Add these already!

Let us turn our sights upon the unacceptable injustice that has befallen the Human race since the days of Classic: the abscence of a long beard customization option.

Ever since Warcraft (1): Orcs and Humans, there were Human wizards, with a classic wizardly look resembling Merlin, Gandalf, Dumbledore, Saruman, etc.

In Warcraft 3, we had the Archmages, the most prominent of all being Antonidas, who has a statue in Dalaran and many portraits in WoW, and we also had the Necromancers, who, while being Undead in gameplay terms, are lorewise and look-wise Human. All these Human offspring possessed long beards.

Aside from the fact that the Necromancer models from Naxxramas in Classic were actual Human models with long beards, in the Burning Crusade we saw some Human citizens in Old Hillsbrad Foothills actually having long beards, without even being magic wielders.
In the Burning Crusade we also saw Khadgar, who, at the time, had the model of an Archmage, identical to that of Antonidas, that had, of course, a beard long enough to cover the chest.

In Wrath of the Lich King we also learned that the Humans are descendants of the Vrykul. While the culture has definetly changed, Humans can and do grow long beards, as we saw in the examples above. It’s not that they can’t grow them or something.

This customization, the long Human beards, as a main fantasy aspect for either wizard or barbarian roleplay should be the first thing they should have created in 9.0, or worse, it should have been in the game since the days of Classic.

That given, let me raise the question: Why is Blizzard so afraid of giving Humans long beards?
Do they fear that Dwarves may be overshadowed? No they won’t be. They are totally different fantasies. If you view Gandalf and Gimli being the same, or worse, the Warcraft 3 Rifleman and Necromancer being the same, then, my friend, you have an issue.
Besides, long Human beards don’t have to be exactly as long as the Dwarf ones, or have as many braids as the latter.

There is no excuse. There are many people in real life, from priests of various religions to bikers and hipsters that possess long beards, and you won’t give us the customization in a game where we play as wizards/casters?

And don’t tell me that Humans got more than enough and that it won’t be fair.
Giving them long beards is literally a matter of copy-paste from the Dwarf/Vrykul assets.

And besides, half the new hairstyles were meh, and the only nice-looking new beard they gave us is the one I have now (they also gave us one dumb-looking, three-pointed beard named “Tufts”, which is of course, also short).

What is more, Humans are objectively the most diverse race. Other races, like the Pandaren, the Tauren, the Orcs, the Elves, are restricted to a particular culture/vibe. Humans can be anything. And in order to represent other cultures they gave us the black skin options but not long beards?

So I plead the community to pressure Blizzard and the latter to stop pretending that they don’t understand what I describe above.

Now, let us see some long bearded screenshots (the first one in particular illustrates the sizes that can be):


As a woman, I’m all for hot male beards!


That makes even less room for excuses for Blizzard to make. If women like it, that will please both genders!


P.S. Pandaren still have a neck seam.

Just saying. Clicky clicky blendy blendy, fixy fixy, players happy. Hour’s job for a lot of customer satisfaction feels like a good move :smile_cat:

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Exactly. Half of what we all ask for, regardless of race, just doesn’t need that much work to do. I am glad they decided to give the Void Elves, Nightborne, and Lightforged what they want, but that is just not enough. Also how long will we wait?


In favor of more costumize options! I kinda want beard options for female dwarfs…

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I thought it was a stereotype!

Until 11.0 at this rate.

I’ll see you on the battlefields of Xzstenstrom, under the light of three moons while the noxious gasses of the acid swamp blow your long beard around and caress my smooth neck.


That sounds like a possible scenario, sadly.


Everquest has it as an option and Tolkien mentions it so why not? :slight_smile:


Yeah, that part, I thought it was just a provocative joke by Aragorn. In the scrapped game the Lord of the Clans there was a dwarf female with a beard, so why not?

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Just give me Worgen for the Horde so i can race change back and you get my entire support for whatever you want.

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It starts with humans then vulperas ask for long beards too, next thing you know they are on the ground constantly because they keep tripping and falling because of their long beards.

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The Gnomes have longer beards than those of the Humans and they do not have accidents, so…

To me it’s fantasy lore and my Everquest female dwarven rogue got a beard.

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Does Everquest have long beards for Humans?

And before the comment, oh no… a vulpera anti beard responder. I do agree beards would be cool for those who wish to be suffer such but was it really so long ago your other threads regarding this ‘need’ were locked, why is there another :smiley:

I only want to say one thing: enjoy your clipping.

I mean, they didn’t manage to keep the Void Elf heritage collar from clipping with most of the race’s hairstyles… so I don’t want to imagine humans with long beards especially since this addon introduced several robes wirth strangely protruding chest elements.

I don’t know why it should be so hard to code stuff so hair elements after intersecting armor elements can just be hidden - it wouldn’t solve all clipping issues but at least some. I’d gladly vote for longer facial hair and haristyles after that.

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What clipping? If it works on Dwarves, it will work on Humans. Simple as that.

From what I understand here, you believe that whoever has a beard suffers? Even if that was true in real life, this is a game, so how do you suffer by having a beard in the game?

Why what do you think is a greater “need” for the game? Customizations for Nightborne, Void Elves, and Lightforged? They got them. No need to worry that my threads will compromise their customizations any more.

What else is there? Customizations for Vulperas? Come on. Even if Vulperas needed anything, you should make your own thread, not come here and complain because I ask something.

Or perhaps systems and gameplay? On that part, I am sad to inform you that there are different teams doing the customizations and different teams assigning the numbers.

You presume you are not a hater and that only I view you as such and yet here you are, bringing your objections to what I ask for. Do you see this as personal?
Or are you annoyed because I make threads every 3 weeks? I don’t violate any rules, so you can just NOT CLICK them if you do not appreciate them.

If you are just jealous and want Humans to never be touched again in terms of customization, read this:

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I’d play the beep outta humans if we can get long wizard beards! Can’t they at least slap the dwarf beards on the humans?

Those pictures are awesome!
Aaaaaah it’s so frustrating… :frowning: I hate having to wait YEARS for more customization. Honestly, I don’t care why anymore. Just give it :tired_face:

It would be perfect if they would give shared hairstyles/beards/colors to all races! :pleading_face: :pray:
Wherever applicable of course.
(I don’t want people to think I’m asking for Tauren tails on Elves…)
So in this case, giving dwarf beards to humans would be a great quick fix (like in the pictures posted)

Humans not having long beards since 2004 is a true tragedy. :candle:

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