I hope this message finds you in good spirits. I’d like to put forth a suggestion for the Warrior Class that could introduce a dynamic change and enhance our gameplay experience – the addition of the Bloodlust (BL) ability.
Bloodlust (BL) for warriors could be a game-changer, offering a unique twist to our class dynamics. This iconic spell has proven itself invaluable in many scenarios and adding it to the warrior’s arsenal could open up new strategic possibilities for both PVP and PVE.
Introducing Bloodlust to warriors would diversify the class landscape, offering players more choices in terms of support abilities. This could lead to varied and interesting group compositions especially for MM+.
Thematic Alignment:
The very essence of being a warrior is embodied in the name itself. Warriors are relentless, fueled by an unyielding rage that defines their combat style. Introducing Bloodlust to the warrior class aligns perfectly with this thematic foundation.
Warriors, by their nature, thrive on the chaos of battle and harness the power of rage. Bloodlust, as a spell, encapsulates the ferocity and intensity that is synonymous with being a warrior. It feels like a natural progression for the class, complementing our inherent rage-driven playstyle.
I understand the importance of thoughtful consideration in game development and appreciate the time you invest in making World of Warcraft a fantastic experience for us all.
Thank you for considering this suggestion. I eagerly await the community’s feedback and the possibility of seeing warriors wield the power of Bloodlust on the battlefield.
I hope this message finds you in good humor. I’d like to put forth a suggestion for the Warrior Class that could introduce a interesting change and improve our gameplay experience – the addition of the AoE Combat Ress (ACR) ability.
AoE Combat Ress (ACR) for warriors could be a game-turner, offering a unique twist to our class dynamic. This come to be iconic spell would proven itself invaluable in many scenarios and adding it to the warrior’s kit could open up new tactical possibilities for both PVP and PVE.
Introducing AoE in-combat resurrection to warriors would diversify the class landscape, offering players more choices in terms of support abilities. This could lead to varied and interesting group compositions especially for Mythic+.
Thematic Alignment:
The very essence of being a warrior is embodied in the name itself. Warriors are inspiring, fueling others with a certainty of victory. Introducing AoE Combatress to the warrior class aligns perfectly with this thematic aspect.
Warriors, by their nature, thrive in the chaos of battle and control the very flow of battle. AoE combatress, as a spell, encapsulates the heroism and inspirering presence that is synonymous with being a warrior. It feels like a natural progression for the class, complementing our inherent rage-driven playstyle. Expanding on the same idea as Rallying Cry.
I understand the importance of thoughtful consideration in game development and appreciate the time you invest in making World of Warcraft a fantastic experience for us all.
Thank you for considering this suggestion. I eagerly await the community’s feedback and the possibility of seeing warriors wield the power of AoE Combatress on the field of battle.
BL would not help as currently aug evoker and/or BM hunter is present in most groups. So warriors would not get invited anyways as group leaders would always prioritize other classes over warrior anyways if you need BL class. At least I would.
Warriors currently lack the utility that many other classes bring to these high-level encounters, putting us at a significant disadvantage. This imbalance not only affects our current gameplay but also raises questions about the long-term viability of the warrior class in this context.
Your consideration of this matter is greatly appreciated. We look forward to a solution that ensures warriors remain a valuable and competitive class in the World of Warcraft.
I also want to note that throughout all the addons, utilities were added to different classes. At this time, the warriors did not just add it, but rather took it away. Shield Slam once purged the target. Previously, mostly in vanilla and bc, wars were top dps and it replaced all utilities. But now all the specs are the same, and the utilities are not the same for everyone. So the warriors definitely need to be given something.
BL would definitely help. The problem with warrior right now is that warrior is not an option at all. With BL, it would at least be an alternative option.
Just like there are no alternatives to an aug evoker, there are also no alternatives to a mage/hunter/shaman/evoker
I’m not sure what level M+ you are doing, but the warriors don’t get an invite almost on any levels, I’m around 23-24s, cannot get an invite for a solid 10 hours, unless I queue with a healer friend. Even that takes at least 10-15 minutes, because people cannot play the game unless they have certain classes in their group.
Sorry, I was actually replying to someone else that was saying “bloodlust wouldn’t improve the situation”
The fact that you’re 3.3k and not getting invites is crazy. The problem is that you can invite 10 different classes before inviting a warrior and get much more value. That is why we need a major utility.
for this, at last, would be easy fixable by giving us Wrecking throw able to ‘‘kill’’ them like shattering
3m cd for an affix is not usefull, and goes to a wasted talent most of time
I am around 3260 atm and I have same experience as you do, often not getting invited in keys one or two level lower than I already did.
As for bloodlust, I do not think we actually need it warrior should not compete for a spot with shaman, mage hunter or evoker, it can defo help and would be good, but I think something like mastery banner, or demoralizing shout would fit us much better and make us very good pick compared to everybody else.
Better Position for Shockwave in the talent three, for arms its very important
more ST with MS
more passive cleave with dreadnaught
1 new major CD , A Banner that reduce dmg incomming from the grp for 20% 10 sec or something | This Banner for every Warrior Spec.
1 more shieldwall/Defensive for Fury/Arms Warriors when I look at other classes / ret have Divine Protection 30% 1 min cd, Divine Shield 3min and Shield of Vengance 1min + loh and selfheal with wog / mage have greater invis, images, iceblock, barrier, mass barrier, cauterzie as fire / frost 2x iceblock / rogue have for every aoe faint 2 stacks, cloak, evasion and selfheal and cheap death, i can argument more
more dmg with bladestorm / and bladestorm in a better position, that you can have it on ST Spec for M+
And Warrior need Changes again that we can play or destroy Incorporal Affix
Mass Fear with 1,5m CD is very Bad Utility, replace it or change it and make a better CC for Warrios
We dont need Bloodlust or CR.
Make Warrior as Arms/Fury way more Stronger in DPS then we can Beat every classes in M+, who is the Problem. We bring nothing to the Group, we are F…WARRIORS!
We have to Blast and beat everytime other dps classes, or we have no chance ppl need to take Warriors. And Survivability and Utitlity is a Joke.
Other Classes are OP in DPS and Utility and nobody cares about it.
Shaman is a 2 dps / healer class - has lust
DK is a 2 dps / tank class - has cr + amz
Evoker is a 2 dps / healer class - can have lust/cr, can do million things
That’s the point, at least a damage buff or BL or at least Whirlewind shares damage with 6 targets could help fury alot…
but yeah i am here after today’s class tuning and nothing changed…
i am happy arms got some love. but fury and prot are still worthless and wont be invited into the pug life. why take a warrior when you can have an equally geared paladin