Add a solo queue for BGs

Where premades aren’t allowed. Only 1 person can sign, no groups.


Its always was like that in BG-s premade farming pugs. And than more game will be gear dependent than more u will see premades, thats farm undergeared pugs and giggle. I q-d on this weekends for EBG-s and in every single q was premade, every single q - on 1 side or on both.

I would like that, i am only doing epics atm becouse only premades in normals, ofc some russian epic premades to but not that often.

Nephá-blackmoore started 30+ man epic bg premades on horde side. Horde is having their own premade groups too now.


ban premade from random, bg if they want premade they can do rbg, but no coz they ar poor crowards who need to have unfair adwentage. Blizz said they want ppl to have fun with that game yeh rigt coz its fun to play agnist full 470 premade with 430 avg ilvl team fun as …


Yes. No premades, no groups, no rewards, no achievements. Only fun.

That’s what you want right, fun?


No, they’re people that have friends. I know that’s hard for you to believe given that you have none.

People, there are no premades.

The full 30-man multibox lag garbage is just fake news people.

I would say I do like being in a party in bgs, I do agree on solo queue but make it maximum 3 because quite frankly, being alone in a bg with randoms just gives a headache especially when most alliance spldiers Intellect stat is not high enough to understand what ”ress on your corpse, not gy” means.

They shoud bann the people that organize 40 man epic bg premade already, they exploiting the que system, it says clearly u can’t que more then 5 people into same bg.

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I know , you can send tickets all the time. but they dont care. I went blizzard live chat many times with 15 people same guild premades on 15v15 bg screenshots. They didnt do anything.

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I guess exploit is the way to go then :frowning:

so teake your friends and play rbg but you wont coz you will face equal geared team

Yes, me and my 2 social friends should be forced to face 10man fully geared RBG players just because you’re an idiot that can’t make friends.

Grow up. You should NEVER take the social aspect out of an MMORPG.

So why i shlud be forced to face fully geared premade in random bg?

I’d be willing to bet that they’re not fully geared, you just think they are because they’re better geared than you.

Riddle me this Horts, why would a fully geared and co-ordinated team be in a random battleground when the rewards mean nothing to them? The premades you see are just groups of friends trying to find something fun to do in a game that currently isn’t very enjoyable.

Get some friends. Seriously. This is not a solo game. This is not a moba. This is an MMO.

farming honor or achievements?
even if you are ilvl 400 there are no rewards in bgs.

Add solo queue for Ranked BGs! Just like in SWTOR. Solo rating.

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Hks and honor lvl.

You think THAT is a reward?

No, those are worthless. The only reason anybody plays with friends in a random battleground is because playing with friends is fun.

i dont think, but lot of people is farming honor lvl(prestige mount etc), pve people farming bgs because stupid essence, hks are thing too.

people ussually want to farm fast so there is some thing going on in Bfa.

  1. 5 man group with one character lvl 110-119 joins bg. Thanks to party sync the will join 110 bracket with 4 120 lvl characters - easy win.

    1. two 5 man groups join at the same time to end in same bg = 10 man premade. - easy win

      3.classic 5 man group - not always easy win but big advantage (nothing againts this personaly)

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a huge portion of premades in BGs arent ‘‘friends’’ at all though. Theyre mostly discord premades/BG guilds solely set up to premade vs randoms in pvp.