Activision Blizzard is broken due to Crowdstrike crash!

"Crowdstrike outage leaves GAME DEV in SHAMBLES.

Getting reports that some, if not all Activision studios are DOWN. Every workstation bricked. At one studio there are only TWO IT people fixing HUNDREDS of workstations.

Nobody can work. People are going home."

Interesting if this is true!

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Tis lucky that Blizzard aren’t owned by Activision any more in that case …


Well let’s hope you’re right, even though Microsoft owns Activision Blizzard, we do not know about their internal server structure.

This isn’t specific to Blizzard. It affects many industries and businesses. It’s not a hack, but a faulty security update.

Here’s the news with details:


Yes, I know it’s not specific to Blizzard or the gaming industry :slight_smile:

Just found that info in relation to Activision Blizzard, so posted it here, just incase we notice anything, where nothing is happening from Blizzard’s side of things.

Eitherway hope those affected (the companies) get things back up and running soon.

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Activision Blizzard?

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‘Cloudstrike’, aptly named.

Amazing how so many people really do seem to think the entirety of Microsoft’s departments all work together in the same room.

In a nutshell , if a company does not use CloudStrike, then they aint affected. Not had a problem today, not even online shopping or going to Tesco for some liquid refreshments and food.

It had nothing to do with Microsoft. It would appear that Cloudstrike didn’t test their update enough.

I really hope this destroys the company. It’ll be a lesson to other companies that you should do proper QA on patches. It might seem harsh but it’s a lesson that needs learned.

We all know what it’s like with Blizzard’s poor QA has been like in recent years. This wasn’t a few thousand grumpy gamers that it happened to, this was a world-wide infrastructure failure. Lessons need to be learned.

World leaders need to take notice.

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Tell that to OP

I’m not the one rushing to start a topic every time Microsoft gets mentioned in the news

All cash points and card transactions went down in my town the otherweek

Had to pay by cash for everything.

I think that was more groundbreaking.

He’s correct. Microsoft didn’t cause the problem, but was done by Crowdstrike, when they uploaded their patch, which affected a lot of Window OSs around the world.

I also never said MS was to blame for the outage :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

[Activision Blizzard is broken due to Crowdstrike crash!]

So how did you come to that conclusion if it wasn’t mentioned in the news that it was Microsoft?
Blizzard and Activision were never mentioned in anything online reporting this story, Microsoft were.

Was a tweet from I believe Grummz, where he mentioned it due to people he still knows/talks too at Activision Blizzard.

Again, I never blamed Microsoft for the Crowdstrike situation. I just quoted the tweet :slight_smile:

Activision own blizzard Microsoft own both

Since the acquisition last year, Activision, Blizzard, and King are wholly independent susidiaries of Microsoft, Activision has absolutely nothing to do with Blizzard anymore, though there may still be some legacy infrastructures in place that are likely being dismantled as we speak.

And just for the record, becasue somehow everyone keeps parroting a typo initially made by either the BBC or Sky News no matter how many articles name the company correctly…

was never the name of the company nor its product.

is the correct name, and Falcon is the specific EPP product at fault for these outages.

Side note, I´ve been trying to get away from Falcon for quite a while now as I believe there are significantly better solutions in place for my employer, and I honestly hope this will finally start to wake some of the higher ups up. :wink:

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I believe we’ll see a change in some of the backend systems for a lot of companies now. Crowdstrike will lose a lot of money from investors/partners as they move over to other alt companies out there.

Was reading that over 900 banks were also affected, which is crazy.

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Technicality. Activision blizzard is owned by Microsoft. Also parent company is irrelevant to quality