Accountwide essences pls

That is your choice what you do .

The reason people (rightfully so) ask for account wide essences, is the fact that farming essence for the first time is engaging content and relevant aswell while doing that all over agian on alt characters is not.

The important note to this also is the fact that the further the expansion progresses, the more and more alt unfriendly the game becomes.

Leveling my vulpera basically means I will have to grin for all the essences I already have once more and with exceptions of nylotha and vision content (which is I think 2 or 3 essences alltogether) I will be forced to spend unnecesary hours each day in outdated content instead of actually doing interesting stuff.

That is a bad game design, regardless off the angle anyone can look at it.


Actually, even if Blizzard continues to refuse to make them account wide, I would appreciate it, if they would at least remove the time gate on all of them
 That would make things better at least
 Make killing Nazjatar adds reward reputation, dungeons dropp the essence parts, increase the amount of dropping parts in eternal palace in a way, you can get the whole thing in one ID

That would already make things a lot better, because you can farm the essences in 1 day and you wouldn’t get them for free if that is so important to blizzard

They have definitely gone overboard with the make you play metrics. Many don’t like that change, especially when it’s so alt unfriendly.


Even if making them ‘‘account wide’’ is too difficult, couldn’t they just add account-bound tokens that we can send to all our alts?

Like say we could purchase a token with the equivalent rank of an essence that could be mailed account wide to unlock rank 3 of whatever essence we wanted and those tokens could be purchased with say corrupted mementos?

Like essence heirlooms


There’s been insanely many recommendations where the extreme of making everything account wide was pushed aside and improvements were offered.

Sadly Blizzard does not care about recommendations or suggestions. They believe they know everything to even more than 100% and are fully aware of what players enjoy and what not.

And they refuse to make essence grinds easier on characters past the first, which to me seems like a nobrainer.

Remember wotlk? You could buy an account wide cold weather flying manual after reaching lvl 80 (or 78? not even sure anymore) that allowed your lower level character to fly in Northrend. The first time going through, you were forced to experience every single thing. The second and third and so on, you were allowed to fly through it.

Why did these things change? Why does my fourth character need to go through the exact same grind as my first and second? Surely there should’ve been at least SOMETHING to help me speed up the progress. I’m experienced in it as well.

I’m fairly certain at this point “You think you know but you don’t” isn’t even a meme anymore, it’s the companies spirit towards its customers. Big Brother Ion knows best.

I wouldnt bother even responding to holystyle at this point. I believe its just a troll. Like we are just talking about wanting something that the majority of players want. its fine you have a different opinion, but you never explain why. All you say is “want something go get it” and have a toxic attitude towards others. I wouldnt be suprised if it was an asmongold fanboy at this point. I just want some valid points why you want it that way, instead of this attitude.

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having to go through farming the same reputation multiple times could be seen as labor more than gaming, so do try to keep it tidy

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Exactly my thoughts


I agree with the idea of it being aquired again without the timegating. Thats my biggest issue by far. Also the ones behind rep, 8.2 is nerfed but the rajani rank 3 breath of the dying is revered. I think they will bring this concern to mind after a certain time. With the new essences out i believe they will do something about it after we have gotten them all.

can we already have acc wide essences? tryhards who enjoy to grind rep and whatnot on multiple chars can go for r4 and look outstanding compared to peasants who just want to play the game on alts.

i mean who honestly rn is thinking? mhm so long time until shadowlands time to lvl some alt and 
 oh nop cba essence grind.

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Totally agree! They would earn back lost players if they just fixed this.

The last drip to all of this was adding a layer of RNG “corruption”.
If they do not learn from this. This game will die with its forever memorable genre in Shadowlands, ONE F**KING MILLION PERCENT.

Shall we place bets ?

WoW is still king. Theres a reason the community gets so uptight about this stuff! Because we love/loved the game and we just wanna see it in all its glory again

I think we must keep this up.
Repeate this over and over and over again right up untill the release of shadowlands

There we were thinking the “you think you want this, but you really don’t” attitude was something Blizzard has evolved from

I mean recently I have heared from almost everyone I play with at least once: “Ya then I decided to play my alt, logged to it, remembered essences, logged out again”

Why is it so painful to Blizz to make it easier to get these essences on alts. I got 2 chars on which one has all on rank 3 and the other has all but the 8.3 ones and conflict and strife on 3. Nothing I remember from WoW ever has ever annoyed me this much as to regrind them when I changed mains for 8.3. Most frustrating expirience and I easily went through all rep grinds out there at least once I think xD


Exactly! Everyone knows the essences wont matter when SL hits. Its like legendaries in legion when we had a vendor and BoA dropping

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I think the problem is very clear.
I have several times now, logged into an alt, because I want to variation in my game, only to logg off after 10 minutes and play some other game.

I will continue to stay subbed to progress through the current raid, but once that is done. I will probably unsub until shadowlands. I am fine with that, I don’t need wow.

But if Blizzard wants me to stay subbed, they could probably do that by making essences account wide, because I would start playing on alts after having finished the raid on my main.

Perhaps the smartest thing they can do is wait a few more weeks, and then make essences account wide. It’s about keeping me engaged, if they fail that, I play something else :slight_smile:

Management may still rush Shafowlands to cover FF14 release causing Shadowlands to launch in unfinished and cut down state.

Quite possible ,tho i doubt wow and memorable genre will die :stuck_out_tongue: