AD around the world šŸŒŽ

The Dutch just keep on winningā€¦


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Why you drag it so long tho :smiling_face_with_tear:

From under the land of a thousand lakes is the land of a thousand isles, Estonia :estonia: :estonia: :estonia:


Watching you all here be proud of your homelandsā€¦ And then thereā€™s me, feeling like I donā€™t have a homeland and never did.

I donā€™t consider myself Russian, and call myself a world citizen instead. Thereā€™s nothing about Russia I find admirable or desirable for the West, except maybe its natural landscapes, which arenā€™t even its peopleā€™s achievement. Everything that I find good about Russian culture was a result of Western influence.

Iā€™m not bitter, justā€¦ sad. And maybe a little envious of you all, despite myself. And I donā€™t know what to do with it. (Trying to convince me that no, really, Russia is totally great if you discount the leadership isnā€™t the answer.)


Czech Republic :beer: (Czechia too I guess :unamused:)

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Thereā€™s a saying in English that goes along the lines of ā€˜blood is thicker than waterā€™, now people have taken this to mean that family (blood) is more important than friends but the full saying is actually ā€˜the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the wombā€™ which means the exact opposite, that the ties you choose are more imporant than those you were born with.

If you feel disconnected to your birth nation, thatā€™s totally fine; if you choose to identify as a world citizen thatā€™s fine too, you can also choose to identify as a citizen of the country youā€™ve chosen to live in, thereā€™s a great belief in my home nation that anyone who chooses to live here is as much one of us as anyone born here, sometimes moreso.


:australia: Gā€™day. Working night shifts and having friends in the European area, I play EU over US WoW.


What is not fine, however, is completely ignoring the rich and deep heritage that you have, regardless of the current state of things. This mindset is a result of brainwashing and delusion. When you feel sad over nothing, because you yourself choose to neglect all the countless good things, achievements, people, cultural and scientific deeds, and everything elseā€¦ Just saying.

I did choose to ignore the heritage of the people among whom I didnā€™t choose to be born, and with whom I feel I have little in common.

Iā€™m sorry. I am happy for you, sincerely, if you do feel that connection.

Iā€™m not prepared to discuss this subject in more length.


Finland mentioned :muscle:

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The alternative would be ā€œMoin moin.ā€ :slight_smile:

Having russian parents, I canā€™t say you are wrong, but, at the same time, that is a close-minded way to look at things, in my opinion. A good friend of mine once said ā€œit is good to remember the past and be proud of the heritage, but letā€™s also not forget its mistakesā€, which, generally, helped a lot for me personally to shape out my own outlook on the world.

Being a second-gen citizen, it is somewhat difficult to even associate yourself with the country your parents are from, but also you never associate yourself to its fullest with the country you were born in. It is quite a difficult mix.

I know there are plenty of things I donā€™t like in here. At one point I even wanted to move abroad so badly because of them. But saying there is nothing good about your country and that all the great things about it (and we are talking about some reallyā€¦ big and powerful country here, not a small young village) are actually non-existentā€¦ You do you, ofc, and I canā€™t change the way you feel, but this mindset really looks like a result of the recent propaganda. Throwing all the rich heritage and the amazing achievements under the bus just like thatā€¦

Please stop.


feel like this part of the post was missed

letā€™s not turn a wholesome thread into another forum beef


You canā€™t force people into your own mindset, you will only push them further away.

Lintian has stated their mind, and has asked to not get into it further, for reasons I hope you will see as obvious.

Donā€™t ruin another thread.


At the same time, what did you expect? You choose to be the only person who writes a negative thing about your birthcountry, soā€¦ It was destined to happen. You were just unlucky to target a country which happens to be Quillestraā€™s home, lol

Read the room jfc


You are displaying all the negative perceptions people have for your people, right now, my dude.


The only shame I carry regarding my nationality is that I will never know how good it is to be Albanian :pensive:

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