Actions Taken to Address Exploitative Gameplay

Boosting is in retail came from a mindset that started in retail that was to charge gold to do work for someone else.

If 30 max instances in 24 hours cuts down on that then im glad.

Vanilla being balanced and vanilla players paying gold for what is essentially a slower wow level 60 boost is two totally different things.

I played private servers and very many except Kronos and Nostalrius were x12 or x5 or x8 because the playerbase didnt want to level but they wanted to do raids and bg’s.

If your not enjoying what they are doing with their product thats fair enough but to be blunt it hasn’t got anything to do with you as all you are is a paying customer. You don’t own stock or have a seat in their boardroom meetings so no matter what you or I have to say about the direction of the game means absolutely nothing.

For every player like you that says they’ll quit every time something gets changed or nerfed there are thousands who stay so quite frankly they dont give a toss whether you personally stay or not.

Its not your IP or mine so they can do w/e the hell they want with it and we might not like it but thats just how it is in reality.

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Lets start with your silly insults and how pointless they are and move on to them LOOKING FOR ALT ACCOUNT THAT ARE USED AS MULES TO STOCKPILE GOLD AND ITEMS IN CASE OF BAN WAVES! Or did you not think of that you pseudo intellectual?

Edit: I see where my insult was and it was completely justified. You have no idea what your talking about and are acting like a child who wants their own way when it isnt possible.

For you to mention alt accounts has absolutely nothing to do with players who legitmately bought items from the AH who just happened to have bought from bots.

So again your being a complete moron if your this closed minded to how the wow economy works in terms of snatching items from legitimate players.

Just because bots have sold items why should thousands of legitmate players who bought items with gold they earned legitmately lose out on those items because you’ve decided that wow’s economy should be rolled back to before the bots came into the game.

Your stupidity is actually astounding.

O and you are? Did you even think of accounts that don’t use bots but are just used to store part of the items that bots gather in case of ban waves? May want to check your own luminosity.

I Respect that and i agree to some extend i’d love if there would be more dungeon groups and less Boosting. But in a way it’s a Neccesary evil. Atleast it’s not RMT it’s gold. And i do hope that most of the Boosters are actual players who farm gold for their own needs and not to be used for RMT or any of that bad stuff.

So to me there is no real difference between paying Blizzard 40 quid for a 60 boost and paying random players a few hundred to a thousand gold if not more to just boost me in dungeons.

The only difference is the time frame and ofc the actual currency being exchanged but with gold selling its actually possible that gold sellers are making more than blizzard would be by selling boosts just from running a boosting bot.

I do believe this 30 instances is harsh for legitimate players but something is better than nothing in this situation.

Your telling me after all this time, you could only ban 74k accounts across america, oceania and europe servers? Thats humiliating. And I expect that this is on retail and classic.

Good to know.

I hope you guys realize though that we can’t just go and be happy considering how long it took and how gold farming has become essential to even get low grade consumables.

These ban waves need to come a lot earlier in order to both give a message and to try and limit the damages they can do to the game.

Are you not the guy that’s busy telling people they are ‘close-minded’ and making ‘moronic’ statements?

Maybe to YOU there is no difference in paying £40 or paying with in game currency, for boosts to 60.
Think of all the players across Europe that don’t have the ‘disposable income’ to splash out £40 on boosts, but still enjoy playing… what they can do though, or could until recently, is farm gold in game through repeating instances, and use that gold to give themselves a helping hand (purchasing boosts) in their probably fairly limited play time (RL, jobs, kids etc. all get in the way of gaming).

We are lucky, on a PvE server, but there are PvP servers out there that are so imbalanced that a lot of players can’t move in Azeroth for being battered by the opposing faction - They are very much limited to instance playing, and now that’s being taken away from them?

I transferred from Golemagg for that very reason, btw. Even getting to instances, in most cases, was an absolute joke! Even more so when Blizzard/Activision increased the time frame for honor decay…

Not everyone is bot who not in guild, Some people just like to be alone and that could be the reason they not in guild.

Do it again in roughly 5 days. I assume they’re all busy leveling characters on 3 other Realms and will (once done) take up the farm again but this time rotating between accounts…

Stonespine server horde side.

/who strat 2 teams of druid / mage / mage / mage / priest.

well done same team that been there for the last 3 months, great ban program u have there , amazing.

you did not mention how long those bans were, banning bots means nothing if they’re not permabanned.

botting gives you a 6months ban usually they said that like 4 months ago somewhere

My server is still filled with bots, so this action has no impact what so ever, if the next one is 6 months away.

And i have never since release seen so many unguilded leveling in the 10-30 bracket.

5 teams of unguilded mages/priest/drud/paladin in stratholme on earthshaker alliance side. Same names that were there before this “banwave”. Did you lift all the bans already?

Don’t be silly - they never implemented them.

That blue post was just ‘crowd control’ for those easily fooled… #KeepingThePeace

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All im getting from your reply to me is that your mad that you can’t level through dungeons on a pvp server. I honestly couldnt care less. You chose to play a pvp server but didnt want to fight in world pvp? if that was the case you might aswell just leveled on a pve server and done bg’s.

Your trying to tell me that boosting is perfectly okay aslong as they have a busy life style. You could easily justify people botting because they need to sell the gold to make a living to pay for IRL bills/food etc.

You can call me closed minded on this but if your boosting instead of playing then your just as bad as the bots that you end up employing to boost you.

I have an extremely busy life which im not going to go into as you have no reason to know so that excuse of lack of time is nonsense.

I picked PVE because I knew I didnt want to engage in world pvp but also wanted to do BG’s and raids so im not lucky im just smarter than someone who picks a pvp server then decides Wpvp is awful and then spends the entirety of their leveling time in dungeons because they cant kill players out in the world.

If you think hard, you can probably see there is a difference between an agreement made between two players inside the game, and automated play in exchange for real money outside the game.

That said, quite a lot of people didn’t realize how the open world of the modern pvp server would be.

The whole woe is me for having to level on a pvp server is a joke in my mind. If you picked a pvp server not realizing how popular WPVP was going to be then its entirely on you. But to boost your level entirely in dungeons is just a joke in my mind.