Accountwide essences pls

They will release TBC and WoTLK and quietly admit on the earnings call that 99% of WoW subs isn’t playing retail.

But still the playerbase doesn’t seems to be growing so the more bad expansions they make the more certain that decline will be.

My experience exactly. The character im posting from is an alt actually. I log in play a little, then think about the essences i need to grind

Just a polite reminder that S-Priest needs some love.

Also, ignoring customer feedback often proves detrimental. Not that it’s your fault… :frowning:


I think blizzard reads what we have to say. But replying back would mean they have to reply to everyone which would be taking too much time😅

If they did this expansion wouldn’t be a meme

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I think its a matter of different people in the community. Like you see there are people here that disagrees with this. I have seen people complaining about having to get the cloak for the 2 end bosses in the new tier.

Must be extremely painful being a dev when a minority of people just whines about things that makes no sense to whine about. Honestly lets say essences were accountwide. How would that affect your gameplay?? No one is forcing you to play on an alt. You have earned it because you have put in the work.

It would make me try out, experience, play and have fun with more characters in the game. While obvisously not getting to the same level as the character i focus on this season.

BFA has many problems that the majority of the player base has addressed since launch. Tol Dagor bugs from SEASON ONE are still around to this day…

If they listened to the majority I think a lot of complaints would die down. Also, I think we should be able to purchase essences by some sort of account-wide currency received by doing appropriate content provided you have rank 3 or the requirement on your main.

Wish I could downvote you if that’s all you have to say…

I still don’t get it, we had catch up mechanics for alts in the past that worked quite fine imho.
Pandaria reps with the BoA tokens and the account wide rep gain increase were great. (Ofc that would “screw” paragon chests… or we just double the requirements there when doubling gain…).
Even the Garrison had some imho fine catchups, unlock the stuff on one char and simply make them buyable on another.

I just don’t get why Blizzard does insist on the essence unlock as they are.

How can Blizz say something like this :
“When you unlock access to world quests, islands, Siege of Boralus as a dungeon — that’s something that all your characters can jump in and do. We don’t want to force you, the player, to have to go through the same process of unlocking access to content.” and then ignore the fact that essences fall under the same category and people are almost begging for this to be considered as account wide and not something that we are being “forced” to unlock once again on an alt.

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exactly! not only for us, but the new players aswell, the requirements are painful. CLF is impossible, who does EP anymore??

I cant even log in today because I am so fed up gearing up/trait mechanics. My boyfriend last night said “I want to delete all my characters and just be done with wow”. Im slowly having enough as well. The PVE requirement for one character is huge. I have proper depression/anxiety, playing 14-16 hours a day and I dont feel like im really getting far. If i had 5 alts at the same level as my main then ok but this is just ONE character. You have to make wow your life to get to the top. The requirements are just too high across the whole of wow for gearing/traits stuff.


i am also mentally ill. with the timegating you wont get far at all. Yes told my friend it was pointless coming back since he didnt play in 8.2

Please, make it account wide. Or at least make it BoA, so you can send til to alts. It is NOT engaging gameplay to grind reputation for essences for the nth time, or save the dragonflights yet again.

I think no one will miss the gameplay of grinding the same essence if/when they change characters, or wants to level an alt to fill more than one role. As a hunter main, if I want to try a healer/tank role I need to grind so many essences, so just the thought of it hurts and I put it off.

Please Blizzard, I sincerely doubt this impedes anyones will to play the game, on the contrary I think making them accountwide would encourage players to PLAY the game.


At this point it’s needed bfa has had systems in systems on top of another system to patch up the lack of beta testing of azerite armour a week before launch, sometimes the spam should be forwarded to the devs as an astonishing amount of players want this even in game you can read this in general and trade chat in any realm in EU.

Yep its a topic i see daily right now.

“You have unlocked a new essence slot”…i only have crucible

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Another day without accountwide essences

Just logged off an alt because i realized i can’t go farm the essences i need. Can’t as in, i am timegated, rep gated or ilvl gated since eteranal palace heroics apparently ask for 470 ilvl. So… guess i should perform some occult ritual and wish for essences?