ADDON SPY bluepost pls

how do you compare a castbar addon to spy? u for real?
theres 100000 addons for castbars, even elvui does that.
i still have to watch the castbar, i still have to interupt it myself, these addons dont do this for me.

they dont tell me a rogue will pop up or that anyone is near me right?

if i used kick ior w/e this addon wont save me interupting the cast will it?

spy will save u in many ways alerting you BEFORE the combat even starts. give me even time to logout if i wanted to.

castbars DO NOT take ANY pvp scene away, ppl will still interact with eachother.
you will STILL run into the enemy without knowing , the stealthers STILL have their surprise effect, the guy standing behind the tree STILL is “invisible” untill he alerts you.

you see where im going?

spy - i know theres 10 players at point A, so i do not go to point A (avoid point A)

castbars - i dont know theres 10 players at point A, i go to point A and who knows what will happen.

nobody is complaining about addons being helpfull (because thats what they are for)

an addon shouldnt be “cant beat them , join them”

If you think spy (which apparently you didn’t even know existed until recently) was the first addon with this functionality, I’m sorry but you gotta do some more reading or just check youtube for old Vanilla videos before shooting at people for pointing out your ignorance on the matter.

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so where is your “youtube videos” backing all what you say up.
name me these addons wich have the same functionality please do.
ill be waiting :slight_smile:

Keep waiting because I’m not gonna save you time. Think whatever you want. People who know better already have a good idea about your expertise (and, everybody, about your manners). 

Scroll to bottom, released pre 1.10


I see, I didn’t even know about it until recently so cannot comment about early functionality. Sadly the comments don’t go back to early releases to give us a hint about any issues.

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thanks you for the information you had tho ! i wasnt aware of this.
unlike most of these retail kids, you are one mature personality bringing facts and usefull information to the topic, i appriciate that !

Please take the time to educate yourself about the api before asking for a addon to be ‘‘banned’’ because this makes no sense and you would know that if you knew how addons work.


Damn, nice find!
I did a quick google for older versions of some of those addons, but only found newer versions of them. Couldn’t be bothered spending much more than 5 mins, though :stuck_out_tongue:


So you simply think Spy is too powerful?
I’m afraid you are wrong, since it just reads the combat log and presents you the info from it. There is nothing powerful about an addon reading the chat.

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Spy isn’t a new thing.
Spy and other addons like it have existed since vanilla, the only reason it’s getting nerfed now is because y’all needed a new boogieman to complain about.

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I deleted it as I found it caused me to lag too much and turning it off is like way to complex. To me more a hindrance than a help. It more for girls imo, you know like they cant throw a ball.



you clearly need an addon to beat another player.
im proud of not lowering myself to that same state of you.
all i see you do is praise that addon, never heard of morale?
every single post about SPY addon you jump on the wagon to praise that thing.
i dont even have word for you no more, your a lost retail cause.
if you wanne be a cheat go play GTA.

Yeah yeah, I’m super bad at pvp, I’m immoral and a cheater, I’m all those things that you wish I were to make you feel right in an argument.
Still, it doesn’t make any difference, spy is an addon that reads chat for you, that’s not powerful. If you have a problem with combat log registering stealth activation, you really should address the root issue instead of calling for a ban of an addon, lol.

I reply in a lot of threads, not my fault half of them is people complaining about Spy.

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you know the answer… #NoChanges. Its the answer on all things…
I still shiat in my pants with age of 30… if people ask me why… I just answer: No changes since born

Because you constantly say SPY isnt powerful and can be done with the combst logs… while this is true it would have to be done at super human speed, whilst moving/fighting etc so it is near impossible for people to recreate what SPY does without it giving them a huge advantage

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… Yes, and if you look at other addons its exactly the same: they help you do something faster and more conveniently. So what’s your point exactly?

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your even trying to justify an addon that reads other players (enemy) stealthing.
if ur to lazy to correctly play the game without breaking other classes with addons, then its time to move on for you.
would you like an addon that let the enemy see’s where u placed ur traps?
where you are standing in shadowmeld?
stop trying to justify an addon destroying the game like this.
cuz if everyone complains (like you admit) then there IS something wrong.
and you can have an oppinion but that doesnt mean its correct.
because an addon exists that doesnt justify it for being a good or correct addon.
if you cannot see this you have issues.
im done with replying to you btw, you keep moaning the same stuff “logs”
but you hold no reason whatsoever.

the fact is a stealthed player shouldnt be alerted by a program if you havent seen it.
why not use a bot instead and stop playing yourself?
or delete the addon and L2P !

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So would you feel better if I read about someone going to stealth in combat log instead of the Spy’s alert? Does it really make such a huge difference?

No, but you can’t make such an addon. You know why? Because addons can’t do that. You know what they can do though? They can read chat, including the combat log.

It’s not everyone though, and no, all it means is people love to complain about something they don’t quite understand.

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fact, the addon gives a HUGE disadvantage to rogues/druids.
so is it correct for any addon to basically handicap 2 classes in a game?

your telling us you are constantly monitoring your combat log? BIG FROWN.
really dude… as if somebody would believe that.
and i do know how this addon works, thats the reason im NOT using it !
now go take ur combat log and eat some cornflakes kiddo.

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