Actions Taken Against Exploitation -- July 1 Update

Lets just remove the ability because you feel that is how things should be then huh, thank you communist China. Appreciate my daily rations alot, you fool.

Thanks for all the latest comms regardind bans, stress tests, P5… it’s a whole lot better when we can read things are happening ! :grin:

Players: pLeAsE bAn BoTs AnD tElL uS.

Blizzard: We just banned 72k+40k bots


Gj blizzard getting rid of the cheaters. Keep it up.


They are starting to communicate about a problem that was obvious since almost 1 year now

The 2 peas here are this short-term claim about bots

Whereas Blizzard has been accumulating sh-t shows since many months without even bothering to communicate about it

So yeah, this might be viewed as a “start” if the race didn’t start 10 months ago, of course people aren’t still going to be unsatisfied with this

Can we apply for GM jobs? I detect bots every day and wouldn’t mind moonlighting as a GM to ban them.



Thank you.

I got Rank 10 in PvP playing mostly before AB release and I played AV almost exlcusively b/c I couldn’t find a premade.

I soon realized that what the Alliance missed more was a Leader, so I mostly raid-leaded when someone else wouldn’t. This lead me to get about 45% win rate in AV and further decent honor even when we lost the game thus enabling me to rank up fast. I also queued up with guildies/friends most of the time.

Let me describe to you how was AV for us of the Alliance:

It was like fighting versus two armies of enemies: One was the Horde, obviously, and the other one was the Fifth Column, ppl from within your faction that would be “afk non-participating” or “non-afk AND non-participating”.

The latter kind of AFK’ers, whom I first met in Nostalrius, would stay behind the line of battle mounted and non-afk, farming honor and rep. These were the most frustrating players in the BG.

A different kind of AFK’ers would be Rank 8+ people who would pretend to be “defending” and stay next to a GY node and afk there. They would seem to defending but in reality they were just afk as they didn’t fight when horde attacked. If banned, they reckoned they could just use the excuse “BUT I WAS DEFENDING A NODE NOT AFKING”

Another kind of AFKER was the AV “Caveman”. Would stay in cave and never venture outside it. Some of the Cavemen were afk botting some weren’t. I remember this Caveman complain b/c we reported him afk: " I AM HERE I JUST DON’T WANNA PLAY. "

As a raid leader, I had to coordinate the group, give instructions as well as issue RW’s for ppl to report the various kinds of AV AFK’ers. This was like a full time job. Most of my AV time was devoted to reporting AFK’ers and giving instructions for other ppl on how to efficiently report them too.

So, I really appreciate you banning all kinds of non-participating players. These non-participants really harm BG’s and in addition ruin the fun of other honest players who join a BG to have fun and can’t b/c of the rampant pvp non-participants.

Keep banning them.

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That’s absolutely insane, and also disgusting. Stop botting ya’ll.
Thank you for ridding Azeroth of this infestation.

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It is the amount of people that are being hit by this ban wave who have done nothing wrong, and when they try to appeal the ban they are been greeted by a bot telling them they are not allowed to appeal or it will get worse.
Yes they are greeted with a BOT that is threatening them. That is why they are doing it wrong.

Edit: They also hit legitimate people with their instance lock in an attempt to hit bots (which they don’t). So in general this bot ban is hitting a lot of legitimate players which have no way to try and prove their innocence. I do not appreciate thinking twice about when i am sending gold to my bank because it could be looked at as “selling gold” despite them being linked to the same battle-net account. (and yes people have been banned for that.)

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except a simple /who strath will show that the same cheaters that were operating before both ban waves, are still operating today. And we know for a fact that their have been alot of fake positives in their bans.

Good job. I am not the type the heaps praise on you Bizzard - but the effect in game is clearly noticeable.

Thank you and please keep it up!

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who the f are u to decide what is good for me and whats not? just because u are not feeling to pass the cap doesnt mean that everybody else does too.

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/10 char

you feeling a bit targeted there, dude?

Maybe they dont get em all each wave, but yet they have reduced the amount drastically. Which for me is a positive thing.

Time to look towards Tanaris, don’t let it be 6 months before your next ban wave.

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Lots of innocents hit? check.
Botters still rampant? Check.
Do better - you have the cash.
Oh, and open your flippin phone lines again, e-tickets for a sub service is crazy

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Thx Blizzard, walk this way forward. Updatign us, i see the goldprice on the seller sites and the price are gettignt higher and higher. SO that what you do is succsesfull.


You’ve literally done nothing but ban a ton of innocent people cause of your laughable algorithms and harm non bots with your 30 instance cap.

For every bot you ban. 2 new ones spawn.

Good job Blizzard. Good job at being continuously garbage.


Still /who Stratholme shows loads of BOTS