AD around the world 🌎

I mean to be fair, it’s not like in game translations to Finnish are good, right? They’re horrible translated to Estonian.

And since tech world is dominated by English language, the Estonian translations feel so awful I’ve just started using my PC and whatnotelse in English home language.

More like the one of the giants (apparently the main characters in Kalevala aren’t giants? Kalevipoeg stays winning hehe) dug holes to eat and pooped them out down south…


I am also sorry if I hurt you, I think I didn’t convey my thoughts correctly. I wanted to say that there are ways to see things in a more positive perspective and that it might be helpful to value the past and even the present (because life is still happening all around us and we’re writing our story) instead of denying it. And, like I said, I myself had this feeling of disconnection and I do acknowledge all the negative factors that we have to deal with here.

But you can see for yourself how people here react to me. We have long been enemies with them here on the forum, so I’m not surprised in the slightest. How quick they are to bring the Z-letter and “nat+onalists” into the argument and start throwing personal insults. I’ve met but a few rac*st people personally in my life (towards my country, that is), and -what a surprise! today I’ve encountered more of them than in the whole 3 years. And they all happen to be the people who were part of my previous debates on WoW lore. What a coincidence.

And look, that’s what he said. But when I simply mentioned that I am proud of my heritage people called me bad names and quickly turned on me. So that’s just the hivemind mentality for you. Not the first time I see this kind of paradox here and I bet it’s not the last either.

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Less romantic than the parting gift of lakes between kin but old timey stories do this sort of stuff. Enjoy your beautiful poop islands.

I tried to talk Finnish to other people from Argent Dawn on discord and it felt wrong :frowning:

Me when Nerathion tried to talk to me in Estonian


I think that it’s worth reflecting on how you conduct yourself in disagreements too – belitting Lintian’s position to simply being the result of “propaganda” isn’t exactly respectful of her lived experiences and definitely gave off a certain impression about your own position (whether that’s true or not).


So it’s an easter meal, then.


Czechia. It sucks, but then I czech the rest of the world and I am glad where I am.

PS: Why is drama even in a thread like this?

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My Finnish friend made me a curry with bananas in it once and it was surprisingly good.


It’s good, yes - using banana instead of honey to give the sauce that sweetness! Done it too on occasion…


Any of you gals tried welsh cakes? Food of the gods.

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Bananas go on bread with peanut butter.

successive decades of governments fear/war mongering and stoking zealous patriotism/nationalism for their own nefarious agendas. People fall into tribalism easily, unfortunately.

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People telling you to not belittle Lintian for not sharing your pride in your country is not racism.

No, plenty of people have expressed pride in their heritage here. The issue was how you came into the thread, as Loras said specifically as you just dismissed any of Lintians thoughts and experienced as “propaganda”.


I would love to try them at some point.

Look up a recipe, they’re super easy to make.


Will do!

Oh god I fell right for it, verdammt!

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sylt moment

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Bringing The Letter into discussion and perpetrating harmful stereotypes is absolutely the wrong thing to do, and I called them out on that.

One of Wikipedia’s guidelines that influenced me in the past, and that’s applicable to more than just editing Wikipedia, is titled thus: “Assume good faith”.

I start with the assumption that people here aren’t trying to intentionally destroy each other’s lives. (There are people in the world who actively are trying to destroy the lives of whole social groups, in the misguided belief that they’re doing it for the greater good, but I don’t believe any of them are present on this forum. The prevailing opinions on this forum are pretty clear to me, and I like most of them.)

Unfortunately, our first interactions with a given person tend to color our later impressions of them. It’s not anyone’s fault; it’s how we’re wired as a species, and something for which we have to consciously correct. If you and someone else started on a bad note, then chances are that the disagreements will continue to escalate, with you finding more and more reasons to hate each other and see an ulterior motive behind The Enemy’s every action.

I’m not saying they are prejudiced against you because of the thread I know nothing about. I’m not in a position to judge. But I don’t think they called you out for being proud of your country. There’s nothing wrong with that. I respect people who genuinely want to help their country get famous for the good things about it, and improve on the bad.

Their issue, rather, — as I perceive it — was about calling me out, and about jumping to conclusions about the source of my beliefs without seeing the whole life story behind them. And in that, I think they committed a similar error: they acted overzealous, and jumped to conclusions, believing that anyone who takes an issue with someone like me must be a supporter of Fire Nation leadership.

Dividing the world into black and white is also our tendency as a species for which we have to correct. Putting labels on people we disagree with is easy. Actually understanding where they’re coming from, even if you end up still disagreeing with them in the end, is harder.