AD around the world 🌎

I was going to ask if that is a thing in other countries? Here it is not that uncommon for people to just say “Lets go to IKEA today” not to buy something specifically but just
as a kinda family outing/group activity. Walk around a bit, then get some food at it etc.

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As a Ren’dorei, I am of course a citizen of the (Twisting)Netherlands. :netherlands:

May I introduce you to our frikandel (Minced meat sausage) and our oliebollen(deep fried doughtnut balls)? It’s so good, you won’t even notice the never-ending downpour or that the sea is trying to kill us, always.


I’ll have some kapsalon instead, thanks

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Puts a smalahove in your mailbox

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Penal labour assembling Billys for the showrooms.

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Let’s go camping at Ullared :skull:

I’m genuinely sorry if my post upset you. I believe your feelings on the matter are genuine, and it wasn’t my intention to cause anyone distress or to present my personal feelings, caused partially by the circumstances of my life, as objective fact.

National identity is a sensitive subject — perhaps too sensitive for this forum, in hindsight — and however people feel about theirs is generally a result of events that happened through the entire life, not a single factor. I believe it holds for both you and me.

If you wish, we can talk about it on Discord and perhaps find some common ground, and stay in touch on different sides of the border. My Discord account name is linneris.


What the actual
 moin, thats it. Everything else makes you look like a tourist!! :melting_face:

If I ever visit gekĂ„s and see a film crew, I’m sprinting in the opposite direction. I don’t want to end up on TV awkwardly explaining my choice in footwear set to dansband.

Seriously, that’s a fever nightmare to me.

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That’s the point!! x)

I think that a great many of us can understand your position and perspective, Lintian, even if our circumstances differ. I won’t go into detail further than that since you’ve asked us not to, but I will expand on my own situation.

First and foremost I would also label myself as a citizen of the world - a person, not a nationality. That’s partly because of the cynicism that comes from being a queer person who lives in a country colloquially known as Terf Island.

It’s absolutely not the result of propaganda to take issue with your home’s social and political shortcomings. Your lived experience is completely valid.


I think, at-least from my own point of view, there is nothing wrong with feeling a since of belonging or pride of your heritage and country on its own. *

Just as is there is nothing wrong with the opposite.

However, it does become an issue and a problem if said feeling of pride becomes a feeling of superiority(Not just I’m proud to be Swedish because I like Sweden, but “I’m proud to be Swedish, Sweden is better than everyone”), or if you start to belittling and lowkey attacking people for not sharing those feelings.

*(There are other problematic aspects of this too of course, such as if said country is involved in bad stuff and the proudness is because of that, but thats another territory).


what about pride in your cuisine


Not if you’re british.

(I do hope this is also understood as a joke. I love the brits honestly)

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This isn’t Waterloo. Yield

I can acknowledge that the United Kingdom has made some exceptional contributions to culture, the arts, and so on throughout its history, while also despairing at many of its modern social values that are directly antagonistic toward minority demographics – they don’t cancel each other out, but one is more relevant to me than the other.

Love beans’n’sausage on toast, by the way. Meal of queens.


I’m in a very similar spot. I like being Swedish, I love alot of our contributions to the world, parts of our culture and traditions and alot of every day life.

But I am also equally saddened and appalled by the rising hatred and the bad stuff also being done, and the constant growth of populism and increase of nationalism and regression of our open-minded and accepting culture.


All I have to add to the cuisine discussion is that we certainly like our paprika.


I love terrifying foreigners online, it’s true. The banana/pineapple pizza isn’t even bad.


It’s not even the worst one. The worst pizza I saw was “Tuna with minced meat, chocolate, eggs & onions”.