Addons in Arena

It’s probably less players in pvp because of huge amount of addons and passive random dmg spikes. So much stuff to track even compared to shadowlands
It’s needed to be less deff cds, less burst cds, st dmg only and for aoe you have to press separate abilities
But this would never happen, blizzard in 20 years didn’t disable pve talent trees in pvp and making another tree for pvp

It’s not more than in Shadowlands and we have much less players playing.

If you remove addons, you prolly have to dump some skills, yes. But that’s the thing, DF is not more bloated than SL was and we had much more chores to do in SL.
Whole difference between DF and SL is basically that we got Solo Shuffle (which people asked for) and easy gearing.

I play with a WA if I use ray of hope to see how the balance on it swings because you can’t actually see it anywhere, it only says they’re gonna get healed or take damage - you don’t know for how much.

Then a WA for guardian spirit procs, because you don’t know if it has procced or not until you have a 3 min cd on it instead of 1 min cd if playing without a WA to track that.

Don’t use anything other than that in terms of WAs for PvP. I have some dungeon teleport WAs and stuff but nothing more for PvP.

And then I have elvui, omnicd to see my teammates CDs & details in addition to that.