Layering is a testament to Blizzards failure if they re-implement it.
Instead of taking each real issue and dealing with it by it’s own merits they simply want to put more people on each realm but split them up into different layers.
This does not fix bots.
This does not fix lag.
This does not fix spawnrates on Black Lotus, Plaguebloom and other non-instances materials.
This does not fix server balance.
Layering is a lazy, game breaking design flaw that is once again being trust upon us.
Possible solutions that will prove effective:
Add dynamic respawn on resources in world (lots of topics on this already) and increase the number of nodes. This will allow for servers with higher populations to behave the same as small servers in terms of resource per player.
Have some hands on people manually banning bots (i can at any point type in “Stratholme” and see who the bots are). It’s insanely easy to spot the majority of them. Ban bots for 6 months or permaban. No short duration bans.
Only allow free transfers from heavily populated realms faction specific. Show the number of people who are able to transfer and only allow them to be faction specific. Merge “dead” realms with other “dead” realms but only if the faction allows it, eg; A30/H70 could get merged with an A70/H30.
Lag is more complex to deal with. The approach is not the same as pservers (which I wish it was) and tbh, i think it’s too late to try that sort of approach atm anyway. Currently the method pservers like Elysium, Northdale used are just vasly superior for the player experience. I do not have a direct solution for this, however if the other issues are addressed accordingly, then this will also make lag a little more forgivable at the very least… even if its not ever going to be acceptable.
Layering, is NOT the answer. It is absolutely game breaking. So many of my interactions are going to be destroyed if this is implemented (and apparently it already has been on my server, Golemagg). I feel like Blizzard is trying really hard to destroy their game guys…
Edit: this is going to cause massive problems with buffing on my realm.