Achievement progress is lost after prepatch

Also lost my progress on Court favours and Dredger Style

Also i will add archeology achievement : History of the mantid and the seat of knowledge were reset for me.
And 1 jewelcrafting achievement : fantastic figurines

just want to add that ‘Be Our Guest’ achievement (which got resetted aswell) cant be progressed while reinviting the guests you already had before.
“The Gang’s All Here” achievement is also completly reset and cannot recraft constructs so unless you start completly over on an alt (which would cost 40-50k anima and several days), you cant complete it right now.

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The reputation achievement “Best in Slot” has also reset progress.

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I have raised my Order of the cloud serpent to exalted and I did not received achievement.
It happened on my Pandaria Remix toon.

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Progress on the “Treasures of Zereth Mortis” achievement has also been reset.

Wardrobe Makeover gone, The Gang’s all here gone.

Explore the Maw, map achievement completely reset and I’m sure I had that done as I only did it on my main. So random…

Any updates?

Just reached maximum on Cobalt Assembly but “Maximum Power!” achievement not awarded.

Okay so I thought only a few achievements reset. Mainly covenant ones but it seems the problem goes much deeper.

Full Discography is missing aswell and not only that, you cannot actually pick music in your garrison, it’s like you never picked up the item for it.

This got me worried. I can’t honestly remember every achievement Ive done…

I can confirm that “Treasures of Zereth Mortis” has reset progress. I was one item short, logged in, did it today expecting a much-awaited achievement and…nothing. I only did this on my main and cannot re-do it as all items are considered already done/learnt and I don’t have the required progress on any other alt :frowning: This is very disappointing as it’s a pain to do.

Other achievements I’ve had progress reset on:
Completing the Code

The Seat of Knowledge have also been reset. Was only missing 1 pristine find and now all are greyed out

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It appeared after logging off…and back on again.**Re this earlier message **

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Hey the achievements for outgrowing the use of Awakened Crests for Dragonflight Season 4 is not visible in the game even though we can unlock them. Could you please fix these achievements so they show ingame? :smiley: i am referring to these 3 achievements:
the awakened drake
the awakened wyrm
the awakened aspect

Would really love an update on this or if we can expect achievements to be fixed with next weekly reset. I am scared to hit exalted with The Enlightened aswell considering all the reputation issues too and i am so close after weeks of grinding.

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Same for me. Also Hey Nanny Nanny was reset. Im working on the A world awoken achievenemt for the mount and some of this achievement can’t be completed again.

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Lost all progression in Wardrobe Makeover…

B.O.O.M Box has all previously learned options for me ( all rolls except the 1 i was missing). But the progress is gone

I lost progress with all my Treasures and Sojourner achievements in Shadowlands.
I can check the quests, they are all done, and treasures can’t be looted again, but achievement progress… welp, isn’t there anymore.

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