AD around the world šŸŒŽ

Ireland :ireland: born here and I am stuck here.


It is. Just meant the fandom for the game has a lot of Netherlands people.

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Half-icelandic half-dane regretably living in the second happiest country on earth Denmark.

Though might as well be Sweden with where I live :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Greetings from Poland :poland:

Cha cha cha :man_dancing:t5:


Iā€™m Briā€™ish

But I lived for a while in Italy so maybe that counts idk.


Used to live in Germanyā€™s favorite holiday destination in the country near the Belgian border, moved a little up north to surround myself with assorted explosions on a daily basis, life is good

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Godā€™s own country the confirmed unironically Great Britain (inventors of the very computer & internet you now use to tell us we have bad food; alas, I guess success breeds jealousy :sunglasses:)


thanks joe. makes me proud to be british


From the not-so-sunny Sweden! I could really go for some snow about now.

This forum thread is now the property of the Bundesrepublik Deutschland. :saluting_face: :de:

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:england: Right now, or to say, back again.

I move(d) around a lot.

Stuck in Newcastle for the moment.

Iā€™m from England and have lived in the same house all my life. i want OUT.

From the land that gave you surstrƶmming, abba (both band and caviar), napoleonā€™s artillery tactics, kebab pizza and the rurikid tsars.


I live in Northern Germany too, nice

Edit: iā€˜m somewhat surprised nobody mentioned living in France

Moooooin :>

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:hungary: Hungarian here, though I donā€™t live there anymore.

Thereā€™s dedicated french servers, including RP servers although I havenā€™t check in a while how active the small ones still were, but I figure Kirin Tor still live.

But yeah. :fr: Might be the only one or close on AD.

Faroe Islands :faroe_islands: , but live in Scotland :scotland: