Actions Taken to Address Exploitative Gameplay

I have to strongly disagree, one is against terms of service the other is an efficient way of leveling with a time restraint, you can dislike the boosting method and i agree with you, but just because we disagree we should not be saying “yay blizz due to cause and effect stopped people leveling in dungeons” because it does more than affect these people, also let them do what they want, the whole point of this was it was meant to be a copy of vannila, (yes i know its quite a bit different) and in vannila we boosted people in low level dungeons (not as efficiently) we carried people, we 2 manned dungeons, so why now is it not allowed?
as for the pvp v pve server, if you are not on the dominating side of a pvp server it can be a bit frustrating when not at max level, and ye thats a players choise, but before this patch a viable way of leveling was dungeons ether in a 5 man that speed ran at the right level or boosting, this now has been stopped, bots have not been affected.
So i think a lot of your arguments are kinda flawed and biased on a “my perspective is correct” as apposed to an objective view on the game, as this change has heavily effected me just farming raid consumables, im currently locked from because of DM N tribute runs, and Scholo rune farming, just for consumables to raid with.

So i accept your hate, but why do you think it should be changed? because you dont like it? i dont like paladins immune in bg’s or plate users healing when you fight them on a melee, so should we remove that and il be happy? no i wont and i dont think we should, its part of the vannila game, and i would fight for your right to keep your class as it is even if i dont like it because that is what the game WAS.

Then you can’t read. I’m on a PvE server.

Completely different situations.
If you gave your neighbour £1 for a potato, cause you dont have time to go shops (Boosting) Then that is different from going shops and stealing a whole bag, because you are inconsiderate (Botting).

People play the game they pay for in ways they wish to play them. Beauty of freedom. If you want to somehow believe you’re of higher standing, or your character means more, because you haven’t ever bought a boost or had help from friends to acquire certain gear, go ahead. Doesn’t affect my gameplay dude.

How were people to know, months before it became live / apparent, that server populations and imbalance would be an issue, and Blizzard/Activision would not care for, or do anything to combat, the same. In fact, with the ‘Honorable Kills’ decay, it made most imbalanced servers worse for Alliance toons.

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So I absolutely agree that these are my opinions and ofc they are biased because I dont like boosting or bots.

Granted its more than bots and boosters that are effected by this whole thing and I do feel bad for those players.

I understand boosting is for gold is very different to breaking TOS for gold selling and bot running but as im biased against both of it they are both just as bad to me personally.

These are just my opinions and are hardly going to be taken seriously by blizzard.

Your looking further into my points about boosting than what I mean.

Plain and simply I dont agree with lazily playing a game that i pay for, so if im playing a game im playing it and giving it my full attention whilst im playing not letting someone else run dungeons for me while i just afk.

I dont for one second believe that im somehow better than someone who maxed by boosting but I just dont understand or agree with paying a monthly sub and then not even really playing the game. But yes its their money and their sub they can do what they like but I will still lump the boosters and bots into the same boat as lazy players who want to do as little as possible for maximum gain.

If you dont like my thoughts on boosting and botting thats fair enough I’m not here to rally you under my banner if you dont like it then move on because your not gonna change my mind on that matter.

I do feel for the genuine players but atleast something was done as opposed to nothing. and im sure Blizzard will look at this outcry and try a different approach in the future.

And in the meantime, we just stop doing instances… … … … …

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Its a thing thats here right now and blizzard always take ages to react to anything so pretty much yeah the situation is we all stop doing them as much per day.

Then continue playing it your way…

Good job.

That’s fair - but don’t tell others it’s wrong to do so, or lazy, or inconsiderate because it doesn’t fit into your terms.

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The same three bots that have been farming Silithus on Lucifron EU for the last 4 Months are still doing so. This is the MMO equivalent of G.W.Bushs “mission Accomplished” speech. You guys are a joke. The only reason you are still in buisness is that there is no alternative. At this stage people will realise that BCclassic will be an unplayable clusterduck. If any of you god damn “Yesman” would have a shred of integrity left you would make management listen to these issues.


They will be banned when P6 hits.

I dont know if this will even be seen but just inn case.

Want to say thanks for doing something, however it needs to keep beeing done. If you wait for too long the botters and cheaters will earn enough while lvling or while beeing high level to sell their gold and buy new accounts while still making a profit.

Also any meassures taken to prevent automated play or third party software etc. should not at all impact your core paying players. Remove 30 instances per day lock now please, I want to try and farm myself HoJ on my rogue but I do alot of instances with my guild so I dont want to waste lockouts on a alt or risk getting locked out from raids on my 2 characters. Even if the odds of me hitting that treshold is small its still there, and untraceable so I wont know when I hit it.

Want to say thank you anyways for doing something, please keep it up. However do remove the 30 lockout cap. If you want to know how to stop botters, hire them, they are doing this for money. I presume from poor countries out of desperation alot of the time. Hire them, get them paid legally, give them a better life and get good ways of stopping botters at the same time.

Looks like you missed bots I reported in tanaris well over a month ago. Now it’s botting in maraudon.

Also, please stop disconnecting me when I submit the report after they get out of range, release or enter an instance.


It seems this ban wave barely scratched the surface. There are still hundreds of bots everywhere in razorgore - mostly new ones but there are still a lot of the old ones too.

Seems bot detection was particularly weak for non 60 characters.


you are one of the most narrowminded and selfish people i’ve come across on this forum. your sheer inability to be objective on an issue is astounding… all that has to fit your criteria for a problem is “does this affect me?” and if the No-box is ticked, you’re more than happy to keep advocating in favor of the stupidity of said problem.

so i suppose you also are in favor of reckoning being nerfed and shadow oil being bugged with a 10 sec internal cooldown right?
to say you’re not in favor of these changes ‘for the greater good’ would make you a blatant hypocrite.


Your adding two random points that i’ve never mentioned to try and make me seem like a hypocrite when inreality nothing i’ve said is hypocritical in the slightest.

I dont like bots and I dont like boosting simple as. I dont give a toss whether or not you think im selfish or narrowminded. Get over yourself.

And i’ve also said multiple times I do think legitimate players are being hurt by this but id rather hurt the boosters and bots and change my gameplay slightly than let what was happening carry on.

Your adding two random points that i’ve never mentioned to try and make me seem like a hypocrite when inreality nothing i’ve said is hypocritical in the slightest.

So are you in favor of the changes to shadow oil and reckoning then, yes or no?

I dont like bots and I dont like boosting simple as. I dont give a toss whether or not you think im selfish or narrowminded. Get over yourself.

i think most people reading the vomit stream of words of ignorance coming out of your mouth can make their own minds up… you don’t think you’re narrowminded, selfish and ignorant? well sorry but your post history disproves that idea. get over yourself.

And i’ve also said multiple times I do think legitimate players are being hurt by this but id rather hurt the boosters and bots and change my gameplay slightly than let what was happening carry on.

Yes, you have. Numerous times… in the face of people literally telling you i am being affected by this as if you are actually too stupid to comprehend what they are saying, you know for a fact that i gave you examples of how players are able to reach the 30 dungeon lockout in 90 minutes of gameplay spread over 6 hours, which you’ve been ignoring repeatedly, and honestly that makes you a shill.

Lmao dude I really dont give a toss about shadow oil or reckoning or whether or not you believe im a shill or a hypocrite.

Put simply its not our game. They can do what they want with it and realistically there isnt a damn thing we can do about it so whats the point getting angry because whats done is done.

I dont care if you think I am selfish or narrowminded and ignorant because your nothing to me your just another name on the forums who will no doubt still play wow regardless of what they do so your just moaning at me because I dont care that you personally are affected.

If you dont like what im saying then scroll on but im done replying to you because your not gonna change my mind and quite honestly your boring to read because your bring up stuff that has nothing to do with a subject to push a point that isn’t there.

Lmao dude I really dont give a toss about shadow oil or reckoning or whether or not you believe im a shill or a hypocrite.

it doesn’t matter if you care or not, doesn’t change the fact that you are.

Put simply its not our game. They can do what they want with it and realistically there isnt a damn thing we can do about it so whats the point getting angry because whats done is done.

oh you see that’s where you’re wrong, because while it is their game, they advertised it to customers as an original, which at this point its not. that’s called false advertising which is illegal worldwide.

I dont care if you think I am selfish or narrowminded and ignorant because your nothing to me your just another name on the forums who will no doubt still play wow regardless of what they do so your just moaning at me because I dont care that you personally are affected.

you apparently don’t care about grammar either :ok_hand::joy:

If you dont like what im saying then scroll on but im done replying to you because your not gonna change my mind and quite honestly your boring to read because your bring up stuff that has nothing to do with a subject to push a point that isn’t there.

pfff, right… p*** off noob.

its the reason why i think the privat server playerbase and retail players have completly destroyed what vanilla was… its sound like the majority of privat server players are completly frustrated casual who did nothing in 2005 and search how to herase the content in casual time play at any cost… this mentality is a shame… and blizzard never stop to listen this dumb community… since 15 years its everytime the same problem blizzard listen and do all they can for carry casual and crying players…

for me with the privat server and retail playerbase its completly impossible to have a true vanilla experience because blizzard listent the nochange community from privat server who want to stay on this carry version for to do speed run…

if youw ant a vanilla experience blizzard should do some change and restriction, like to buff the content, put 8 debuff maximum on boss, and put some classes on all the lvl 47+ gear (like cloth = warlock / mage / priest)

if they do that players will have the obligation to stop to be carry and to learn how to play and to have skill for raid, like we did in 2005…

today all you can see on classic is a huge carry for casual and crying players and vanilla was never a casual game…

ps : honestly when i see what classic is i understand why for everquest community the blizzard community is full of baby and casual carry players… its more than clear…

Good job Blizzard, and keep that 30-instance limit, I’d even decrease to 20. Stop exploiting, semi-bots!

they did a good job and they should do more but you will always have some crying baby who will disagree with that because they want to be carry…