Add loot vendors for raids for m+ people. to stop ninja looters

Am tired of raiding it has the most toxic boring environment ever made, after shadowlands season 4 when group loot made it back to the game it became toxicity people ninja looting stuff they already have and sells it.

I wish you could add loot vendors for mythic+ people that have their best in slot drop from raiding. So you can choose to play mythic+ instead of raiding. To buy these trinkets for these badges in the city like TBC and Warth had.

I don’t want have to feel forced to raid after I’ve cleared the raid once already and carry people and feel depressed over how bad the loot system and player base is.

Can you encounter this problem else raiding will become problem in the next expack. I will not raid because its a poor fools idea to add the best trinkets in the game to have people carry others in a bad loot system raid.

Am not alone in feeling raiding has become a boosting system for the worse, rather than a fun encounter.

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Join a guild then if ninja’ing is such an issue in pugs?

A lot of people play m+ because of super flexible time it offers. If you raid - you need to sacrifice 3hours 2-3 evenings every week, sometimes even 1 evening is a lot. What m+ offers - you can do couple dungeons at once, you can skip couple evenings, next week you can do them on Saturday morning or on Sunday noon. With raid - 4/7/1 20-23ST (min attendance 80%) and then you also want to play a bit of m+ as well. And also maybe you want to play some other game, and in the end - raiding is just not feasible.

Probably the best solution is joining a guild as social and joining alt/social HC weekly raid, which you can sometimes skip, leave at any time and they are usually quick.

But for me honestly - raiding just takes to much time (all the running after wipes, preparations, etc.). I just prefer finding 4 decent pugs for my +20 key (as a healer - it takes me 1-2mins to do so), fly to the dungeon (another 2mins), and complete the key (20-25mins).

I would like to see some sort of vendor for trinkets (both for raiders to buy m+ ones and vice versa). I am sure that there are raiders who don’t want to farm m+ for exact trinket (at least they can repeat the dungeon many times, while raid is just once/week)


Typically a guild long past “progress” can clear it within an hour, often letting non-raiders tag along.

i much rather have this than feel forced to raid 3hrs and get none loot what so ever feels like you just waste game time.


I personally think the happy balance is the return of Justice Points for Dungeons and Valor Points for M+ and Raids. Earn x amount of JP or Valor and then go cherry pick the loot you want. We can also finally get rid of the great vault of disappointment.


I’d add vendors to sell M+ players on

There should be a vendor for M+ and raid
If you kill let’s say atal’dar in time you get currency let’s say VALOR or justice whatever
and after few timed atal keys you can buy items that drop there for your class
but it should be timed key never failed key and currency you get is equal to key lvl
And item you want is like 350.
Apply this to every dungeon and also raids
we have good game all of sudden
Kills matter and everybody gets something after a while even if you are unlucky or someone has priority over you in raid for certain loot
RAIDING/M+ should not be about droping a gear it should be just like challange modes were back in MoP/WoD
go in and TEST yourself not go in and try to get this item
people should play bosses because it’s fun to play mechanics and overcome diff
not because they want this OP axe from this certain boss


Yall spam join a guild as if anyone can dedicate themselves to specific times 2-3 times per week?
Most of WoW players have jobs with shifts and families. Raiding in a guild is not an option for everyone,and even if it was,most of the guilds using loot council which basically means friends and family prio so no thanks

You act like it’s the only option… plenty of communities exist that have varying raid times to suit people.

Really? as if m+ isnt already blizzards favored child. Meanwhile all people doing content other than m+ pretty have to go into m+.

Other content needs such a m+ vendor before so they can get all the m+ gear without ever doing it

I mean people also get boosted trough m+ I had to leave the service channel because i saw nothing butm+ boosting spam

PVP has deterministic gearing (do pvp, get currency, buy gear).

PVE does not and imo should change.

Implement dinar system as previous for impactful items (trinkets/weps) totalling 2 items per season per character + a currency to buy ‘bog standard’ raid items at base ilvl on their relative upgrade track.

Ability to buy these items is gatekept behind currency accumulation and raid boss/dungeon achievements (i.e. to buy myth track need to have killed certain mythic raid bosses and or a number of +18 keys)

but without forcing players to raid for OP trinkets and weapons, raiding would had almost no participation anymore and all their dev time was wasted.
The game director is/was a raid designer and raider at it’s core. They cannot let go of the design that “must raid”

it is unfortunate, but pvp had to go through that phase for a very very long time till blizz removed most of the pve things out of pvp as well.
Will probably only take another 10 years till that happens for M+ too. kek

Whilst winning loot is a great feeling, I agree we should have some form of points to be able to also buy the gear we want. Then you feel like you have actual progression rather than slamming your head against the keyboard for another week. Even with M+ the issues people have making a group and then getting nothing for their time is poor game.

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You mean like being able to take 60 aspect crests and turn them into whatever slot you want with whatever two stats you want?

Ok so you must be the only player that can cherry pick their loot with crests. We not talking crafted gear here.

they should just add pve raid loot vendors so we can buy these trinkets and upgrade those trinkets like this current raid loot system sucks.

It would be a dream to have gear vendors as at least a second deterministic path to gear. But Ion says he doesn’t like it, so we are stuck with this trash one. :person_shrugging:
They could easily have both too. Gearing in FF is joy. Gearing in WoW is pain.

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sadly its more a dev can’t think of anything besides forceing people in to gear path boosting other people.

While getting no gear in return no nothing besides aggravating toxicity, and ninja looters.

I think its time for ion to step down and let someone from Microsoft take over.

They should add loot vendors catch ups for people that don’t want to do 120 raids in one season for my best in slot trinket, to use it only once or twice before next season comes, one raid or 2 raids are enough i don’t want to walk HC any more after that.

i can’t speak for FF but I can’t imagen it being a ninja looting pain while devs does nothing not even PL

As a healer, why do you need bis trinket if you already doing +20?
Is it just thing of having bis because some web site said so or you need it since you cant heal enough and your party dies?