Actions Taken to Address Exploitative Gameplay

Farming gold is easy. All it takes is time.
Go to hearthglen or Tyr’s hand and kill mobs. Easy 40g pr. hour.
Sure, mages can make 60g pr hour, but everyone can make good money.
Spend 10 hours pr. day for a week, and you have 2800g. You can do this as a holy priest or prot warrior. Bring a friend to chat with and you cannot die.
Some people have the time, some people don’t. It’s not about skill.
And Solargoat, why is it a problem for someone to have 50K gold? If they find gold farming fun, trying to have the most amount of gold, they don’t spend it. Doesn’t impact the economy. Why do you care what they find fun?

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Can I have my subscription money back? Finally have some time to play and you’re not letting me

Did you lift the bans already? Currently 13 unguilded level 60 mages in stratholme on earthshaker, alliance side.

Not the brightest bulb in the box, are ya

If I’m selling princess kills I can easily exceed 30 instances. Takes me around 10-15 mins a run.

well nothing happened yet, to our friendly bots in Judgement, still there, still farming. and obviously gold sellers

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finally they took the decision to not let they privat server players do what they want because they did all this sh** during many years because the private server was never controlled…

maybe blizzard are not dead :thinking:

Make use of authenticator compulsory. You have stated that many accounts selling gold or otherwise involved with abuse are compromised accounts, so why not force the use of authenticators? Many services nowadays REQUIRE it for purchases in games, or other actions. It’s 2020. People know what 2FA is, most people have phones (don’t you guys have phones?!), or can use email/SMS as a last resort.

The amount of time and money you spend fighting this could be heavily mitigated it by requiring 2FA. It won’t solve it, by why not take an easy step to make a large impact and unburden your support team of account recoveries and restorations?

Well done, I appreciate this step and finally, we have got some information about this issue from you. That’s good start.
Just keep working, detect these bots, punish them by bans, no mercy for them and ofc gold-sellers. This doesn’t belong to the game (in general, any game).

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So… I was running in Tanaris yesterday… tons of lvl 45-50 bots… went back today… all of them are still there… killing the same mobs…

one banwave isnt enought… you need to keep the bans coming AND FAST just so they cant make the money back from botting to buy new accounts!


Good! But still please remove the Daily Dungeon Lockout or increase the cap to 60.

This blue is unique in the way that it addresses the challenges that Blizzard faces and explains to us why things are the way they are, while promising to improve it. Shows you understand why just doing these banwaves aren’t quite enough. It was a far more human response than any you’ve given on this subject in the past.

The problem may not be ultimately solved. But kudos anyway.


I was schocked 2 nights ago !!!
Westfall on Razorgore (A) had more than 50 players (lvl 12-20ish) online at around 1.00 AM
Like it is classic launch all over again :smiley:

People who sell boosts are just as bad as bots in my books. Im glad they are punishing those who boost lowbies through dungeons.

74K in EU,US and Asia…
Roughly 25k in each region… what about the rest then, you know, the ones that still roan around we’ve been reporting for several months?

nice try, but try harder next time please.

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Same with gold buyers.

I disagree. I think people who sell boosts for gold (ingame) are just providing a service ingame . There’s a demand for them and unless Blizzard states otherwise it is perfectly Legal and allowed within the ToS and CoC. They are also impacting people who farm gold trough dungeons in other ways outside of boosting. So please forgive me to point out that it’s not limited to boosting services there’s also Herbing/Mining/Item hunting and i personally won’t do pugs anymore. I’ll even cutdown on Guildruns and limit it all to things that benefit me until i’m absolutely sure i won’t reach the Daily cap.

I dont agree with boosting on a fundemental level in that leveling should be done with people your own or very similar level not a level 15 running deadmines with a level 60 or a level 25 being boosted through stocks by a 60 mage. Service or not its not how the game should be played in my opinion.

Quite honestly im just glad the boosters are being screwed over I feel for the legit players but boosters can rot in my opinion.


And its fine, i think its a bit of a meh way to level also, but by restricting what actions people can or cant take by altering how the game was intended changes the game to the point some people dont want to play it.
Did you ever think vannila wow was balanced? or fair?
I never did, i saw it as an exploitable game that was really fun trying to figure out all the different ways to “beat” the game, and that is the essence of min maxing, its not me who thought like that, but 1000’s of others who played private vannila servers, and now with changes like this, you are better off playing private servers than wow classic.

Bliz saw there largest spike to subs on release of classic, because this player base DO NOT in general want to play a retail like game, so to add patches off a retail mentality just change the game into a retail at lvl 60.

Personally i never played a private server i just ended my sub and moved on to other games, i came back to classic, and frankly after this patch, if its not removed by the time my sub is up, i wont be staying, at what point does bliz “small changes” stop, it didnt stop at gfx, and now we are on limiting game play like a free to play game would BEFORE you pay a sub,

so agree on 1 aspect this affects or not, if you are not against it you are complicit in blizz actions, and when they decide something you enjoy in the game needs to be removed, you will have lost a lot of people who could have supported you with “no changes”

personally i have had to be selfish with my instance saves now, from happerly HS to karg and opening a ubrs for someone, helping someone farm an item or show a mage how to solo ZF or Mara, i wont do that again, i wont give a free boost in RFC to a poor lvl 14 at 3 in the morning when no one is on and they want to do there quests, i will simply think about me, and how i can use my lock outs to be efficient for me, so … in essence destroying the part of the community i used to love in wow

i hope bliz just hot fix this and remove it, or at the very least respond to the many hundreds of people who have pointed out how silly this change is.