AD around the world 🌎

If someone comes in and shares their personal experience (e.g. I lost a business/my salary was low/I had other problems) it’s one thing. When someone comes in and says offensive provocative nonsense and tries to present it as “just their feelings” - it’s a different thing. You face the consequences of your decisions. Is there really anything wrong with saying that your country does have some proud heritage and good things? I have no regrets for “ruining the thread” if it is so.

Quillestra being a russia fan really fits.

Anyway I’m from the moon :new_moon: :wave:


I’m starting to see why they aren’t proud of Quillestra’s home.


Make sure to scrub away that big Z from your forehead on the way out



Jesus h christ just leave them alone to their own thoughts and feelings instead of trying to drag it out with your own opinion. They can feel how they want. So can you. But there’s no need to say they’re wrong and ruin a perfectly great thread with your stupid beef.

You were asked to stop. Do so.


Looks like someone’s…

Russian to ruin their reputation.


I’ll see myself out.


You’ve literally spent most of your time on these forums trying to convince people about your headcannon about san’layn based entirely off your own feelings.

I hope the irony of your statements is not lost on you, but I suspect they will be.

My recommendation for you is to go back to whatever nationalist dot ru forum you frequent to rally with your comrades about ‘western propaganda’ because people here do not give a single damn.

Shut up.


I’m not surprised in the slightest, but yes please dont turn this into an argument thread, let us keep it nice.

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For what it’s worth, it’s not a recent thing. I felt that way since at least 2012. It was for multiple reasons that I didn’t leave earlier, part of which was because I was simply afraid, until it became scarier to stay than to leave.

I have no quarrel with you, or the Russian people as a whole. I think they’re pretty awesome people with a lot of legacy to be proud of.

I just don’t feel like I belong among them, that’s all.

Let’s not. Please.

Don’t generalize from one example. Don’t turn this thread into personal insults. I beg you.


Listen, Vixi, there’s something about this thread you should know. Oh no. It’s too late. These people have all been angered. They may look fine now, but it’s a matter of time before this thread gets ashed.


What does it have to do with the argument? How is it connected to the history collected through the centuries? All the people who died prior to the 21st century, let alone the recent years?

What does a fan of your country even mean? Just a person living somewhere or correcting blatant lies?

I was trying to tell them to stop having such a negative attitude and instead feel better about the things that are real. Everyone in the thread was just vibing and having a good time sharing their countries. Then this person comes and swoops in some random negative facts. Alright, you are the world’s citizen, cool, but what’s the need for spreading nasty nonsense about your previous home?

Going back to the wholesomeness of the thread itself,

When I can I expect you over for some :beer: ?

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just report this idiots posts please, he is wilfully obtuse.

To bring this thread back on topic (for a fleeting moment)

Greetings from the UK! Love me sausage rolls.


imagine living in a country that doesn’t have greggs


I never even wanted to talk about San’layn. You asked me to clarify what this word means, you asked for the definition, you kept bringing it up. Now you are complaining about it.

Is it a sin to say that your country has a history? Now this is what being a “nation*list” now is? Simply being aware of your people’s achievements through the centuries?

Couldn’t be me.

Pack of 4 sausage rolls for the price of 3? Bargain if you ask me.

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Sausage rolls from Galloways are way better than Greggs. Just a shame that Galloways is Wigan areas and a few around only.

binley mega chippy

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bacon and sausage bap on the way into work in the morning

red sauce on that please