AD BlizzCon Speculation/Spoiler Pit

how long does it even take to develop an expansion? 3, 4 weeks at most?

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I’d say six months, given the story changes that seem to correspond between datamines/previews and then the actual thing happening and it’s nothing like that.

hello Mr Jailer


Who do you think you are kidding Mr. Jailer?

Nah, I wouldn’t say so. Most people were reasonably optimistic about Shadowlands from what I recall, we didn’t know how it’d end up playing out.

I legitimately don’t remember seeing any positive reactions to Shadowlands. Could be memory bias but I’ve never been wrong about anything in my life.

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I think it may have been relatively neutral prior to all “Jailer did it” things took place.

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I still like to think that we didn’t really kill C’thun and Yogg-Saron, and inhales BIG amounts of copium even N’zoth. I always felt players could at best only kill a physical avatar of their power, but not the Old Gods themselves. Atleast, that’s how it should be.


That’s how it was, but then didn’t some dev or similar say “they’re dead Jim”?

return of the old gods but they come back in sexy humanoid form


Shadowlands has the Arbiter deactivated because gee, a Titan world soul went through.

I sure wonder why this hasn’t happened before when Telogrus was killed by Sargeras.

If they did I did not see it :frowning:

And then someone makes a video ala Tolkien talking about Shelob about why the Old Gods were actually all sexy goth girls or something.


It’s not beyond Blizzard to drop a leak or two to build hype, but I highly doubt it to gauge reactions. What’ll it accomplish to gauge reactions a week before they reveal it? It’s not like they can pivot if people don’t like it. At most, they can go up on stage and say “Yeah, we know it’s not what you wanted, but this is what we got”, and we all know they’ll never do that.


Like dragon visages but gothy. You already have Xal’atath inhabiting a literal corpse and asking how you like her new body.

I’ll grant, she has a good sense of humour.


Oh no…it’s too late…this expansion is already Cosmic. It may like fine now, but it’s just a matter of time until it turns into another Zereth.


Turning Xal’atath into a pale goth in a revealing black dress modelled after that one [redacted] actress would be exceptionally based

shelob :handshake: xal’atath
being goth baddies canonically


I think WOTLK is remembered with such fondness because the villains are familiar ( Arthas/Scourge ), because it has 2 fantastic, memorable tiers ( ICC and Ulduar ) and because it’s the first time all specs were useful ( Classic and TBC were a mess balance wise ).

WOTLK is basically the beginning of Modern WoW with daily HC, balanced/homogenised specs and the Dungeon Finder, all of which were good things for the game.

But it’s not really the best at anything. Its storytelling pales in comparison to Legion, its gameplay is basically a beta of what MoP or WoD would become.

It’s the expansion go-to of the Warcraft 3 bros who loved Arthas and never allowed themselves to move on.

( Arthas is just an Anakin clone anyway he even kills his mentor who turns into a ghost )


Truly, Argent Dawn EU is a flat circle.


Shouldn’t we kind of go at war with the titans because they conveniently keep forgetting more landmasses exist on Azeroth that have high valued resources we can exploit?

Didnt warcraft III came before the last 2 prequel movies?