ADDON SPY bluepost pls

pretty sure they can leave a strong message towards these developers making these kind of addons, banning them from their game.

im sure blizzard and their team have a way of stopping any addon if they want to.

its not my job to tell them how, pretty sure that their staff who makes this kind of things can do something about it.

there is news about this “nerf” saying this addon DOES give unfair advantages in PVP, wich it obviously still does.

ps : sorry for the killing nothing personal, but i didnt find you using spy ! hah.

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He’s not really being reasonable, he just doesn’t like the idea of this addon and no amount of justification would change his mind.
I could re-write the addon to send and synchronise cords in a private chat channel every time a raid member physically sees an opponent, warning you with the proper location, even if you’re behind a wall or whatever, and he would still want the addon to be (somehow)banned.

im still waiting on your reply, scroll up and read my question to you again and id love an actually reply from you.

or do you think its legit that players half way the other zone know your cords because they just got it shared by an addon. you think thats legit?
honestly if you need such addons to be good at a game its time to find a new hobby.

your comparing spy to questie, auctioneer etc…
its like me comparing you to a camel.

Yes, I think that it’s fair, because what’s fair is defined by the designers of this game, not by some arbitrary thoughts and feelings of individual players.

It’s fair in the same way that what’s fair in your country IRL is defined by the laws. This literally the only objective definition of “fair” to me.

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It doesn’t actually tell you the coords though, the coords that are displayed are where you were standing when spy detected someone.

so its so fair, they decided to nerf this in a hotfix?

your only giving your oppinion but no single fact WHY its fair.

i gave you u a handfull of facts why its unfair.
its a game-destroying addon.

it takes away surprise effects, it even takes away world pvp that would have happend without addon, but now with the addon players log out fast because they know already whats there without having been close, or without any of the community warning them for it.

why not instead add a dungeon finder to classic now aswell?

considering they took time for a hotfix, and theres actually streamers and known faces complaining about this addon aswell.
i think blizzard doesnt really thinks this is “fair” .
whats fair is that their game will die even faster now and classic is turning into the “new retail”

Ok, if you are right why didn’t the Blue post say anything about Spy not being fair? In my opinion they don’t think that it is, or at least can’t find a reasonable way to explain why it’s not fair according to the game’s design.
The only thing the Blue post mentioned was an incorrect range detection - but not that there’s something wrong with that detection in the first place.

Don’t get me wrong - if Blizzard’s stance on this was against it, I would agree with them. But as things currently stand, they apparently agree that this addon is “fair” and that makes it part of the ruleset of the game, if you will. Kind of like how Healers become much more powerful through the use of Healbot and not doing that is basically shooting yourself(and your team) in the foot.

To make things simpler - if Blizzard wanted the addon gone, but didn’t have the technical ability to remove it easily, they could very well say that it’s wrong and that they are working on a fix. But we have yet to get such a message from them.

healbot is a powerfull addon correct, but it doesnt make u gain advantage over other players this addon is caked in hard by now.
it doesnt make u see stealthed players,
it doesnt make u hit harder, or heal harder.
it doesnt do anything automaticly at all for you without having to press the button yourself.

spy just acts on its own without any button press or anything, once setup it even alarms when players near, announces their class, lvl, name etc etc…
the element of surprise GONE, completly GONE.

for a main rogue or druid this must be a nightmare.
for a lot this addon is probly the extra push over the edge of just quitting this game.

the game was better before we even knew about this addon, and thats a fact.
feel free to browse the forums of how many ppl think the same as me since the release of this addon.
sometimes its better to not have something instead of getting crap.

#nochanges <= what a joke !

Atleast they serious about not having better customer support than in classic.

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Oh really? Being able to level up faster and more efficiently isn’t an advantage anymore?
Every addon that isn’t completely worthless or purely cosmetic gives an advantage.

The whining is not fair either.
It was there in Vanilla, so it stays.

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Lol i dont know what drugs you are on but if that mage wanted to fight he would have deleted your druid

what makes u think that? u clearly havent played a druid lol. no sheep and no nova :wink:
anyways stay on topic cuz u dont bring anything to the table in this discussion.


questie doesnt make anyone stronger or gain any advantage combat related does it?
like compare PLAYER VS PLAYER addons to PVE addons… your clearly the brightest of the pack of huntars

i have seen u reply to every forumpost like a twitch fan girl,
you cant even be taken seriously if you read most of your reply’s
maybe its better to stop trying to troll (ur bad at it) and bring some usefull facts/comments to the discussion instead.

comparing questie to SPY is like comparing a human to a camel.

maybe ur to bad to have a fair pvp fight i dont know, but if you need an addon to alert you of how many, class etc etc then theres something very wrong with you imo.

i dont mind a good discussion but please bring some braincells and some facts.

spy wasnt there in vanilla, but oookaaay

I think the main problem here is while SPY is certainly “unsportsmanlike” a lot of the playerbase dgaf about sportsmanship and would use anything to gain an advantage.

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The funny part is in this case the person complaining thinks this is “new”.

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correct, i do appriciate you admitting its unsportsmanlike, many of these little girls dont have the balls to admit how much an advantage they gain with this addon.

its sad we wanted no change, but instead theres addons released to gain advantage over other players, some classes more then others (rogues/druids/ player with shadowmeld)
ppl can go “fish” for a stealther cuz they know hed be in X range of them
(really unfair cuz ur not supposed to know hes there)

these worldpvp scenes where you can stand behind a tree and they didnt see you are destroyed by this, since the addon alarms you theres somebody now.

byebye fairy fire the rogue behind a tree, or root somebody etc etc. these are just a few examples of the many situations this addon just destroys.

this game isnt supposed to turn into retail 2.0, and its going to be worse then retail at this pace.

You said questie doesnt give an advantage - thats factually not true.
And if you want to make it about pvp addons only, your point doesnt become any stronger - there are tons of pvp addons each of which gives a pvp advantage. Do you suggest they all should be banned as well?

funny part is in this case the person replying with sh*t without knowing what hes on about, wow vanilla released in 2004, first spy addon release 2009 (WOTLK)

so come again kid, and bring some real facts this time.


what advantage gives questie me over just reading the quest or google?
its faster yes, but does it change my way of interaction with other players? NO
does it burden other players when i install questie? NO
you dont seem to know what ur talking about,
ur comparing totally diffirent addons to eachother, questie and spy are both 2 totally diffirent addons.
the state of you even trying to justify the spy addon, makes me wonder how bad you really must be.

now ask these 2 questions again about SPY addon.
both answers turn out to be YES

not sure wich other PVP addons you are on about, maybe retail is more your game then classic.
theres NO addon alerting you about stealthed players near you, please enlight me if there is.

EnemyCastBars for example?
Trying argue that Spy is the only addon giving you any advantage in pvp is bound to fail, Im not sure why you are insisting on that.

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For me it was a case of “If everyone anyone else is using this, I’m at a disadvantage by not doing so”

I think there were addons like this towards the end of vanilla only with different names, sadly we are playing a recreation of that era afterall.

There’s a ton of addons that help in PvP and PvE as above enemy cast bars and aura durations, tracking cooldowns and buffs etc.

SPY is just about the only addon I can think of specifically effecting PvP encounters only.

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