Addons in Arena

I’d give up too if I’d see a hellaton of addons n settings I need to go through before actually playing the game
We get used to lots of addons cause during our wow experience we added one by one year after year, now if I’d be a new player I’d 100% be shocked that I need a wow addon degree before playing the game

But that’s not true? All you need is basically WeakAura and GladiusEX (and BigDebuffs, even tho WeakAura can do it). That’s it. It’s not much.

WA is not easy, its actually like coding lesson if you see it for the first time

I can’t code and I was able to make any WeakAura I want.
If I am lazy, I can also copy any WeakAura I need from wago io
If THAT’S hard for a player, then the said player will 100% NEVER hit even just 2,1k without addons. The awareness you need and the knowledge without addons, is basically on the next level. Handling WA is a piece of cake at this point.

Also WA is like a tombstone on blizzard ui, they did like a couple of proc visualisation in wotlk or so and just gave up
Now they dont even need to move in that direction cause WA is much more flexible

I know for some setting up addons was tipping point to quit wow :d
One of the mates when he returns to wow, first evening he spent just to setup addons. Now its a lil bit better since UI edit mode.
PVE addons are out of control, even more boring.

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You’re talking 2 dif things tho. PvP addons like omnibar, gladius are nothing like modern WeakAuras.

WAs are like training wheels, an autopilot actively playing the game for you. You’re literally being told what to press at what given time. Like an example the Shadowmeld WA that pops whenever you should meld stuff is the most cooked thing I’ve ever seen. Like Night Elf racial went from the highest skillcap to the most aids casual racial where 1800 players just meld stormbolt on cd. It’s wild.

Game would be so much better without WAs.

On the other hand tracking stuff nowdays with all the p1ss would be much harder.

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So if what you say is true, how come the majority of the player base can’t even hit 2,1k outside of an inflation? Are they too dumb to play with addons? What is going to happen then when there are no addons?

I actually don’t think tracking stuff is that difficult when players UI is clean. I wiped most of my addons out and its so much easier to track stuff myself. Addon make it so bloated imo.

Then we will see huge skill cap drop because without addons pre using cds and counting time between enemies cds are much harder and skillfull
I bet 90% players above 2.4 will delay using their deff cds without AVENGING WRATH text with alarm sound in the middle of the screen. Or not using cds at all when trueshot is pop
More people will struggle to hit 2.1 or their rating before

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What blizzard should do is put most used addons into the game.
Just like they did with quest helper in wrath pre patch.
Right now for arena you need gladius and omnicCC. If Blizz bake them in that would be cool.
Same with other most used such as skada and deadly boss mod.
Just bake them in the game. Its not so hard.

I think it is pretty clear that they will not invest developer resources into features, that addons cover better. Especially since they are only needed by a tiny fraction of the population. Almost no one uses default arena frames for example.

What they could do however, is guide people to the most necessary addons. There could be ingame references to the skillcapped package for example, or a list of suggested addons. This is 1% of the work for 99% of the result.

Idk if i’m allowed to say the name of the private server ascen WoW, when you open their “battle net” there is a section leading to all addons they use and you can download them. Its super easy and faster than going curse forget or some other places.
Idk why multi millions company such as blizzard don’t do that when small private server is doing it.

I am not sure if that’s the right way to say it. Bad players will just be even worse, while good players will stay good. So who exactly is benefiting from that? The majority of players who complains about addons is bad, so these people will get even worse.

So instead of 90-95% it will be like 99% not being able ot hit 2,1k? What’s the point then? People want even worse gaming experience while sitting on even lower ratings? I kinda don’t get it.

I’d say people who play without weakauras will stay good
E.g., I play with only rapid fire weakaura (because it’s impossible to track it normally, too much random cd reductions without notifications) and dont track much stuff with omni cd
Got in shuffle 1-2 month before s4 end: 2.8 as mm (was top 10), 2.7 as surv (was top 10) and 2.7 as bm (was top 3)
What would happen for me if blizzard forbid omnicd and weakauras? Nothing, Idc

Looking to animations and react on these = skill. React to sound alarm and red huge text in the mid of the screen like monkey from lab, can’t say that it’s skillfull. Also I dont understand how’s that fun to play around weakauras and don’t play around ur brain

I would say then we shouldn’t listen to people who unable to play without gladiatorlossa and weakaura nasa setup. Git gud

Also I think best solution to pvp rn is disable combat log in pvp. Good start, ez fix. Addons wouldn’t track enemies cds, WA’s would work partially. Ofc allow to track only kicks for casters

But that’s the thing. Over 90% of people can’t even react to weakauras (or still don’t have them?) or why would you say the majority can’t hit 2,1k?

I don’t know. I don’t have weakauras blinking around or yelling at me when something was pop’d. I also don’t know how many people are using it.
What I do know is that the majority already struggles, even tho we have these options given and it will make the life of everyone harder once the options are removed. Especially for healers in solo shuffle.

That’s the funniest :rofl:
If you are talking about hitting 2.1 in shuffle, majority struggles because blizzard are afraid to do s1 df inflation again. Dunno why did they listen to glad players if they had never listened before
But ofc same glad players linking their 2.7k shadowlands s2 xp which is actually equals to duelist other seasons after

Actually this data is from SL. I am not sure how it is now but surely not better.

What’s the point of rating if it’s given out free anyway? So what’s the plan? Remove addons and give everyone 2k+ rating for 3 wins or something?

Personally idc about what inflation because I still will play around same ranks
But inflation would give more diversity between lowrated players
I played a lot shuffle in s4 (I think around 1k round combined all hunter specs)
Between constant facing awc mr1 players and people who just play after work for some hours is 150-200 cr.
So, 2400-2600 chill games. 2600+ only mr1s awc alts, not fun sometimes to play vs people who literally eat, sleep and live in this game
It’s better be 2400-3400 - normal people
3400-3600 - complete tryhards for no reason

If you remove addons and inflate arena, you would end up with the same tryhards who you want to avoid. If you found DF (outside S1) bad, you will have even worse time.
DF already suffered lack of players due to lack of incentives and healers. It will be even worse if you remove addons. Ask any healer main if it’s fun to heal low rated players in solo shuffle who randomly pop their stuff and dr everything and that’s with addons. Now picture it without.
Removing addons and inflating the rating is basically the worst case scenario. And then we get blitz bg on top… you basically would kill solo shuffle and ruin normal arena for the majority of players. Idk why this should be a goal, when it’s clear that good players will barely get affected anyway.