what i want to do instead of doing things that feel like a chore.

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Which is bizarre because essences as a system werenā€™t half bad. Not perfect but BFA became better with them in it. Honestly the only massive downside is the fact that they are not account wide. Or at the very least there is no decent catch up. For the love of Elune followers in Narjatar still get 100 exp per quest. Am i the only one that thinks doing the same dailies but getting x3 progress would have actually been a great middleground ?

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Probs it will be like legion with the prepatch. The heart will vanish which is good so i can level new characters and gear them up a little

This is getting tiresome. Just make the essences account wide already.


As per title, if we say it enough times, they may even listenā€¦

Yes and i hope they will destroy the HoA in prepatch like in legion then we get this over with.

Just a polite reminder that not listening to the playerbase will lead to huge amounts of subs cancelling given such a huge amount of time until SL.

There are so many threads as the community are trying to get the message through and itā€™s no being listened to.

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I honestly dont understand how its a big issue. HoA wont even be a part of shadowlands. When it launches it will not matter at all. Whats the problem?

Yeah so many threads so it propably like what? 0.1% of playerbase complaining? Do you realize you guys might actualy be very small minority and most people are ok with essences? Blizzard have data and if there would be masses canceling subs they would change it. But its not happening.

Well, now we know how to get a blues attention.
Honestly, until you guys start actually talking to the community about this issue (Ions, ā€œwe know itā€™s a problem, but weā€™re not going to change it because reasonsā€ is quite insufficient an explanation), I fully support annoying you with extra threads.

Cā€™mon, guys, I remember when you used to treat us like a community of people, not a bunch of expendable resources for you to milk numbers from. T.T

Iā€™ve met almost nobody who likes the system. Iā€™m not sure why anybody would. Also, I donā€™t think subs are where there money comes from, rather itā€™s from whales.

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It depends in what content you engage. In mythic+ or raidin you wont find these players. They are mostly solo players what engage in nothing but lfr and world content.

youre literally the only one on this right now being opposed to it. Idk man just do the math

I did and Blizzard clearly sees it same as they are not giving you accwide essences.

who cares go do your dailies and dont annoy us troll