AD around the world 🌎

mfers don’t even have the great tompouce

There’s this small sandwich/pie shop about 15 ish mins from my house that does some AMAZING pies, sausage rolls and sandwiches, sometimes go there to get a Club Sandwich or one of their Firecracker Sausage Rolls.
Heck their pork pies and variants are really good too.

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I recently had a massive argument with a guildie about beans.

Why are you all brits so obsessed with them? :beans: :no_entry_sign:

You want bowl of chips or some chips for dinner?

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there’s an advert on TV atm where a guy goes on holiday and his luggage goes missing at the airport, so he spends the whole holiday being miserable and crying

at the end they show that it was because his luggage was full of tins of baked beans

very relatable

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People are quick to say that I am the one being offensive, but at the end of the day I never called anybody names. I just recommending having a more positive outlook and worrying less about things that aren’t even entirely true. And I am reporting you for the insult, by the way, now we’re even.

British cuisine is just a massive chunk of spam on plain bread.

Sorry we were too busy inventing the modern world to have time for cooking :sunglasses:


Bri’ish is beans on toast, fiiish 'n chips, sosij rolls and… mmmmm breakfast.

people are so quick to dunk on british cuisine but then will tell you that their 6 month fermented fish delicacy is fine dining


Looks at the modern world Oh, so this is your fault!

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I want a good burger but the city I live in only has two kinds of fast food places:

a) Pizzerias or kebab shops that have burger on their menu, but you can tell it’s not their bread and butter
b) Hipster places that don’t even offer a good ol’ American cheeseburger, only burgers that are so tall you need to eat them with fork and knife and they cost 14€

The best burger i ever had was from this elderly couple’s diner in my home town, almost 2 train hours north, and it’s only 3,30€.

Deprived of good borgir…

Baked beans are just REALLY good, I dunno how to really explain it but it’s just one of those foods that goes with many settings. Breakfast, lunch or dinner.


There has to be a separate circle of hell for bean-enjoyers. For 2 years of my living in the UK - I just couldn’t fathom why would you eat beans and not any other vegetable, willingly…

Now hol up…

Yet despite this, we still always talk to one another in English on Discord…


I’m part FRENCH.



My Italian wife converted to beans after a few years and now she loves them. It’s only a matter of time…

This forum thread has now been occupied by the British Empire. :uk:

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the redcoats are coming

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