This. Blizz doesn’t even have to do it in one go, but spread it throughout the patch cycle. Dammit I want my Southshore back.
All of This
I shall gladly sacrifice -two- raidtiers for this!
We can sacrifice one each
I’m hoping they skip straight to Shadowlands Classic that would be funny I think
Another mist covered long lost land mass wouldn’t upset me.
I mean a broken clock is right twice in a day.
maybe they can capture the world building we got from Pandaria with a blank canvas.
But more importantly, I hope the zones are big and full of areas to RP in.
Yo back off man, I need something to do in this game.
I roleplayed through all of Wrath and then quit in early Cataclysm despite being hyped for it. I found the writing atrocious, and it soured me on WoW in general.
I returned shortly before MoP launch. I had interest in Chinese wuxia aesthetics at that time, having just played Jade Empire, and I was sold on the concept after seeing the trailer. I still think MoP was the best written and most atmospheric WoW expansion ever released. However, most of my RP in MoP wasn’t Pandaria related, and I quit during 5.2 and didn’t return until the Legion announcement.
I actually won’t mind another “mist covered island.”
In RP, it means it’ll be opt-in rather than opt-out if the lore is poorly written again. Just like Shadowlands was. You didn’t have to use it if you didn’t want to.
Mainly because we saw how the Pandaren lived their daily lives, and how Pandaria worked. It was far darker than the “kung fu panda” facade people saw when they only scratched the surface of it.
Doubt it, considering Classic is closing the Opening Ceremony. Something big like that would be among the first panels.
I can only pity the people who quit for Mists of Pandaria. It is probably the best expansion Blizzard ever made, surpassing even Wotlk in some areas.
The story was perfect.
Class design was the best it ever was.
Gearing, catchup and alting was super convenient.
Challenge modes.
It’s largely true, and yet it’s initial reveal was very underwhelming for a lot of the playerbase at the time.
Perhaps there is a lesson to be learned.
The whole Kungfu panda meme thing is just as stupid as when people say Thrall cheated in the mak’gora (he did not).
First, WC3, and by extension, “kungfu pandas” preceed the actual Kungfu Panda trilogy.
Second, Kung Fu Panda trilogy is by far one of the best animation movie series ever made. Comparison to it should be a compliment of the highest degree, not ridicule.
Third, the cinematic was really baller. Probably one of my favorite ones to date.
MoP was peak Warcraft.
End of.
Throwback to Taliesin’s meltdown over being told he was never part of the AD community.
And him getting angry that we called him out for griefing RPers in Stormwind live on stream.
Not very “part of the AD community” of him.