Activision Blizzard sued by California Department of Fair Employment

“A two-year investigation by the state agency found that the company discriminated against female employees in terms and conditions of employment, including compensation, assignment, promotion, and termination.”

According to the complaint, filed Tuesday in the Los Angeles Superior Court, female employees make up around 20% of the Activision workforce, and are subjected to a “pervasive frat boy workplace culture,” including “cube crawls,” in which male employees “drink copious amounts of alcohol as they crawl their way through various cubicles in the office and often engage in inappropriate behavior toward female employees.”

The agency alleges male employees play video games during the workday while delegating responsibilities to female employees, engage in sexual banter, and joke openly about rape, among other things.

Female employees allege being held back from promotions because of the possibility they might become pregnant, being criticized for leaving to pick their children up from daycare, and being kicked out of lactation rooms so male colleagues could use the room for meetings, the complaint says.

Female employees working for the World of Warcraft team noted that male employees and supervisors would hit on them, make derogatory comments about rape, and otherwise engage in demeaning behavior, the agency alleges.

The suit also points to a female Activision employee who took her own life while on a company trip with her male supervisor. The employee had been subjected to intense sexual harassment prior to her death, including having nude photos passed around at a company holiday party, the complaint says.

I can’t link to the article, but it is posted by bloomberg law:
news.bloomberglaw .com/daily-labor-report/activision-blizzard-sued-by-california-over-frat-boy-culture


Hmm, bit hypocritical Blizz, no?


Ah yes, stories coming out about brave women after years of abusement towards every single one of them. No police reports or mentioning any of these for years (not even on twitter where people use Blizzard as a doormat even for existing), no evidence for anything but a lot of “alleges”. Sounds like the US


They are being sued by the state rather than by private individuals, and after a two year investigation.
It’s unlikely that this is fake news.


Must’ve been a very quality investigation if the best thing they can come up with is “allegedly this and that happened” instead of “this and that was proven according to xy amount of evidence over the years”.


The word allegedly is always used in legal cases like this, what planet are you on? o_O


Who really believe that discriminatory/abusive culture within companies wouldn’t exist in Activision Blizzard?


As someone on twitter said:

“All this while parading around as a company that values diversity and inclusion, partnering up with organizations like Girls Who Code.”

I dunno, I guess I kinda expected them to be better than this.


Expectations exists only to be smashed, so never let your hopes up regarding things you can’t do anything with.

Given that bad apples exists in all crates, it is hard for every company to detect and handle all bad behaving employers before they acts really bad and we get this kind of reputation-damaging cases.

I mean, the lawsuit itself actually brings out much more so uhh…

I would expect all the actual proof that’s not mentioned is just appended to the PDF or is given in court. What are you on about?


Big yikes. Blizzard remove mean word from 2008 that bad mouthed sylvanas but acts like this IRL. This goes to show that corporations virtue signal only for profit and do not actually hold any meaningful social justice positions.



Although it is linked at the foot of the article this thread is about, any who are interested can read the actual case here:

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You can attach links through backticks `, triple of them on each side of the link, like this:

Given that this is mostly sexual harassment and inequality, I do wonder how deep the rabbit hole goes towards any other minority, especially considering how much they’ve played up e.g. LGBTQ+ representation and issues.


ah, thank you. Believe it or not I used to be a forum regular back in the day, but now I’m a complete noob about it all. ^^;


The case is where stuff is proven or disproven, thats why the word “alleged” will always be used until its been through court. Massively ignorant post by you if I’m honest.


I guess this is bingo.

They won the worst fall from grace in the history of the gaming developers bingo game.


A spokesperson sent Jason Schreier of Bloomberg News a statement, calling the details in the lawsuit “distorted” and referring to the DFEH as “unaccountable State bureaucrats”.


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Whiteknights everywhere… disgusting.

A female employee killed her self and people are still defending Blizzard? Am i getting that right?


Maybe because this case doesnt mean that everyone at Blizzard California is bad? You arent calling people things, just because a few of them were criminal…


The difference here though, is that not only were the bad apples tolerated, they were actively celebrated as part of office culture, according to the filing.