Actions Taken to Address Exploitative Gameplay

Agreed, these retards don’t really like WoW Classic. They only care about XP, gold and never-ending boosts, rushs and more retail features: weak players.

privat server players, retail players… they are not vanilla players…

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I lost brain cells reading this silly idea :slight_smile:

i smell a gold seller… of course you would love this change as a botter
same goes for you @Nâk.

i am not one, i am just an old school vanilla 2005 player who is completly borred by the completly a**hole mentality on classic because privat server players and retail players…

its more than a shame… vanilla is completly dead because this mentality gear before all is here… the large majority of players on classic are just carry by 1.12 + bis list they pretend to be better than the 2005 community but its wrong they are just 1 000 % carry

Remove the instance limit

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Why do I keep seeing so many AFKers every BG? :frowning:

Nice try blizz but 2 days ago these filthy mage bots already swarmed arathi highlands and now are on their way to 60 ready for stratholme soon :slight_smile: didnt do anything but damage control.

Why are you banning people who has played the game for 10 years and are currently just farming in dungeons and deny all their appeals to thwart the ban?

If I am being suspected of botting then shouldn’t a GM come to check me out and try to talk to me? I don’t like when the gavel gets slammed prematurely.

To be fair. That would be mean you grind 6 hours a day dungeons. IF and only IF you are doing lower level dungeons of which you can clear 5 per hour. No way any mortal can clear 5 times Stratholme UD in an hour. Not even Apes.

But even then. 6 hours of dungeon grinding. It happens, yes. But who on earth can do that every day? It’s almost as equally deprimating as getting R14. R14 players often play 8-10 hours a day and many get burned off so badly once they reached it.

I did yesterday 30 dungeons and I enjoyed it. But I wouldn’t want to do that every single day. Let alone do more than 30.

Are you this addicted to either gold or dungeons? Damn.

It is not a lockout that only triggers if you do it every day. It triggers whenever you’ve done it within any 24 hour period.

You can join the fight against stratholme botters by mind controlling the botters at the gate right before they go throught the gates and moving them behind the corner. The bots are scripted to click to move to direct coordinates and if you mess up their position in any way the bot program doesnt register it and they get stuck trying to run directly through the wall. Been doing this for a while and its kinda funny. Gnomish mind control cap works aswell if you are not a priest. Remember to report them aswell :slight_smile:

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I see. So how is this formula calculated then? Does the 24 hour period starts at the 1st dungeon or at the last?

So let’s say, you boost SM as a Mage and you start at 13.00 server time. 6 hours of gameplay and boosting would result 19.00, does that mean you are locked out untill 19.00 pm the day after?

Than that’s quite the punishment.

If the 24 hour would go at the same way dailies used to reset (8 or 9 am) that would make more sense.

It’s basically exactly what it says. When you try to enter an instance, it checks. How many instances have you entered during the last 24 hour period? If that number is 30, you’re blocked and can’t enter. Until enough time has passed so the number you have entered during the last 24 hours is again 29 or less, you can’t enter.

Yea or even this. Does it start at the start or the end of the dungeon? If i enter a Dungeon for 5seconds does the count go up at start or when it ends? Or at the Reset point(when you manually reset)? Or when you enter a new dungeon? It’s all so vague and we’ll never get answers to these questions because the more info and details there are the more chance some dude or company is going to figure out a way to circumvent these. We don’t even get to know if we hit a daily cap or a hourly cap. Today i couldn’t enter ZG with my guild … cause o yea i’ve been farming gold so i can afford various ingame things. Well to bad can’t tank the 20Man Raid. It’s a sad fact. Who knows maybe i won’t be able to do dungeons till 10Pm Tomorrow on a saturday… Weekend should be a fun time !

Speaking of exploitative gameplay when are Blizzard going to address the Russian issue in Alterac Valley. When are they going to either ban Russians for premading and blatantly cheating to win in AV or fix the issue which Blizzard caused in the first place by stopping them to pool with rest of EU.

I will keep reporting these cheating Russians every game I am matched with them.

when is blizzard banning pvp botters? huh? yea right never.

yes but that would mean they actually have to pay someone rather than relying on a janky automod that works most of the time, the rest of the time it throws up false positives and bans actual players

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